- Количество слайдов: 10
By Ezequiel
Overview The origin of Christianity is unknown in Rome the apostil Paul was beheaded for presenting his case but his action brought up that revolution upon the Christianity to be the main religion in the year 380 b. c the Flavius Theodosius. Forty years after the death of the Roman emperor, Augustus Caesar, the new emperor Nero came to the throne at the age of sixteen. He was a wildly extravagant leader, taxing the people heavily to support his plans.
Part two Nero was the guy who massacred a lot of Christians and was the most unreliable emperor; he was a pathetic guy blaming the Christians for crimes they didn’t commit he probably hated the Christians.
Some Christians would fight off the lions
Cause it was hungry. But not this guy But most of them died Why did the lion bite the Christian… I laugh at you all
Feeding Christians to lions. Where did the lion find the human arm? In a house, on a guy and now in his stomach. HA!
Most of the roman religion is borrowed from the Greeks The Christians were hated for evil practices.
The Christians would often be put to death
I learned that it wasn’t a good idea to be Christian when Nero was emperor
http: //www. google. com/search? hl=en&safe=strict&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=christianity+and+rome&spell=1 http: //www. allaboutreligion. org/history-of-christianity-in-rome-faq. htm http: //library. thinkquest. org/C 004203/religion 04. htm http: //www. thekidswindow. co. uk/News/Romans