- Количество слайдов: 35
Building Web Literacy
What do you think of these pictures? Which one is real?
How much do you really know? novemberlearning. com
How do you really know?
The Link command will give you insight into other sites, organizations, etc that link to a given site. Let’s try it…
1. Authority If you are going to use the web for research, don't be duped by what you find out there. 2. Accuracy 3. Bias 4. Currency 5. Coverage Learn five criteria for evaluating the information you found on the web. http: //gethelp. library. upenn. edu/guides/tutorials/webliteracy/
Authority- Finding the Author's Credentials 1. The author is well-known and well-regarded in his/her field of study 2. Is the author: – Recommended – Trusted – Affiliated with reputable institutions
Determine the Accuracy of Information • Verify the background and/or factual information • Check for properly cited resources or peer reviews • Evaluate the methodology or data collection http: //gethelp. library. upenn. edu/guides/tutorials/webliteracy/accuracy. html
Analyze Web Page Bias Tries to sell/persuade Documents with references Presents multiple perspectives • • • Let’s take a look…on handout… http: //www. lesley. edu/library/guides/research/evaluating_web. html http: //gethelp. library. upenn. edu/guides/tutorials/webliteracy/bias. html
Look for Current Data • When was the data gathered? • What dates are covered by the data? • When was the document last updated? http: //gethelp. library. upenn. edu/guides/tutorials/webliteracy/currency. html
Determine the Level of Coverage is really the sum total of all the other criteria Authority, Accuracy, Bias, and Currency http: //gethelp. library. upenn. edu/guides/tutorials/webliteracy/coverage. html
Let’s try our hand at validating • • California 's Velcro Crop under Challenge Dihydrogen Monoxide Dog Island Free Forever Feline reactions to bearded men Martin Luther King The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus Victorian Robots
So now that you know what to look for…how do you find it?
There are many excellent search engines out there for now, we will use
Enter John Smith in the Search box Go ahead, click on the Google Search button and see what happens……
With this Search approach, we just got almost 76, 000 (Million)results for John Smith. Good luck finding pertinent information in a timely manner
We need to narrow our search
To help refine your search, you can use additional search tools such as + or -
Here are other Country Codes: . au- Australia. ca - Canada . ch - Switzerland . cn - China . de - Germany . es - Spain . et - Ethiopia . fr - France . gr - Greece . ie - Ireland . in - India . iq - Iraq. il - Israel . it - Italy . jp - Japan. mx - Mexico. nz - New Zealand . uk - United Kingdom. us - United States . za - South Africa
You can try the Advanced Search
Scavenger Hunt Activity This Internet scavenger hunt provides an additional opportunity to practice your new Web search skills http: //www. learnwebskills. com/search/hunt. html
Evaluating Online Resources Detective Work Criteria to Evaluate Credibility of WWW Resources Rubric for Evaluating Websites
THANK YOU! Karen Rubinstein krubinstein@ltps. org