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Business Information Systems IDU 0320 IDY 0275 Enn Õunapuu enn. ounapuu@ttu. ee Location: ICT -643
Business information systems Information system A combination of hardware, software, infrastructure and trained personnel organized to facilitate planning, control, coordination, and decision making in an organization.
Content • Enterprise information systems • Business model • Business process modeling • Database systems
Todays IT n n Computer networks Sensor networks Data warehouse, ERP and CRM systems Disruptive business models
The next decade technological changes n The World in 2025: 8 Predictions for the Next 10 Years
Next decade prediction 1 A $1, 000 Human Brain In 2025, $1, 000 should buy you a computer able to calculate at 10^16 cycles per second (10, 000 trillion cycles per second), the equivalent processing speed of the human brain. Ray Kurzweil
Some prominent dates from this analysis n n We achieve one Human Brain capability (2 * 10^16 cps) for $1, 000 around the year 2023. We achieve one Human Brain capability (2 * 10^16 cps) for one cent around the year 2037. We achieve one Human Race capability (2 * 10^26 cps) for $1, 000 around the year 2049. We achieve one Human Race capability (2 * 10^26 cps) for one cent around the year 2059.
Next decade Prediction 2 A Trillion-Sensor Economy The Internet of Everything describes the networked connections between devices, people, processes and data. By 2025, the Io. E will exceed 100 billion connected devices, each with a dozen or more sensors collecting data. This will lead to a trillion-sensor economy driving a data revolution beyond our imagination. Cisco's recent report estimates the Io. E will generate $19 trillion of newly created value.
Next decade prediction 3 Perfect Knowledge We're heading towards a world of perfect knowledge. With a trillion sensors gathering data everywhere (autonomous cars, satellite systems, drones, wearables, cameras), you'll be able to know anything you want, anytime, anywhere, and query that data for answers and insights.
Next decade prediction 4 8 Billion Hyper-Connected People Facebook (Internet. org), Space. X, Google (Project Loon), Qualcomm and Virgin (One. Web) are planning to provide global connectivity to every human on Earth at speeds exceeding one megabit per second.
Next decade prediction 5 Disruption of Healthcare Existing healthcare institutions will be crushed as new business models with better and more efficient care emerge. Thousands of startups, as well as today's data giants (Google, Apple, Microsoft, SAP, IBM, etc. ) will all enter this lucrative $3. 8 trillion healthcare industry with new business models that dematerialize, demonetize and democratize today's bureaucratic and inefficient system. n Biometric sensing (wearables) and AI will make each of us the CEOs of our own health. Large-scale genomic sequencing and machine learning will allow us to understand the root cause of cancer, heart disease and neurodegenerative disease and what to do about it. Robotic surgeons can carry out an autonomous surgical procedure perfectly (every time) for pennies on the dollar. Each of us will be able to regrow a heart, liver, lung or kidney when we need it, instead of waiting for the donor to die.
Next decade prediction 6 Augmented and Virtual Reality Billions of dollars invested by Facebook (Oculus), Google (Magic Leap), Microsoft (Hololens), Sony, Qualcomm, HTC and others will lead to a new generation of displays and user interfaces. The screen as we know it — on your phone, your computer and your TV — will disappear and be replaced by eyewear. Not the geeky Google Glass, but stylish equivalents to what the well-dressed fashionistas are wearing today. The result will be a massive disruption in a number of industries ranging from consumer retail, to real estate, education, travel, entertainment, and the fundamental ways we operate as humans.
Next decade prediction 7 Early Days of JARVIS Artificial intelligence research will make strides in the next decade. If you think Siri is useful now, the next decade's generation of Siri will be much more like JARVIS from Iron Man, with expanded capabilities to understand answer. Companies like IBM Watson, Deep. Mind and Vicarious continue to hunker down and develop nextgeneration AI systems. In a decade, it will be normal for you to give your AI access to listen to all of your conversations, read your emails and scan your biometric data because the upside and convenience will be so immens
Next decade prediction 8 Blockchain If you haven't heard of the blockchain, I highly recommend you read up on it. You might have heard of bitcoin, which is the decentralized (global), democratized, highly secure cryptocurrency based on the blockchain. But the real innovation is the blockchain itself, a protocol that allows for secure, direct (without a middleman), digital transfers of value and assets (think money, contracts, stocks, IP).
Predictions summary Bottom Line: We Live in the Most Exciting Time Ever We are living toward incredible times where the only constant is change, and the rate of change is increasing.
Evolutionary approach to systems Evolution is a fact of life. Environments and the species that operate within them – living, artificial, or virtual – evolve. Evolution has been credited with the most advanced biological species that has lived on earth. The ability to evolve has also come to be treated as a prerequisite for the survival of a species.
Adaptive systems Stuart Kauffman is a biologist who has been closely associated with the Santa Fe Institute. Kauffman was fascinated with the origin of life and the interesting question of how it was that living things appeared out of the molecular stew bubbling on a young planet. Based upon a combination of computer modeling and laboratory research. Kauffman came to the startling conclusion that everything seemed to happen pretty much by itself. Or, as he says with mantra - like regularity in his book, "At Home in the Universe" - "Order for free!" More specifically, Kauffman found that given certain very simple preconditions, order happens. And not just any order, but highly complex order characteristic of living systems, which he calls Complex Adaptive Systems. They are complex in that they consist of multiple parts aggregated in myriad ways, addaptive in that they are constantly changing to meet the requirements of a shifting environment and a system in that these parts not only fit together but do so in a purposeful fashion. In short they do something.
Technical progress and innovation
Computational Plenty: Process Implications n n New platforms: smart dust, human prosthetics (physical, mental) n New applications: sensor networks, nanotechnology Enable powerful self-monitoring software n Assertion checking, trend analysis, intrusion detection, proofcarrying code, perpetual testing Enable higher levels of abstraction n Pattern programming, programming by example with dialogue n Simpler brute-force solutions: exhaustive case analysis Enable more powerful software tools n Based on domain, programming, management knowledge n Show-and-tell documentation n Game-oriented software engineering education 05/25/06 © USC-CSE 21
Development process
Vertical dimension n n Business model Integration model Application architecture Implementation architecture
Business model
Project components 1. Business model 2. Database in Access 3. Business processes description Using Bizagi modeler 4. Balanced scorecard