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Business Opportunities Dorothy Mc. Kelvin
Doing Business with MCC Types of Opportunities: Procurements Grants Public Private Partnerships
Procurement at MCC corporate procurements -Administered by MCC -Opportunities published at http: //www. Fed. Biz. Opps. gov MCC also has an agreement with the Army Corps of Engineers for some engineering support work Compact procurements -Administered by MCA Entities in Country Contract opportunities are published at: http: //www. mcc. gov/ http: //mcc. dg. Market. com/ http: //www. devbusiness. com/
Contractor Nationality of all MCC-Funded Contracts (Worldwide) United States; $900, 660, 724; 12% All Others (40 Countries); $2, 813, 237, 991; 38% France; $508, 111, 368; 7% China; $429, 534, 623; 6% Portugal; $333, 172, 085; 5% Germany; $251, 870, 179; 3% Costa Rica; $200, 874, 408; 3% Tunisia; $86, 454, 852; 1% India; $103, 343, 121; 1% Lesotho; $197, 747, 188; 3% Italy; $176, 663, 742; 2% Azerbaijan; $109, 334, 771; Morocco; $192, 492, 031; 3% 1% South Africa; $163, 700, 280; Armenia; $100, 785, 851; 1% Netherlands; $122, 171, 134; 2% 2% Ghana; $173, 869, 560; 2% El Salvador; $114, 479, 941; Spain; $166, 519, 606; 2% 2% Canada; $174, 615, 862; 2%
Contractor Nationality of all MCA Compact-Funded Contracts United States; $ 513, 886, 637; 7% France; $ 506, 099, 907; 7% China; $ 429, 534, 623; 6% All Others (40 Countries); $ 2, 809, 440, 991; 41% Portugal; $ 333, 172, 085; 5% Germany; $ 215, 520, 379; 3% Costa Rica; $ 200, 874, 408; 3% Morocco; $ 192, 492, 031; 3% Italy; $ 176, 663, 742; India; $ 103, 343, 121; 3% 2% Lesotho; $ Canada; $ 140, 753, 409; Armenia; $ 197, 747, 188; 3% El Salvador; $ Spain; $ 166, 519, 606; 2% 100, 785, 851; 1% 114, 479, 941; 2% Ghana; $ 173, 869, 560; 2% Tunisia; $ 86, 454, 852; Azerbaijan; $ Netherlands; $ South Africa; $ 3% 1% 109, 334, 771; 2% 122, 171, 134; 2% 163, 700, 280; 2%
Top 10 Reasons to do Business with MCC 1. All Money Up-front 2. Paid by the U. S. Treasury 3. Fair - MCC Checks Ensure Fairness 4. Enforced International Environmental Standards 5. Open and Competitive - No Local Preference
Continued… 6. No Government Owned Enterprises (GOEs) 7. Winning Contracts = Price Reasonable Contracts 8. Expert Evaluation 9. A World of Possibilities 10. The Business of Doing Good • Business partners in MCA countries help reduce poverty through Economic Growth
ZAMBIA Water Sector Concentration $355 M Procurement Timeframe Lusaka Water and Sanitation Projects – Works 2014 -15 -Lusaka Drainage Project – Works 2014 -15 Technical Assistance Consultancies 2014 - 15
ZAMBIA Water Sector Concentration $355 M Procurement Series of works for city’s water supply network, rehabilitate and enlarge select sewer networks, engineering and resettlement services. Several works construction projects Construction Supervision (Closes October 2014) Institutional Strengthening - Technical Assistance Information, education and communication campaigns. Social and Gender Integration MCA Procurement Director: Chibwe Mwelwa MCC: Dot Mc. Kelvin
MALAWI Power Sector Concentration $350 M Procurement Timeframe Supply and installation of Management Information System for Malawi Power Utility ESCOM (in dg. Market, UNDB) Now Power Utility Procurement and Performance Audit September 2014 Now Supply/Installation of Supervisory and Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System 2015 Power lines, distribution, rehabs & upgrades 2015
MALAWI Power Sector Concentration $350 M Environment and Natural Resources Management) Meters for Malawi Power Utility ESCOM Baseline survey of existing power supply to local enterprises Weed, Silt Management-weed harvesters, dredgers MCA-Malawi- www. mca-m. gov. mw : MCA Procurement Director – Raphael Mboozi; MCC Procurement Director- Carlton Bennett Timeframe 2014 September 2014 Now 2015
GHANA Electricity(Electricity) Sector $498 M Power Utility Financial & Operational Turnaround Timeframe Access 2015 -- ECG Financial and Operational Turnaround 2015 -- NEDCO Financial and Operational Turnaround 2015 -- Energy Efficiency/Demand Side Management 2015 -- Power Generation Sector Improvement 2015 -- Regulatory Strengthening and Capacity Building 2015 -- MCC Procurement Director: Mike Mc. Enitre; MCA: tbd
