Business career (1).ppt
- Количество слайдов: 4
Business career (1) Translate the following words and word-combinations: Go to the kindergarten, go to school, go to university, get qualifications in accounting( finance, banking, trade, commerce, management, etc. ), get a job in a company, move to another company, make a career move, take a career break, look after your children, have career opportunities, it takes years, decide on a career plan, ambitious people, climb the career ladder, get a promotion, reliable, energetic, experienced, retire, creative.
Match the words and word-combinations in the left column with their Russian equivalents in the right column 1. Career opportunities a. Требуется время 2. Ambitious people b. Выбрать план карьеры 3. It takes time c. Вскарабкаться по карьерной лестнице 4. Take a career break d. Перейти в другую компанию 5. Get qualifications in e. Амбициозные люди 6. Move to another company f. Возможности карьеры 7. Get a promotion g. Сделать перерыв в карьере 8. Decide on a career plan h. Получить квалификацию 9. Make a career move i. Получить продвижение 10. Climb the career ladder j. Сделать успешное движение в карьере
Complete the statements with the words from the box. • • 1. It takes graduates some years… 2. To attract qualified employees, many companies offer. . 3. If a woman has to look after her children, she … 4. If a person gets a promotion, we say he… 5. A person who can always find solutions to problems is called… 6. A school-leaver should decide on … when he is at school. 7. Young people enter different institutions of higher education because they want … in different fields such as accounting, trade, etc. a). To get qualifications, b) makes a career move, c) a career plan, d) to climb the career ladder, e) good career opportunities, f) takes a career break, g) creative.
Discuss these questions. • • 1. Are you ambitious? 2. Why are people ambitious? 3. Do you have a career plan? 4. Is it necessary for ambitious people to have a career plan? 5. When do people usually decide on their career plan? 6. What helps a person make a career move? 7. Why do people sometimes have to take a career break?
Business career (1).ppt