Business Plan “ Arsenal” Bookshop Economics 2 Assem
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Описание презентации Business Plan “ Arsenal” Bookshop Economics 2 Assem по слайдам
Business Plan “ Arsenal” Bookshop Economics 2 Assem Nurbayeva Aidos Kuanyshbek Dayana Tumenbayeva Ayan Akhym
I. Business Description The bookshop’s name is «Arsenal». Books are offered in 8 languages. Books to anyone’s taste Audio books On-line order
Mission Statement. Our bookshop’s mission is to find a part of soul of every person with the help of books from different parts of the world that can be suitable to anyone’s taste and to present them knowledge and widen the boundaries of unfamiliar world of our readers. Vision Statement. Within 10 years to become the most successful and the biggest bookshop in the country. To be the place where people can find a book that they like and stay alone with their fantasy.
II. Industry profile and Overview. There are 360 publishers in RK Major part of bookshop industry is in Almaty -77% and Astana – 13% There 4135 libraries, 25. 14% of the population are their readers.
III. Business Strategy. No direct competitors, several indirect ones. Comparative table. Bookshop «Arsenal» (Our. Company) «Gulyanda» «Книжный город» («Book city») Price From 135 to 8100 From 420 to 7000 From 300 to 5000 Service Self — service (but also there is consultants) Location Kaskelen Abylaykhan st. 153 Almaty Tole bi st. 111 Shevchenko st. 112 Koktem district. 17 Almaty Rozibakiyev st. 283 Advertising campaign Billboards, posters, web — site Web — site
IV. Marketing Segment. 78919 187132 23737 10002000 Potential Customers of «Arsenal» Bookshop Children till 1 5 M en 1 6 -62 and Women 1 6 -57 Elder y people Stu dents of SDU Citizens of near by vi llages
0 1234 56 789 Genres of books mostly preferable by people Genres
Read books in pr int Read e-books Listen to au diobooks 44% 51%41% 37% 33%51% 19% 16% 8%Where people usually take the books N o preference Borrow Purchase
2 10 513 How often do people buy books Often Some times Seldom Never
Pricing: • Mark-up 35% • Range 135 -8100 KZT Advertising: • 3 billboard (3*(40000 KZT for 3*6 sq. m. ) • 20 posters (600 KZT for * 20 posters of A 1, A 2 format) • Overall: 132000 KZT
V. Management Segment. Director R&D manager. Sales Manager. Accountant Form of ownership is LLP Functional Departmentalization
VI. Start-up segment. Totally, we need 828000 KZT. Loan proposal: we can give by $2500. Overall it is $10000 or 1810000 KZT 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 400000 Start — up cost
VII. Financial segment. Sezon Cost per month Total monthly income (KZT) Yearly income (KZT) January-Febrary 866250 1683560 23512600 March-April 860250 1694900 May-July 973750 1896185 August-October 877750 1891325 November-Dece mber
Projected (proforma) income statement. Yearly income: 23512600 KZT Cost of books per year: 1203850 KZT Salary expenses: 3360000 KZT Taxes: 4496920 KZT Advertising expenses: 504000 KZT Rent: 1008000 KZT Utility: electricity 20000 KZT Net income: 2085180 KZT