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byod information
bring your own device (byod) 1. BYOD Network Information Sheet and Device 2. Access Device Settings 1. Follow instructions on your BYOD Network Information Sheet • On your device, find the option to add a Wi-Fi network. Usually this is located where you change your device’s settings. • Use the specific information on your sheet to connect (Network Name, Username, Password). • Leave all other settings set to their default values.
bring your own device (byod) • After your username and password are entered, your device will ask you to accept a certificate. Please do so, usually by selecting Accept or Install. • You are now able to access the Internet using your device while you are on the Spalding campus. Try opening your Internet browser and navigating to Spalding’s website, archbishopspalding. org, to verify it is working correctly. Your device should save your login information so you do not have to reenter it in the future.
Mission Satement what do if i forget my device? • Students may checkout a laptop from the LMC on an as needed basis. • There is a daily charge of $10 and the loaner laptop must be returned at the end of the day. (You will need to enter your username and password to access Wi-Fi from this device. )
what do if i need help accessing the student network? • If you are having difficulty accessing the student network from your device, technical support will be available next Tuesday and Wednesday during lunch periods. • You will be required to give a member of the I. T. department your device during lunch, in order for them to troubleshoot and verify your username/password information.
What happens if the battery dies during the school day? Will they be able to charge their device? • Students must come to school with their device fully charged. • Battery life depends on many factors, particularly how much the device is being used and for what purpose. • Allowing students to charge their devices is ultimately up to the teacher, we encourage students to use their devices judiciously. Playing games, watching movies, and unnecessary multi-tasking will run down the battery life significantly.
keeping your device safe • You are responsible for keeping your device safe and secure: before, during, and afterschool (including while participating in afterschool activities). • Be sure your name is on the device. Keep a record of the serial number and model at home. • It is recommended that you use some means to physically identify your device from others. • If possible, set a password on the device and do not share that password with others.
Where do i keep my device during my athletic practice/game or club meeting? • Before you go to practice/game or club meeting, please lock your device/books in your school locker in the Academic wing. • You will be able to get your belongings after practice/game or club meeting.
cell phone policy Cell Phones: • May NOT be used in the school building before, during or after school (7: 30 am – 3: 00 pm) • Must be Turned OFF • Consequences include: detention, phone confiscation, parents called, Suspension
social media policy • Pause before you Post……. Student misuse of social media violates ASHS Student Regulations, specifically when it negatively impacts the school learning environment. • Student misuse of Social Media whether on or off school grounds will result in disciplinary consequences.
public conduct policy • Your actions reflect upon your REPUTATION and the REPUTATION of the school. • You must refrain from any actions that will damage your name or the reputation of the school. • In the School’s opinion, if the action is damaging to the school then disciplinary action will occur.