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Introduction Today, bullying behaviors at school are recognized as dangerous and harmful acts that victimize student and bystanders. Rather bullying is a pattern of deliberate, negative, hurtful, aggressive acts that works to shift the balance of physical, emotional or social power. These are the signals indicating one of the most pressing issues of the present - peer violence in school.
Thesis statement There are still several things humans can do in order to decrease peer violence in school. U. S. is one of the countries that have struggled to prevent bullying. Due to the high amount of peer violence in school in U. S. , which leads to health problems, the government should take certain measures in order to solve this problem.
Background of Problem Bulling is an everlasting problem in the lives of school kids. Because it is a problem that affects all students. According to a study by the Jama Pediatrics Network (2013), 80 percent of the youth who commit suicide do it due to peer victimization and bullying. There are several reasons for this, unhealthy society, inequality among children, discrimination, massmedia, some examples of ways in which media glorify bullying include “reality TV”, some talk shows, “shock jokes” on the radio, and popular movies and video games. Bullying can cause health problems, such as depression, variety of emotions, (anxiety, anger, helplessness, feelings of isolation and persecution, loneliness and fear), attempt suicide, fail at school (school achievement), running away from home, frequent loss of money or property, loss of interest in school, change in friends and social groups. In order to prevent this, there are three possible solutions, working in public works, working with advertising and having treatment programs, such as child management for the parents, family therapy and intervention at school or in the community.
Solution One - working in public works According to John Mac. Donald and Daniela Golinelli (2010), after the public works, robberies and violent crimes decreased by 12%, as well as increased economic benefits for 8%. According to Anisimova (2009), following the Government of Russian Federation, the minimum wage for work composes 4330 rubles, and the maximum 5, 300 rubles, where children have a possibility to have own money
Solution Twoworking with advertisement Strengths: 1. Firstly, it is effective solution, because a large number of people watching television. According to Dominique Vancraeynest, as of 2004 there are estimated 1096000 million television households in the United States. 2. Moreover, following to John Koblin (2016), on average American adults are watching 5 hours and 4 minutes of television per day. People over the age of 50 watch mostly TV, approximately in the range of 50 hours a week, according to Nielson (2016). 3. According to Ad Council (2016), it is an American organization, that produces advertising, published that Facebook pages stay popular among people and they are caring about peer violence in school. 4. Advertising manipulates your choices and spending habits (and what to do about it). People see adds every day, whether it is on a web page, before a movie, or in the middle of TV show. When advertised any product, it is difficult to think straight. Because the ads manipulate people, as well as their choice. These ads have two emotional reactions, such as positive or negative. it has a big impact on what people think and what kind of choices that they make.
Solution Three- having treatment programs A. Strengths: 1. According to “School Anti-Bullying Programs” (2013), analysis of SEL (social and emotional programs), which was conducted recently, showed that the program reduces behavior problems, improved school performance (11 percent), self-esteem and commitment to the school. As well as improving the relationship between teachers and students. In addition, emotional intelligence develops the ability to express emotions in oneself and others, to use emotions to improve thinking and to regulate emotions to go to personal growth. 2. According to Adcouncil. org (2016), “To stop bullying, we have just start with parents”, said U. S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncun, the same cooperation is effective, and will produce minimum risk for preventing bullying, and having better result of the end. 3. It will have positive effect shortly after implementation, because according to “Violence Prevention and safe schools” (2015) improvement remain, at least up to one year.
Conclusion This essay has discussed bullying in U. S. There are three possible solutions that people of U. S. can use for preventing peer violence at school. All of these solutions have their own positive effects. However, having treatment programs, line a working with a child, having family therapies, interventions at school or in the community are the most suited solution with regard to today’s situation in U. S. It is effective, possible solution, moreover it will have positive effects shortly after implementation. However, as the time passes, and all three solutions may be introduced in U. S. , in order to achieve the optimal goal.
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