Скачать презентацию Calogi Customer Satisfaction Survey June 2010 Outline Скачать презентацию Calogi Customer Satisfaction Survey June 2010 Outline


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Calogi Customer Satisfaction Survey June 2010 Calogi Customer Satisfaction Survey June 2010

Outline Ø Background & Objectives Ø Methodology Sample & Analysis Ø Results Ø Freight Outline Ø Background & Objectives Ø Methodology Sample & Analysis Ø Results Ø Freight Forwards Ø GSA / Airlines Ø Appendix 2

Background & Objectives Background § The aim of this study is to measure the Background & Objectives Background § The aim of this study is to measure the effectiveness of the current features of Calogi Objectives § Understand barriers in using Calogi § Establish as to whether the operationa and commercial benefits have been achieved § Understand satisfaction levels amongst Calogi users relating to the following Calogi products: § c-epro – agents are able to carry out their day to day business transactions using Calogi. The export agent is able to manage jobs, respond to rate requests, make rate requests to airlines and execute air waybills, amongst other functions. Along with the export processes the agents can also book/purchase third party logistics services and interact with airlines and other service providers using Calogi. § c-ipro - allows the user to identify the status of import shipments, create jobs, send consignee notifications, print delivery orders and also track the history of the job. § c-Trade – the credit pool product enables the collection and settlement of payments for Calogi community subscribers. § c-Power – Calogi offers an array of service to airline’s and GSA’s online sales operations including export sales, forwarder’s rate enquiries and bookings, global online access and visibility. 3

Methodology, Sample & Analysis Methodology § An e-mail invitation with a link to the Methodology, Sample & Analysis Methodology § An e-mail invitation with a link to the online surveys was sent to the four groups of customers; Freight Forwarder Managers, Freight Forwarder End users, GSA/Airline Managers, and GSA/Airline End users § Fieldwork dates: March 9 th – May 6 th, 2010 Sample & Analysis § The number of responses achieved were as follows: FF - Managers: 25 responses, FF - End users: 73 responses GSA/Airline - Managers: 4 responses, GSA/Airline - End users: 4 responses § This report has two sections; Freight Forwarders and GSA/Airlines, however due to the low number of responses from GSA/Airlines only a summary is produced § Attributes rating a score greater than 20% on ‘fair’ and ‘poor’ have been highlighted 4

Results Freight Forwarder Managers: 25 responses End users: 73 responses GSA / Airline Managers: Results Freight Forwarder Managers: 25 responses End users: 73 responses GSA / Airline Managers: 4 responses End users: 4 responses 5

Shipments processed through Calogi Reasons for not processing all shipments via Calogi: § Carrier Shipments processed through Calogi Reasons for not processing all shipments via Calogi: § Carrier not registered with Calogi § Carrier does not accept booking via Calogi § Special rates per shipments § EK shipments can not be processed via Calogi Amongst respondents, three-quarters of exports and a little over two-thirds of imports are processed through Calogi 6

Keeping up-to-date with Calogi products More than half of the respondents keep up with Keeping up-to-date with Calogi products More than half of the respondents keep up with Calogi products through E-mail 7

Overall satisfaction Although both managers and end users are fairly satisfied with Calogi, some Overall satisfaction Although both managers and end users are fairly satisfied with Calogi, some end users are somewhat more dissatisfied Comments focussed on: Ø Enhancing speed (amongst both groups) Ø Shortening processes (amongst end users) 8

Comments: Overall performance Managers § There should be option for editing air waybills after Comments: Overall performance Managers § There should be option for editing air waybills after execution § Speed on web § Processing speed § Improve the speed and print all the data on the AWB End users § Exploit the Calogi to the max. Try to make a paperless environment in future § Better quality knowledge and fast settlement of complaints § Upgrade its speed § Link up with customs. We need to make trips to collect original documents for customs even though we can print DO on the basis of the pre alert § "The Calogi view is really good. Now is the time to aim for 100% e-freight penetration. We will support the same. a) Reduce delays in solving problems. b) Stop raising CCAs with out checking with account holder. c) Make sure promised benefits are given to the customer" § Small issues that have been highlighted must be solved § Make it a little faster and if possible reduce the process steps 9

Overall perception: Compared to other solutions Two-thirds of the managers and end users view Overall perception: Compared to other solutions Two-thirds of the managers and end users view Calogi as better compared to other similar IT solutions 10

Overall perception: Recommendation of Calogi A similar population would recommend using Calogi 11 Overall perception: Recommendation of Calogi A similar population would recommend using Calogi 11

Comments: Overall performance - end users Calogi compared to other IT solutions § Little Comments: Overall performance - end users Calogi compared to other IT solutions § Little better § EK e-freight system. it is user friendly § Most of track and trace website such as FEDEX, DHL, UPS & Maersk and OOCL they provide real time and most current status. On Calogi track and trace it will link only to the carrier. Most carrier takes time to update the shipment status § In General very good. Would you recommend Calogi? § Look to enhance the speed of the system. § Allow AWB amendment after execution 12

Financial/commercial benefits – managers Managers ‘Strongly agree’ or at least ‘Agree’ that Calogi has Financial/commercial benefits – managers Managers ‘Strongly agree’ or at least ‘Agree’ that Calogi has achieved its financial/commercial benefits, although they disagree that Calogi enhanced the promptness of rectifying over payments 13

