By Richard
How to play: Choose a team: or. Choose a word and give the opposite word. If you are right you get 20 points , if you are wrong the other team get the points. If you can join left-right or topbottom you win 100 points! (be careful…. some words have more than 1 opposite word, so you might need to be lucky!) big small
good bad sad happy slow fast new old winner loser South North Put Take off on Spring Fall thick thin last first wrong right find lose beautiful ugly student teacher sell buy white black cool warm men women short tall future past poor rich true false Summer Winter turn off exciting boring
strong weak soft hard brother sister uncle aunt full hungry end finish stop go every nobody blunt sharp cold thin tomorrow yesterday thin fat laugh cry high low Infront behind of ask answer catch throw quiet loud heavy light outside inside west east close open stand sit expensive cheap sweet bitter
never always difficult easy the The worst best boy girl straight curly son daughter there wife husband down fix teach learn not yet already clean dirty break night day far near early late up The day after before tomorrow yesterday wet dry evening morning take give remember forget more less Go come away here gentlemen ladies hate love