Скачать презентацию California Interscholastic Federation presents STEROIDS AND SUPPLEMENTS Скачать презентацию California Interscholastic Federation presents STEROIDS AND SUPPLEMENTS


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California Interscholastic Federation presents STEROIDS AND SUPPLEMENTS – WHAT WE ALL NEED TO KNOW California Interscholastic Federation presents STEROIDS AND SUPPLEMENTS – WHAT WE ALL NEED TO KNOW What You Don’t Know Can Kill! Update August 2005

Monitoring the Future U. S. Department of Health Anabolic Steroid Use by Students 2003 Monitoring the Future U. S. Department of Health Anabolic Steroid Use by Students 2003 National Survey Statistics Ever Used 8 th 2. 5% Calif. Students Estimate Used past year 1. 4% Calif. Students Estimate Used past month 0. 7% Calif. Students Estimate 10 th 3. 0% 12 th 3. 5% 15, 000 14, 182 1. 7% 2. 1% 8, 505 8, 509 0. 8% 1. 3% 4, 002 5, 267

Monitoring the Future CIF Actual Participation in 2004 -2005 Male Participants 386, 686 Female Monitoring the Future CIF Actual Participation in 2004 -2005 Male Participants 386, 686 Female Participants 278, 284 678, 970 Estimated number of CIF athletes using Steroids based upon national average of: 3. 5% use 23, 784

2004 Student Survey California High School Students in March 2004, completed by @issue Consulting 2004 Student Survey California High School Students in March 2004, completed by @issue Consulting Group Have you ever taken performance enhancing drugs/supplements? Yes – 11% boys Yes – 5% girls CIF Athletes 42, 032 13, 711 Do you know of someone else who takes performance-enhancing drugs/supplements? Yes – 52% boys 33% girls

2004 Student Survey of California High School Students in March 2004, completed by @issue 2004 Student Survey of California High School Students in March 2004, completed by @issue Consulting Group Do you, or anyone you know take anabolic steroids? Yes – 13% boys 10% girls Are you personally aware of coaches or other sports related staff promoting the use of these substances? Yes – 18% boys 7% girls 68, 780 19, 196

Ken Caminiti Died at age 41 Admitted to using steroids during his MVP season. Ken Caminiti Died at age 41 Admitted to using steroids during his MVP season. Kelli White Stripped of 2002 World Championships Gold Medals – use of steroids Jason Giambi admits to the use of steroids


INJECTABLE ANABOLIC STEROIDS Risks include HIV Hepatitis B, C Infections Impurities INJECTABLE ANABOLIC STEROIDS Risks include HIV Hepatitis B, C Infections Impurities

Where Do You Usually Get Your Anabolic Steroids? l l l Friend/Family 20% Other Where Do You Usually Get Your Anabolic Steroids? l l l Friend/Family 20% Other Physician 16% Retail Store 16% Website/Mail Order 14% Coach 9% l l l Teammate/Other Athlete 7% Team Physician 5% Athletic Trainer 4% Pro Scout/Agent 3% Strength Coach 2% 2001 NCAA Study of Substance Use Habits of 21, 225 College Student-athletes.

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Symptoms/Warnings of Steroid Use l l l MALE Rapid muscle growth l Acne & Symptoms/Warnings of Steroid Use l l l MALE Rapid muscle growth l Acne & cysts– chest, l back l Shrinking of the testicles Breast development l Oily scalp l Rage, anger, hostility l and depression FEMALE Rapid muscle growth Acne & cysts Excessive growth of body hair Male pattern baldness Oily scalp Rage, anger, hostility and depression

Symptoms/Warnings of Steroid Use Symptoms/Warnings of Steroid Use

Adverse effects of Anabolic Steroids l Cardiovascular- lowered HDL, atherosclerosis, hypertension Adverse effects of Anabolic Steroids l Cardiovascular- lowered HDL, atherosclerosis, hypertension

Recent Pro Wrestling Deaths associated with Steroids or h. GH (human growth hormone) Davey Recent Pro Wrestling Deaths associated with Steroids or h. GH (human growth hormone) Davey Boy Smith, 39 Curt Henning, 44 Louie “Spiccoli” Mucciolo, 27 Richard “Ravishing Rick Rude” Rood, 40 “Flyin’” Brian Pillman, 35 Source, USA Today 3/12/04

Dietary Supplement Myths “It’s natural” so they must be safe l Supplements are not Dietary Supplement Myths “It’s natural” so they must be safe l Supplements are not drugs l Supplements are safer than pharmaceuticals l xxxx

Other “Natural” Products Nicotine l THC (active ingredient in marijuana) l Heroin l Cocaine Other “Natural” Products Nicotine l THC (active ingredient in marijuana) l Heroin l Cocaine l Digoxin l Many cancer chemotherapeutic drugs l

Popular “Sports” Nutritional Supplements l Ø Ø Ø DHEA Androstenedione Androstenediol 19 -Norandrostenedione 19 Popular “Sports” Nutritional Supplements l Ø Ø Ø DHEA Androstenedione Androstenediol 19 -Norandrostenedione 19 -Norandrostendiol 1 androstenediol (1 -AD) L-Carnitine l HMB l Gamma-Hydroxy. Butyrate l Pyruvate and DHA l Glycerol l Creatine l Chromium Picolinate Ø Ephedra l

Ephedra-free means Ephedra-replaced! Ephedra-free means Ephedra-replaced!

