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Cambrian Heights Community Association 2016 Annual General Meeting 1 April 28, 2016
Agenda Approval of Agenda & Prior Minutes Presidents Report 2015 -16 Treasurer Reports: ◦ Audited Financials YE March 31, 2015 ◦ Audited Financials YE March 31, 2016 ◦ Appointment of Auditor Special Resolution Election of Officers & Directors for 2016 -17 Presidents Outlook 2016 -17 Other Business Invited Guests (Craig Coolahan, Druh Farrell) Reception 2
Highlights Continued to Maintain Strong Financial Position Held Casino Through AGLC in January 2016 Continued Social Programs - Halloween Party, Stampede Breakfast, Open House, Polar Party, Weekly Yoga Additional Social Programs - Community Cleanup, Wine Tasting, plus upcoming Family Pub Night (May 7) Upgrade of Website Content & On-Line Membership Sales Increased Expertise & Procedures for Planning Committee 3
Year Ended March 31, 2015 Sources of Income: $133, 500 Memberships Hall Rentals Casino Other 3% 34% 58% 5% 4
Year Ended March 31, 2015 Expenditures: ◦ Capital ◦ Expenses Cash (unrestricted): Cash (restricted) $46, 200 $97, 300 $169, 400 $45, 900 5
Year Ended March 31, 2016 Sources of Revenue: $104, 800 Memberships Hall Rentals Casino Other 4% 43% 40% 13% 6
Year Ended March 31, 2016 ◦ ◦ Expenditures: $ 6, 600 Capital Expenses Cash (unrestricted) $ 90, 700 $183, 200 $ 3, 500 Cash Casino Proceeds* $ 72, 000 (restricted) *(estimated for January, 2016 Casino) 7
Revenue-Year Ended March 31, 2016 Category Budget Actual Difference Hall Rental $43, 000 $45, 200 $2, 200 Membership Sales $4, 500 $4, 200 ($300) Interest $500 $650 $150 Program Fees $5, 000 $7, 400 $2, 400 Casino Income $65, 000 $42, 400* ($22, 600) Grants & Rebates $0 $4, 900 Total Revenues $118, 000 $104, 800 ($13, 200) *2016 estimated Casino proceeds - $72, 000 8
Expenses - Year Ended March 31, 2016 Category Budget Actual Salaries & Benefits $24, 000 $22, 700 ($1, 300) Utilities & Grounds $24, 500 $16, 200 ($8, 300) Maintenance & Cleaning $30, 000 $25, 200 ($4, 800) Events & Programs $12, 000 $9, 300 ($2, 700) Accounting & Legal $5, 000 $4, 500 ($500) Office, Rink, Ins. , Misc. $10, 000 $10, 800 $800 Advertisement $2, 500 $2, 000 ($500) Total $108, 000 $90, 700 ($17, 300) 9 Difference
Special Resolution ◦ Changing our “Fiscal Year” to correspond with calendar year ending December 31, 2016 (this will result in nine month financials for April 1 - December 31, 2016). 2017 will reflect one full year with new fiscal year end. ◦ In regards to “Proper Notice” we will include community website publication and email in addition to regular mail and newsletter publication. 1 0
Election of Officers & Directors Daryl Connolly, President Jo. Anne Dorval-Dronyk, Treasurer Gary Davies, Secretary Daryl Beatty, Director Jodi Dixon, Director Sonya Hnatiw, Director Jennifer Manns, Director Susan Mc. Gregor, Director Barb Milne, Director Dan Vallee, Director Gary Wilson, Director
Objectives 2016 -17 Continued Focus on Financial Sustainability Continue to Expand Appeal of Community Membership ◦ Expand Community Engagement & Communication ◦ New Social & Educational Programs, Encourage Block Parties Website, Newsletter, Social Media, Town Halls, Volunteerism, Business Partnerships, Board Succession Continue to Engage with City on Planning & Development Issues Increase the Use of Community Parks Celebrate 60 Years of Community (Sept. 17) 1 2
Current Issues Affecting CHC M-2016 -004 (May 2, 2016 Before Council) Where secondary suites are currently allowed - reduce lot width to 7. 5 -9. 0 meters, increase size of suite up to 100 m 2 Continued pressure for secondary suites in RC-1 neighbourhoods Pedestrian Strategy City wide various pedestrian safety initiatives including reducing speed limits to 40 k/hr. (public consultation) Green Line LRT (Centre Street) Impacts on traffic & public transport during & after construction Movement of CHC from Ward 7 into Ward 4 (Sept 2017) 13
Volunteerism Target Volunteerism: ◦ Existing Social Events (Planning, Participation, Clean-up) - Pick One Event ◦ Follow Your Interests - New Educational or Social Programs - Initiate & Organize with Neighbours and Help from Board ◦ Planning & Development Issues - Participate in Formulating Policies for Your Community (recent add of two new members) ◦ Target Expertise - Finance, Budgeting, Communication, Event Planning, Social Media, Computer Programming Skills, Gardening, Physical Fitness, etc. ◦ Board of Directors: Pick a Portfolio of Interest - Develop Expertise by Working with Existing Directors - Succession Planning 1 4
Schedule of Planned Events ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Family Pub Night……………. May 7 Community Yard Sale & Cleanup……June 11 -12 Stampede Breakfast…………July 16 60 th Anniversary Picnic………………. September 17 Halloween Party……………October 29 Open House with Wine Tasting………November 17 Polar Party…………………January 28/17 Wine Tasting Event……………March 10/17 15
Increase Your Community Awareness Attend Board Meeting(s) & Open Houses Read Monthly Newsletter Register for Email Notifications & Check Expanding Website (www. cambrianheightscommunity. com) Email/Phone Board Members Purchase a Community Membership Participate in Programs & Events Talk to Your Neighbours - Host a Block Party 1 6