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by. Den Nezhevlyak Presentation on the topic: CANADA
About: Canada - a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system. Area - 9984 sq. miles. (second place in the world). By the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic oceans. It shares borders with the United States, Denmark and France. Population - 34 million people. ? Capital - Ottawa. Is a federal state consisting of 10 provinces and three territories. Official languages: English and French. ? Business: Diversified, based? On the rich natural resources and trade.
Geography: Canada occupies al most the entire northern half of the continent of North America and adjacent to its numerous islands. On the east coast of the country is washed by the Atlantic to the west - the Pacific and the north the Arctic Ocean. The country extends from 83 degrees north latitude to the north (Cape Columbia on Ellesmere Island) to 41 degrees north latitude in the South Island (Mild Island on the lake. Erie). The area of the country - 9984 thousand square kilometers
Relief: The main part of the country is prairie plains and plateaus Canadian Shield. To the west of the continental lowland prairie located in British Columbia and the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachians rise from the south from Quebec to the Maritime Provinces. Continental land to the north of the North Canadian border with a large archipelago, the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, which includes the largest island in the world. The area covered by polar ice between the islands of the Queen Elizabeth is the north magnetic pole. The most populated area of the country - is a corridor along the Windsor-Quebec City lowland shores of the St. Lawrence River and the south-east of the Great Lakes.
Rivers and lakes: Canada has more lakes than any other country in the world, it has a considerable reserve of fresh water. In eastern Canada, St. Lawrence River empties into the Gulf of St. Lawrence, with the largest estuary in the world, where the island of Newfoundland. New Brunswick and Nova Scotia are divided Bay of Fundy, which is famous for the highest tides in the world. To the north of the 60 th parallel are numerous lakes (the largest of which the Great Bear and Great Slave Lake) and intersected the longest river in the country - the Mackenzie River.
Great lakes: Great Lakes - a system of freshwater lakes in North America, the United States and Canada. Includes a number of large and medium-sized reservoirs, connected by rivers and straits. An area of about 245. 2 thousand km ², the volume of water 22. 7 thousand km ³. By itself the Great Lakes include the five largest: Superior, Huron, Michigan, Erie and Ontario. They relate a few medium-sized lakes. The lakes belong to the basin of the Atlantic Ocean. Stock of the St. Lawrence River.
Niagara Falls - the common name of three waterfalls on the Niagara River, which separates the U. S. state of New York from Canadian province of Ontario. Niagara Falls - a waterfall "Horseshoe", sometimes called the Canadian Falls, American Falls, and falls "Veil. " Although the elevation change and is not very large, the waterfalls are very broad, and the volume of water passing through it Niagara Falls - the most powerful in North America. The height of waterfall is 53 meters. The foot of American Falls obscure heap of stones, making it visible height - only 21 meters. Width of the American Falls 323 feet, a waterfall, "Horseshoe" - 792 meters. The volume of falling water reaches 5700 m or more ³ / s.
Climate: From the Pacific Ocean in the west to the Atlantic to the east stretches in the south temperate zone. Average temperatures in January and July are different for each area. Winter can be very severe in some regions of the country, average temperatures can reach 15 ˚ C below zero in the southern part of the country, and sometimes -45 ˚ C, with a strong icy winds. The lowest temperature ever observed in Canada, is -63 ˚ C (in Yukon). Each year the level of snow cover may reach several hundred centimeters (for example, of Quebec, on average 337 cm). The coast of British Columbia, particularly Vancouver Island, is an exception and has a temperate climate with mild and rainy winters. Summer temperatures can reach 35 ˚ C 40 ˚ C, even taking into account the index of humidity.
Flora: Vegetation is represented by: deciduous forests, mixed forests, taiga, tundra and arctic desert north. The northern part of Canada is covered with tundra, which penetrates far to the south. There are growing heather, sedges, shrub birch and willow. To the south of the tundra stretches a broad band of forests. Dominated by coniferous forests, the main species - black spruce in the east and white spruce in the west, pine, larch, arborvitae, and other less common deciduous forests consist of poplar, alder, birch and willow. Especially diverse forests in the Great Lakes (American elm, Weymouth pine, Canadian train, oak, chestnut, beech). On the Pacific coast conifer forest extended from Douglas, Sitka spruce, red cedar and Alaska) are found near Vancouver arbutus and Oregon oak. In The Atlantic coastal provinces - Acadian forest with balsam fir, black and red spruce, and cedar, American larch, yellow birch and beech.
Fauna: In the area inhabited tundra caribou, arctic hare, lemming, arctic fox and musk ox musk original. To the south is more varied wildlife - deer forest caribou, deer elk, moose, mountain areas - bighorn sheep and mountain goat. Quite numerous rodents: Canadian chikari protein, chipmunk, flying squirrel American, beavers, jerboas prygunchik of the family, muskrat, porcupine iglosherst, meadow, and the American hare, pika. Of the feline predators in Canada - the Canadian lynx and mountain lion. Wolves, foxes, black bears - grizzly bear, a raccoon-poloskun. Of the weasel - sable, pecans, otter, wolverine, etc. A lot of nesting migratory birds and commercial poultry. The fauna is not rich in reptiles and amphibians. In many freshwater fish.
Population: Canada is relatively weakly populated. The population density (about 3. 5 people per 1 km ²) is one of the lowest in the world. Canada's population of about 34 million people. The most populated area of the country - is a corridor along the Windsor-Quebec City lowland shores of the St. Lawrence River and the south-east of the Great Lakes. The bulk of the population - descendants of immigrants from Europe: Anglo-Saxons, French Canadians, Germans, Italians, Ukrainians, Dutch, etc. Indigenous people - Indians and Inuit - in the course of colonization has been overshadowed to the north.
Religion: Canadians profess many religions. According to the latest census, 77. 1% of Canadians consider themselves Christians, most of them are Catholics (43. 6% of Canadians). The most important Protestant Church - United Church of Canada (Calvinists), approximately 17% of Canadians do not associate themselves with any religion, and the rest of the population (6. 3%) profess non-Christian religion (mostly Islam).
Culture: Many elements of Canadian culture is very similar to American culture, including movies, television, clothing, housing and private transport, consumer goods and food. Despite this, Canada has its own unique culture. To celebrate the fact that Canada is populated by peoples of different origin, in a country with 1960's widespread policy of multiculturalism. In Canadian cities you can find items from cultures around the world and in many cities there are neighborhoods with a predominance of any ethnic minority (eg, Chinese, Italian, Portuguese neighborhoods in Toronto and Montreal) are regularly held festivals devoted to cultures of different countries. Maritimes provinces retain the Celtic folklore of Irish and Scots, who at the same time, fits well with a Gallo-Roman Gaul Celtic themes prevalent in Acadia and in Quebec. Also noticeable influence of the indigenous population of Canada, in many places you can find huge totem poles and other objects of art of indigenous peoples. Significantly distinguished the Francophone population of Canada. It gives a special character of the specifics of Canada, Montreal is a major center of French-speaking culture in America.