
ЕГЭ_Личное Письмо_Презентация 2014.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 17
СТРУКТУРА ПИСЬМА: • • • адрес; дата; неофициальное обращение; благодарность за полученное письмо; ссылка на предыдущие контакты; ответы на вопросы друга; 3 вопроса другу; надежда на последующие контакты; завершающая фраза; имя автора.
АДРЕС И ДАТА: Краткий адрес: Krasnoyarsk Russia 4. 06. 2014 Варианты написания даты: 4 June 2014 June 4 th, 2014 4/06/2014
КАК НАПИСАТЬ ПОЛНЫЙ АДРЕС? Flat 3 5 Babushkina Street St. Petersburg 192174 Russia 4. 06. 2014
НЕОФИЦИАЛЬНОЕ ОБРАЩЕНИЕ: Krasnoyarsk Russia 3. 06. 2014 Dear Tom, Thank you for your letter…. .
БЛАГОДАРНОСТЬ ЗА ПОЛУЧЕННОЕ ПИСЬМО И ССЫЛКА НА ПРЕДЫДУЩИЕ КОНТАКТЫ: • Thanks a lot for your letter. It was great to hear from you again! • Thank you for your letter. I’m sorry I haven’t written earlier but it’s been a busy time. • Thanks a lot for the letter. I’m sorry I haven’t written for ages but I’ve been very busy studying. • Thanks a lot for your letter and sorry for the delay in writing to you. I’ve been very busy studying. • Thanks for your letter. I’m glad your birthday party was a great success!
ОТВЕТЫ НА ВОПРОСЫ ДРУГА: • In your letter you ask(ed) me about…. (Noun/Ving) • First of all, let me tell you about … • As for my new school, … • I’m glad I can help you with your project on … • Anyway, I’ll try to answer your questions. You asked what a dacha is/how people in Russia celebrate New Year/what the weather in summer is like… • I guess I should start by telling you about…
ВОПРОСЫ ДРУГУ: • Now it’s my turn to ask you some questions. • Back to your letter, tell me about…. • Tell me more about…. • By the way, … • Anyway, what about…?
НАДЕЖДА НА ПОСЛЕДУЮЩИЕ КОНТАКТЫ: • I’d better go now before I ask even more questions. Say hello to everyone in your family. Take care and stay in touch! • Anyway, that’s all for the moment, but I promise I’ll write again soon. Give my love to your parents and keep in touch! • Well, I’d better go now as I have to do my homework. Please give my best to your family. Keep in touch and write back soon! • Now I’ve got to do my homework. Please, write soon. • Anyway, I’d better go and do my homework. Keep in touch!
ЗАВЕРШАЮЩАЯ ФРАЗА: I’d better go now before I ask even more questions. Say hello to everyone in your family. Take care and stay in touch! Love, Kate
ДЕЛЕНИЕ НА АБЗАЦЫ (1): учащийся использует «красную строку» , отступая от края страницы (полей) на несколько знаков в начале каждого абзаца; Krasnoyarsk Russia 24. 02. 2014 Dear Tom, Thanks a lot for the letter. Sorry I haven’t written for ages but I’ve been very busy studying. In your letter you asked me who my sister was getting married to. His name is Oleg and they’ve known each other since their childhood. As for the wedding itself, it’s going to be quite small. The reception is just for the close family. The venue for the big day is rather traditional – a café which is not far from our flat. There a lot of wedding traditions in our culture but my favourite is the one called “buying the bride”, which speaks for itself. Sorry to hear about your sister. How did she break her leg? Do you think she’ll be at home long? What about her studies at the university? It must be very boring for her to stay in. I’d better go now before I ask even more questions. Say hello to your sister. Take care and stay in touch! Love, Kate
ДЕЛЕНИЕ НА АБЗАЦЫ (2): учащийся пропускает между абзацами «лишнюю строку» , делает больший пробел между последней строкой предшествующего абзаца и первой строкой последующего абзаца; Krasnoyarsk Russia 24. 02. 2014 Dear Tom, Thanks a lot for the letter. Sorry I haven’t written for ages but I’ve been very busy studying. In your letter you asked me who my sister was getting married to. His name is Oleg and they’ve known each other since their childhood. As for the wedding itself, it’s going to be quite small. The reception is just for the close family. The venue for the big day is rather traditional – a café which is not far from our flat. There a lot of wedding traditions in our culture but my favourite is the one called “buying the bride”, which speaks for itself. Sorry to hear about your sister. How did she break her leg? Do you think she’ll be at home long? What about her studies at the university? It must be very boring for her to stay in. I’d better go now before I ask even more questions. Say hello to your sister. Take care and stay in touch! Love, Kate
ДЕЛЕНИЕ НА АБЗАЦЫ (3): учащийся одновременно и использует «красную строку» , и делает больший пробел между последней строкой предшествующего абзаца и первой строкой последующего абзаца. Krasnoyarsk Russia 24. 02. 2014 Dear Tom, Thanks a lot for the letter. Sorry I haven’t written for ages but I’ve been very busy studying. In your letter you asked me who my sister was getting married to. His name is Oleg and they’ve known each other since their childhood. As for the wedding itself, it’s going to be quite small. The reception is just for the close family. The venue for the big day is rather traditional – a café which is not far from our flat. There a lot of wedding traditions in our culture but my favourite is the one called “buying the bride”, which speaks for itself. Sorry to hear about your sister. How did she break her leg? Do you think she’ll be at home long? What about her studies at the university? It must be very boring for her to stay in. I’d better go now before I ask even more questions. Say hello to your sister. Take care and stay in touch! Love, Kate
КРИТЕРИИ ОЦЕНИВАНИЯ ЗАДАНИЯ C 1: • Решение коммуникативной задачи (2 балла); • Организация текста (2 балла); • Языковое оформление текста (2 балла). • Итого – 6 баллов. • Рекомендуемое время выполнения задания – 20 минут.
ПОРЯДОК ПОДСЧЕТА СЛОВ: • менее 90 слов – задание проверке не подлежит; • более 154 слов - проверке подлежит только та часть работы, которая соответствует требуемому объёму, т. е. при проверке задания C 1 отсчитываются от начала работы 140 слов и оценивается только эта часть работы; • при определении соответствия объёма представленной работы вышеуказанным требованиям считаются все слова, начиная с первого слова по последнее, включая вспомогательные глаголы, предлоги, артикли, частицы. В личном письме адрес, дата, подпись также подлежат подсчету.
ЗА ОДНО СЛОВО СЧИТАЮТСЯ: • стяжённые (краткие) формы can't, didn't, isn't, I'm и т. п. ; • числительные, выраженные цифрами, т. е. 1; 25; 2009, 126204 и т. п. ; • сложные слова, такие как good-looking, well-bred, Englishspeaking, twenty-five; • сокращения, например USA, e-mail, TV, CD-rom.
ТЕКСТУАЛЬНЫЕ СОВПАДЕНИЯ: • Если более 30% ответа имеет непродуктивный характер (т. е. текстуально совпадает с опубликованным источником), то выставляется 0 баллов по критерию «Решение коммуникативной задачи» , и, соответственно, всё задание оценивается в 0 баллов. • Текстуальным совпадением считается дословное совпадение отрезка письменной речи длиной 10 слов и более. • Выявленные текстуальные совпадения суммируются, и превышении ими 30% от общего числа слов в ответе, работа оценивается в 0 баллов.