JORDAN Water Sector Concentration $275 M Remaining Procurements Water: Pipes - Water Smart Homes (WSH) Activity: Construction of small works mca-jordan. gov. jo Proc. Dir. Mutaz Qutob Timeframe October 2014
PHILLIPINES Reforms, Community Development, Roads $434 M Remaining Procurements Electronic Tax Information System Computer Equipment Large Works Roads Website: www. mcap. ph Timeframe 2014 Proc. Dir. Ruby Alvarez
GEORGIA Technical, and Higher Education $140 Million Procurements Timeframe Lab equipment/ School furniture 2014 -2015 Design/ Construction of educational facilities 2014 -2015 Technical and Vocational Training Programs 2014 -2015 Science/technology related educational materials 2014 -2015 Rehab, design packages, construction RAP for 140 schools 2014 -2015 Data Collection Services M&E 2014 -2015 Teacher Training and Assessments 2014 -2015 MCA PD: Dimitri Kemoklidze , dkemoklidze@mcageorgia. ge MCC PD Preston Winter, winterp@mcc. gov
Cape Verde II WASH Land 66 M Procurement Timeframe Remaining Procurements Small consulting and small works for Design/Supervisory Engineer – Water and Sanitation Projects Land – Rights Registration 2014 -15 2015
TANZANIA – In Development Energy investments: -Reform in the power sector -Access to electricity, mainly in rural areas. Roads investments targeted Rural roads to improve access between agricultural areas in the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT) and internal markets MCC Country team lead: Jay Scheerer MCC Procurement Director: Dot Mc. Kelvin
LESOTHO – In Development Early phase of compact development. Studies being conducted to determine focus. Findings expected by the end of the Year. First $360 million USD compact ended in January 2014 and focused on health infrastructure, rural water and sanitation, Metalong dam, land administration reform, and access to credit Country Team Lead: Laura Rudert. LC@mcc. gov
LIBERIA – In Development Investments in transmission and distribution to develop more reliable and affordable electricity • Support for a more robust, modern and commercially viable utility (LEC) • Strengthening of sector legal and regulatory frameworks Road maintenance component to assist with year-round accessibility Country team lead: Evan Freund (freunde@mcc. gov)
MOROCCO – In Development Proposals under development for potential financing related to: • Improving quality of education: secondary and professional training • Improving commercial justice • Improving land governance to enable private sector investment Country team lead: Ariane Gauchat (gauchata@mcc. gov)
EL SALVADOR – In Development Education, Logistical Infrastructure, and Investment Climate • Construction/Supervision Highway • Construction of Customs Infrastructure • Public Private Partnerships (looking at Airport and Wind Farm concessions) • Regulatory Reforms • Design/construction of educational facilities MCC Proc Director: Preston Winter, winter@mcc. gov
Grant Opportunities: Investment and Innovation Challenges • Indonesia – Green Prosperity: low carbon economic development – Community-based Health and Nutrition to Reduce Stunting: public-private partnerships to improve food quality and promote sanitation as a business – Launched in July 2014
Grant Opportunities: Investment and Innovation Challenges • Zambia – Innovation Grants for Pro-Poor Service Delivery: innovative projects targeting periurban service improvement and adoption for water, sanitation, hygiene, and “keeping drains clean” (solid waste and recycling) – Launching in October 2014 – Innovator Forum to showcase ideas on October 8, 2014 in Lusaka
Grant Opportunities: Investment and Innovation Challenges • Georgia – Industry-led Skills and Workforce Development Project: support industry and technical education partnerships to improve employability and promote STEM – Launching in mid-2015
Grant Opportunities: Investment and Innovation Challenges • Cabo Verde – Infrastructure Grant Facility ( “FASA”): competitive funding for local utilities to improve water and sanitation – Launched in October 2013
For more information, visit www. mcc. gov.