- Количество слайдов: 17
BUSINESS TRIP Підготувала Студентка 41 групи Цабенко Яна
Nowadays, every fourth of tens of millions of people every day leaving your house to travel - near and far, short-term and long - makes it in need of service. Every year business, cultural and scientific relations between regions and countries are becoming closer. Business tourism plays an important role.
Vocabulary work business people (ділові люди)
meeting of partners (зустріч партнерів)
Negotiations (переговори)
business papers (ділові папери)
flying a plane (політ літаком)
Лексичні вправи Зробіть переклад окремих фраз діалогу і з їх допомогою складіть свій власний: - Я хочу замовити квиток до Лондона. - Я віддаю перевагу безпосадочному рейсу вдень. - Коли прибуває літак з Москви? - Коли я повинен бути в аеропорту? - Ви добре долетіли? – Ні, дуже погано. Мене нудило. - Коли наступний рейс до … ? - Ваш рейс оголосять.
Граматичні вправи Заповніть декларацію. Fullname __________________________ Citizenship _________________________ Arriving form ________________________ Country of destination ____________________ Purpose of visit (business, tourism, private) ____________ My luggage (including hand luggage) submitted for Customs inspection consists of ________ pieces. With my luggage I have: 1. Weapons of all description and ammunition _________ 2. Narcotics and appliances for the use there of _________ 3. Antiques and objects of art (paintings, drawings, icons, sculptures) ___________________________ 4. Currency (bank notes, letters of credit, etc. ), securities (shares, bonds, etc. ) in foreign currencies, precious metals, crude and processed natural precious stones (diamonds, brilliants, rubies, 5. emeralds, sapphires and pearls), jewelry and other articles made of precious stones and scrap thereof, as well as property in papers: ___________________________ 6. Other currency, payment vouchers, valuables and any objects belonging to other persons ________________ I’m aware that, in addition to the objects listed in the Customs Declaration, I must submit for inspection: printed matter, manuscripts, films, sound recordings, postage stamps, graphics, plants, fruits, seeds, live animals, birds, as well as raw foodstuffs of animal origin and slaughtered fowl. I also declare that my luggage sent separately consists of ____ pieces. (Date) ______ 20 __ Owner of luggage ______ (signed)
Мовленнєві вправи Доповніть репліки до діалогу: At the passport and health check 1). Could I have your passport, please? - ……………. . 2). Where are you going? - ……………………. . . 3). How long are you going to stay? - ………………. . 4). What’s the purpose of your trip? - ………………. . 5). And can I see your vaccination certificate? - …………………. .
Business trips contribute to the development of the national economy, promote its integration into the world economic market. Modern business is impossible without an active exchange of information, without mastering new technologies, without qualification at all levels of business education, participation in international congresses, seminars, exhibitions, etc. All included in the sphere of business tourism
Every year business, cultural and scientific relations between regions and countries becoming more intense. Business travel is playing a vital role. The development of the national economy and its integration into the global market, too, is inconceivable without the development of business tourism. According to experts, by 2020 the number of international business trips will increase three times, from 564 million to 1. 6 billion a year. The turnover of the sector will increase 5 times from 400 billion US dollars. . .