by Mundshtukova D. gr. 438
QUALITIES OF A FIRST AIDER: Calm Confident Willing to offer assistance whenever necessary Patience
AIMS OF A FIRST AIDER 3 P Ø Preserve live Ø Prevent injuries/conditions from worsening Ø Promote recovery
ANIMAL BITES Give the wound prompt attention Clean it well. Get medical attention if necessary.
BURNS Cool burns under water Remove jewellery Cover burns with sterile non-stick dressing treat for shock
CHOKING Stand behind the person, wrap your arms around Quickly pull inward and upward Repeat until the object is dislodged.
pull inward and upward CHOKING FIRST AID back blows
BEE, WASP, INSECT STINGS Remove the Stinger Control Swelling Treat Symptoms
WOUNDS Apply pressure with a clean cloth to stop bleeding Clean the wound with water Use an antibiotic ointment to prevent infection Bandage the wound if it's in an area that might get dirty Watch for swelling and redness
ELECTRICAL SHOCK Look first. Don't touch Turn off the source of electricity, if possible Check for signs of circulation (breathing, coughing or movement) Prevent shock
FROSTBITE Protect your skin from further exposure Get out of the cold. Gradually warm frostbitten areas Do not freeze affected areas again
HUMAN BITES Stop the bleeding Wash the wound Apply an antibiotic cream Apply a clean bandage Seek emergency medical care
NOSEBLEEDS Sit upright and lean forward Pinch your nose
FOOD-BORNE ILLNESS Monitor and maintain the person’s airway and breathing Drink more fluids Warm compress for abdominal cramping Don’t take any chemicals