- Количество слайдов: 33
Business planплан MIG-Titan
Table of contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Innovation team Industry background Competitor analysis Marketing plan Production plan Operational plan Financial and economical plan 2
3 SMC MAMI juniors Innovation team
4 MISSION SMC MAMI juniors: Save tim€cology Innovation team
Dynamics of development of Express activity billion rub. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2000 year 2004 year 2008 year 2012 year Industry background 2016 year 5
Time ~ € 6 Local citizen of the Moscow spends time about 12 hours = ½ day in tubes Industry background
Product Technical Specification: - Mоtor - wheel: Elmoto HR-2 1. 7 k. W (max. 2 k. W) - Box for pizza: carbon plates - Frame: titanium tubes - Wheelbase: 1 280± 10 mm - Weight: 45 kg - Max speed: 80 km/h - Max distance with one charge: 100 km Industry background 7 MIG-Titan
Competitor analysis Compare cost 14000 Car KIA Rio 2015 12000 10000 8000 Other e-bike KUBERG TREX 6000 Russian post 4000 Courier delivery (public transport) 2000 0 E-bike MIG-Titan Cost, $ Competitor analysis 8
Competitor analysis Comparison at the maximum speed 200 Car KIA Rio 2015 150 Other e-bike KUBERG TREX 100 Russian post 50 0 Courier delivery (public transport) Max speed, km/h Competitor analysis E-bike MIG-Titan 9
Competitor analysis Comparison by autonomy 200 Car KIA Rio 2015 150 Other e-bike KUBERG TREX Russian post 100 50 0 Autonomy, km Competitor analysis Courier delivery (public transport) E-bike MIG-Titan 10
Competitor analysis 11 Comparison by weight 1200 Car KIA Rio 2015 1000 Other e-bike KUBERG TREX Russian post 800 600 400 200 0 Weight, kg Competitor analysis Courier delivery (public transport) E-bike MIG-Titan
12 Competitor analysis KIA Rio KUBERG TREX Russian Post MIGTitan + Courier delivery (public transport) + Cost - - Max speed + - - - + Competitor analysis +
Market analysis The temperature of the delivered products Maximum weight of delivered products The amount of delivered products Food companies Medical companies Technical companies Flower companies Service companies MIG-Titan The delivery time of products Market analysis 13
Geography introduction a) Krasnodar region Market analysis 14
Geography introduction b) Moscow Market analysis 15
16 IN WHAT ARE WE STRONG? Market analysis
Strengths: ü ü ü 17 low cost; discounts for orders of 200 bikes; small weight; high quality; safety during operation of the motorcycle; the availability of modern technologies (navigation, etc. ) for ü easy operation product by the user; ü simplicity of design and production. Market analysis
18 МARKETING Marketing plan
B 2 B BUSINESS Marketing plan 19 BUSINESS
Cafe «Spoon» Вuy n tio Se ll o om Pr SMC MAMI juniors 20 Social networks, exhibitions, magazines In fo rm n tio ma or at io n Inf Other companies Marketing plan
Promotion Exhibitions, magazines Marketing plan Social networks 21
To risk or not to risk? ? Marketing plan 22
23 Risks Uncontrolled § Political; § Ecological; § Risks suppliers. Controlled § Production; § Marketing plan
Risks suppliers 24 Components Imported from other countries 36% 43% 21% Marketing plan Produced in the territory of our country, but not in our company Products directly from our company
Production area Production plan 25
Manufacturing process Operational plan 26
Cost of the MIG-Titan 27 Brake system 7% Battery 20% Electronics 25% 6% Frame 5% Motor 13% 20% 3% Financial and economical plan Panels & Miscellaneous Steering System Suspension & Wheels
28 Costs Kind of costs Total, € Fixed € 253 888, 22 Variable € 1 750 669, 67 Sub total Financial and economical plan € 2 004 557, 89
Sources of funds 2% Investments 28% 37% Bank's credit Grant of President of RF 33% Financial and economical plan Leasing 29
30 Profit Year Number of the e-bikes Profit 1 st 510 € 688587, 85 2 nd 704 € 960565, 76 3 rd 972 € 1326235, 68 Financial and economical plan
Break-even analysis Payback period - 2 years 5 months € 4, 000. 00 € 3, 000. 00 € 2, 000. 00 € 1, 000. 00 € -€ 1, 000. 00 1 2 3 -€ 2, 000. 00 -€ 3, 000. 00 Financial and economical plan 4 5 31
32 Thank you for your attention!
Personal I. Administrative (7 per. ) II. Production (29 per. ) III. Marketing (2 per. ) IV. Helping (5 per. ) Production plan 33