New supplement? The Ephedra Replacement Citrus Aurantium “Bitter Orange” Zhi Shi New supplement? The Ephedra Replacement Citrus Aurantium “Bitter Orange” Zhi Shi

New Supplement: Citrus Aurantium - “Bitter Orange” üIncreases metabolic rate üIncreases caloric expenditure üFat New Supplement: Citrus Aurantium - “Bitter Orange” üIncreases metabolic rate üIncreases caloric expenditure üFat burner üPromotes weight loss üIncreases energy level üMild Stimulant similar to ephedrine üWarning label eerily similar to ephedra

“If it takes 10 [pills] to kill you, I’ll take 9. ” -Tom Simpson, “If it takes 10 [pills] to kill you, I’ll take 9. ” -Tom Simpson, Tour de France Rider Died: 1967 of amphetamine overdose Recent Cycling Drug Deaths: Marco Patani, 34 Fabrice Salanson, 23 Jose-Maria Jimenez, 32

Example: Caffeine Recreational: 100 mg in morning cup of coffee Therapeutic: 100 mg in Example: Caffeine Recreational: 100 mg in morning cup of coffee Therapeutic: 100 mg in caffeine/ergotamine to treat migraine headaches Ergogenic: 1000 mg to increase mobilization and strength of contractions

Supplements Banned by NCAA, IOC l l l l l DHEA Androstenedione Androstenediol 19 Supplements Banned by NCAA, IOC l l l l l DHEA Androstenedione Androstenediol 19 - Norandrostenedione Nandrolone 19 -norandrostenediol metabolites Ma Huang Ephedrine Caffeine Levels > 12 -15 micrograms/m. L

Anabolic Steroid Precursors Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid Precursors Were Sold As Dietary Supplements President George Bush Anabolic Steroid Precursors Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid Precursors Were Sold As Dietary Supplements President George Bush signs the “Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2004” on Friday, October 22, 2004

Androstenedione Androstenedione

“Andro, which is banned in the NFL and other sports but not in baseball, “Andro, which is banned in the NFL and other sports but not in baseball, was used by Mc. Gwire during the 1998 season when he hit 70 home runs, breaking the singleseason record owned by Roger Maris. Andro sales quadrupled after his admission, with teenagers making up many of those consumers. ” Tom Farrey, Senators Want Over-the-Counter Andro Ban, ESPN, Oct 24, 2003 http: //espn. go. com/gen/news/2003/1024/1645745. html

Androstenedione vs. Dianabol (methandrostenolone) “Androstenedione is one of the strongest, most potent legal testosterone Androstenedione vs. Dianabol (methandrostenolone) “Androstenedione is one of the strongest, most potent legal testosterone boosters, capable of raising testosterone levels up to 600%. The results of Andro do not compare to Dianabol, but is much safer for teenagers. It is also half as cheap as Dianabol. ” -Teenbodybuilding. com

Where Do Student-Athletes Get Their Dietary Supplements? l l l Friend 14% Retail Store Where Do Student-Athletes Get Their Dietary Supplements? l l l Friend 14% Retail Store 13% Teammate/Other Athlete 12% Nutritionist/Dietician 12% Internet 11% l l l Parent 9% Strength Coach 8% Athletic Trainer 8% Coach 7% Other Physician 5% Team Physician 1% -2001 NCAA Study of Substance Use Habits of College Student-athletes of 21, 225 athletes.

Why Care about Athletes and Steroids and Supplements? • Long Term Health • Integrity Why Care about Athletes and Steroids and Supplements? • Long Term Health • Integrity of the Sport • Ethical Fair Play • Inaction Alternative?

Steve Bechler 1979 - 2003 Steve Bechler 1979 - 2003

Korey Stringer 1974 - 2001 Korey Stringer 1974 - 2001

Rashidi Wheeler 1979 -2001 Damien H. S. La Verne, CA. Rashidi Wheeler 1979 -2001 Damien H. S. La Verne, CA.

 Taylor Hooton June 10, 1985 – July 15, 2003 Taylor Hooton June 10, 1985 – July 15, 2003

Rob Garibaldi Casa Grande H. S. Petaluma, CA Sept. 15, 1978 – Oct. 1, Rob Garibaldi Casa Grande H. S. Petaluma, CA Sept. 15, 1978 – Oct. 1, 2002

Efrain Marrero October 16, 1984 - September 26, 2004 Vacaville, CA Efrain Marrero October 16, 1984 - September 26, 2004 Vacaville, CA