Operational benefits – end users End users ‘Strongly agree’ or at least ‘Agree’ that Operational benefits – end users End users ‘Strongly agree’ or at least ‘Agree’ that Calogi has achieved its operational benefits 14

Visits to the web site per month - managers ‘Track & Trace’ followed by Visits to the web site per month - managers ‘Track & Trace’ followed by ‘Useful Links’ & ‘Utilities’ are the most visited links amongst managers while ‘Travel’, ‘Industry statistics’, ‘Media centre’ & ‘Quick tour’ are least visited 15

Visits to the web site per month – end users Amongst end users ‘Track Visits to the web site per month – end users Amongst end users ‘Track & Trace’ is the most visited link, whilst ‘Travel’, ‘Media centre’, ‘Quick tour’ and ‘Industry stats’ are least visited 16

What other features would you like to see? § Enhance the updates in Track What other features would you like to see? § Enhance the updates in Track & Trace § Provide a list of Airline contact details § Provide a list of Airline codes and city codes § Information on Flight Status 17

Performance of Calogi Home Page Most aspects of the Home Page are rated fairly Performance of Calogi Home Page Most aspects of the Home Page are rated fairly well. However, the speed of loading the Home Page appears to be an issue. 18

Perception of c-e. Pro Ø ‘General rate enquiry, ’ ‘Air Waybill execution, ’ & Perception of c-e. Pro Ø ‘General rate enquiry, ’ ‘Air Waybill execution, ’ & ‘Export Job Management’ achieve the highest scores on ‘Excellent’ & ‘Very good’ Ø Largely end users are more critical Ø Dock requests are not used by half of the respondents in both groups

Performance of Calogi on c-e. Pro Most aspects of c-e. Pro are rated fairly Performance of Calogi on c-e. Pro Most aspects of c-e. Pro are rated fairly well. However, as with the Home Page, the speed of loading c-e. Pro appears to be the main issue 20

Perception of c-i. Pro is rated fairly well amongst its users, however, the ‘Dock Perception of c-i. Pro is rated fairly well amongst its users, however, the ‘Dock request’ feature is not used by almost half 21

Performance of Calogi on c-i. Pro Although, c-i. Pro scores fairly well on ‘Excellent’ Performance of Calogi on c-i. Pro Although, c-i. Pro scores fairly well on ‘Excellent’ & ‘Very good’ it is rated lower than the other Calogi products. ‘Design & layout’ amongst managers, ‘Ease of use’ & ‘speed of loading’ amongst both end users and managers attract high dissatisfaction scores. 22

Perception of c-Trade achieves higher scores amongst managers than amongst end users. About one-fifth Perception of c-Trade achieves higher scores amongst managers than amongst end users. About one-fifth of end users are dissatisfied with the ‘Allocation of payments to shipments’ and ‘Viewing Debt / Credit Notes’ 23

Performance of Calogi on c-Trade Most c-Trade attributes score fairly well on ‘Excellent’ & Performance of Calogi on c-Trade Most c-Trade attributes score fairly well on ‘Excellent’ & ‘Very good’. However, similar to the other Calogi products, the ‘speed of loading’ appears to be an issue 24

Calogi’s support desk – end users How frequently do you get… Most support desk Calogi’s support desk – end users How frequently do you get… Most support desk attributes rate well except for the complaint handling process & response time which show high levels of dissatisfaction Only around two-fifths never or seldom get through and then get put on hold or get a busy line 25

Perception of c-Power § Managers perceive most attributes under c-Power as ‘Good’ except for Perception of c-Power § Managers perceive most attributes under c-Power as ‘Good’ except for ‘Adhoc Airway Bill Release’ which was rated as ‘Fair’ by two of respondents. Also, the performance of c-Power is rated as ‘Good’ § End users rate most of the attributes under c-Power as ‘Good’ or ‘Very good, ’ however, the majority do not use the following features of c-Power: ‘Receipt of automated Bookings, ’ ‘Update Schedules, ’ ‘Calogi to airline system message exchange’. However, the performance of c-Power is rated as ‘Good’ by half and as ‘Fair’ by the other two 26

Perception of c-Power § Comments on c-Power § Virgin Airlines only updates the AWB Perception of c-Power § Comments on c-Power § Virgin Airlines only updates the AWB stock for the customers and we do not publish or provide ADHOC rates to customers on Calogi as customers needs to execute the shpt as per IATA rates (Manager – Virgin Atlantic) § Lack of professionalism of Calogi team (Manager) § Contract rates - AFKL System ad-hoc awb & message exchange - system response is slow (Manager) § "1. Stock control – Need to be simplified. We are not able to track the balance unused stock with customers. 2. Contract Rate – We don’t have them on CALOGI 3. AD-HOC rate – Unable to lock the rate with an AWB number. 4. Booking Automated – Not started as yet. “ (End users) § Duplication of jobs being done for most of us!! (End users) § It should be simple applications and on one page to work on (End users) 27

Summary § Three quarters of shipments are processed through Calogi and both managers and Summary § Three quarters of shipments are processed through Calogi and both managers and end users are fairly satisfied with Calogi § Managers agree that Calogi has achieved its financial benefits and end users agree that Calogi has achieved its operational benefits § The Home Page is perceived fairly well, however, the speed of loading appears to be the main issue § Calogi products are also rated fairly well. However, just like the Home Page, the speed of loading appears to be a problem generally 28

For more information please call +971 4 211 1333 Email : helpdesk@calogi. com 29 For more information please call +971 4 211 1333 Email : helpdesk@calogi. com 29