Скачать презентацию California s Workers Compensation-Completing the Reform DWC 13 th Скачать презентацию California s Workers Compensation-Completing the Reform DWC 13 th


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California’s Workers’ Compensation-Completing the Reform DWC 13 th Annual Educational Conference: L. A. March California’s Workers’ Compensation-Completing the Reform DWC 13 th Annual Educational Conference: L. A. March 1 & 2, Oakland March 6 & 7, 2006

Aggregate Rate Change Data for the CA Workers’ Compensation Industry (Cumulative Post Reform Rate Aggregate Rate Change Data for the CA Workers’ Compensation Industry (Cumulative Post Reform Rate Changes as of 1/1/06) • CDI Commissioner Approved cumulative Pure Premium Rate Reductions -46. 24% • State Compensation Insurance Fund cumulative Filed Rate Reductions -38. 03% • CA Workers’ Comp. Industry cumulative Filed Rate Reductions -37. 70% • CA Workers’ Comp. Industry Actual Net Rate Reductions reported by WCIRB as of 9/30/05 -31. 57%

Filed Rate Changes for Top 10 Groups for 1/1/06 Renewals (Cumulative Post Reform Rate Filed Rate Changes for Top 10 Groups for 1/1/06 Renewals (Cumulative Post Reform Rate Filings as of 1/1/06) COMPANY/GROUP • • • MARKET SHARE State Fund AIG Group Farmers/Zurich Zenith St. Paul/Travelers Everest National Grt. Am/Republic Virginia Surety Liberty Mutual Clarendon 51% 6. 8% 5% 4. 6% 3. 7% 3% 2. 1% 2% 1. 9% 1. 8% CUMULATIVE RATE CHANGE -38. 03% -32. 83% -43. 51% -32. 32% -41. 08% -36. 36% -50. 14% -29. 80% -43. 17% -36. 46%

Newly Authorized Workers’ Compensation Insurers since AB 227, SB 228, SB 899 Determined by Newly Authorized Workers’ Compensation Insurers since AB 227, SB 228, SB 899 Determined by initial Rate Filing or Certificate of Authority Applications, as of 2/27/06 ) COMPANY / GROUP NAME • • • • DATE OF ADMISSION 1. Norguard Group 2. Employers Reinsurance Corp. 3. National Liability & Fire Insurance Co 4. Compwest Insurance Company 5. Farmers Reinsurance Company 6. California Insurance Company 7. Berkley Regional Insurance Company 8. TNUS Insurance Company 9. Partner Reinsurance Company 10. SUA Insurance Company 11. Western United Insurance Company 12. Insurance Corporation of Hannover 13. Midwest Employers Casualty Company 14. Endurance Reinsurance Corp. of America 15. Great Divide Insurance Company 2/2/04 7/28/04 9/24/04 10/4/04 11/16/04 12/23/04 1/13/05 1/14/05 2/15/05 5/9/05 7/29/05 8/30/05 12/30/05 1/6/06 2/16/06

Pending Applications for New Workers’ Compensation Insurers since passage of AB 227, SB 228, Pending Applications for New Workers’ Compensation Insurers since passage of AB 227, SB 228, SB 899 Determined by initial Rate Filing or Certificate of Authority Applications, as of 2/27/06 ) COMPANY NAME DATE OF APPLICATION • 1. Cornerstone Compensation Insurance Company • 2. Advantage Workers’ Compensation Insurance Company 3/9/05 • 3. Lincoln General Insurance Company 6/13/05 • 4. Financial Pacific Insurance Company 10/20/05 • 5. Nova Casualty Company 2/24/06 • 6. Memic Indemnity Company 2/27/06 3/2/05

Average Rate Per $100 of Payroll Source: WCIRB & CDI Filings California Dept. of Average Rate Per $100 of Payroll Source: WCIRB & CDI Filings California Dept. of Insurance As of 1/1/06

California Workers’ Comp. Direct Written Premium Source: WCIRB Calendar Year California Dept of Insurance California Workers’ Comp. Direct Written Premium Source: WCIRB Calendar Year California Dept of Insurance As of 9/30/05

California Workers’ Comp. Estimated Ultimate Losses Source: NAIC Accident Year California Dept. of Insurance California Workers’ Comp. Estimated Ultimate Losses Source: NAIC Accident Year California Dept. of Insurance As of 12/31/03

California Workers’ Compensation Loss Ratios Source: WCIRB California Dept. of Insurance As of 9/30/05 California Workers’ Compensation Loss Ratios Source: WCIRB California Dept. of Insurance As of 9/30/05

California Workers’ Comp. Average Loss Severity Source: WCIRB Estimated Ultimate Loss Per Claim Includes California Workers’ Comp. Average Loss Severity Source: WCIRB Estimated Ultimate Loss Per Claim Includes impact of AB 227, SB 228, SB 899. California Dept. of Insurance

California Workers’ Compensation Claim Frequency California Dept. of Insurance Source: WCIRB California Workers’ Compensation Claim Frequency California Dept. of Insurance Source: WCIRB

California Seasonally Adjusted Civilian Employment Source: Employment Development Dept. California Department of Insurance As California Seasonally Adjusted Civilian Employment Source: Employment Development Dept. California Department of Insurance As Of 1/24/06

California Workers’ Compensation Accident Year Combined Ratio under Open-Rating 1995 -2004 Source: WCIRB California California Workers’ Compensation Accident Year Combined Ratio under Open-Rating 1995 -2004 Source: WCIRB California Department of Insurance As of 12/31/03

Comparison Shop on the internet • Comparison Shop on the internet – www. insurance. Comparison Shop on the internet • Comparison Shop on the internet – www. insurance. ca. gov - Click on “Consumers”, “Compare Premiums”, “Information on the CA workers compensation rate comparison”, & click on the range of class codes that contains your governing class code. For example if your class code is 8810, click on codes 8001 -9000, then click on the blue “Class Code Search” link. In the search PDF field, type in 8810 and click on the “search” button. Once the search is complete, click on the “Hide” button to enlarge the rate pages. Click on the Back button and go back to the Cal WC Rate Comparison main page, and click on “Check your insurance company’s profile” link to obtain the phone number of the company. Ask the company for a quote, or for an authorized broker that may provide a quote. If the quote is too high, select another company from the list. Check company licenses and broker licenses. Check financial stability ratings. – Many companies have their own websites and can provide on-line quotes.