- Количество слайдов: 14
BUILDING INFORMATICS Department of Engineering Aalborg University Prof. Per Christiansson Lektor Kjeld Svidt Ph. D stud. Kristian Birch Sørensen Established December 1997 http: //it. civil. aau. dk PC 11. 6. 2008 Building Informatics , Aalborg University http: //it. . civil. aau. dk [1/14]
Department of Civil Engineering (i 6) Aalborg University (AAU) http: //www. aau. dk PC 11. 6. 2008 Building Informatics , Aalborg University http: //it. . civil. aau. dk [2/14]
RESEARCH & EDUCATION FOCUS Research on design, integration and structuring of ICT tools, and productand process models in the entire building process. Focus is on ICT supported collaboration and knowledge transfer between participants in design, construction, O&M and use of buildings. Special research areas, comprising both design and analyses are - knowledge representations and model integration, - knowledge management and discovery, - multimedia/VR interfaces to Internet based resources, - user environment design, user needs and requirements capture, - computer supported collaborative work, - intelligent buildings and digital infrastructures, - building product and process modeling, - languages and systems for meta level integration of building process related information. Research and demonstrator development is most often carried through in close collaboration with industry. PC 11. 6. 2008 Building Informatics , Aalborg University http: //it. . civil. aau. dk [3/14]
RESEARCH AREAS ° Virtual Building Models ° ICT Supported Collaboration ° Knowledge Management and Knowledge Transfer ° Intelligent Buildings and Intelligent Cities Most projects are carried out in close collaboration with Danish and international industries and institutes PC 11. 6. 2008 Building Informatics , Aalborg University http: //it. . civil. aau. dk [4/14]
RECENT PROJECTS ° Cross disciplinary use of virtual object oriented 3 D models in the building process (Kristian Birch Sørensen). (The project is part of a industry Ph. D collaboration with Rambøll A/S, Denmark. ° Virtual Innovation in Construction. (Danish Enterprise and Construction Authority and the Program for User Driven Innovation). ° IT in Collaborative Building Design (Yoke Chin Lai) (Semantic Web supported team collaboration, Ph. D May 2006) ° ° ° DDB - Digital Construction (Danish National R&D program on Public Clients requirements specifications and classifications in power 2007. Danish National Agency for Enterprise and Construction - EBST, http: //www. detdigitalebyggeri. dk ). Digital Handover (DACa. Po) (Requirements on Digital models and document handover for O&M) 3 D Models (B 3 D) (Requirements on digital 3 d models in building design) 3 D arbejdsmedoder under Det Digitale Fundament ° ICT Support at Building Site (Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation) ° http: //it. civil. aau. dk/it/projects/index. html PC 11. 6. 2008 Building Informatics , Aalborg University http: //it. . civil. aau. dk [5/14]
From real world to ICT supported systems ・ Real world (activities, things, processes, context, persons) ・ The real world can be described as (interrelated) systems to accomplish different functions ・The systems are modelled in context. ・Conceptual models more or less formal (rich pictures, E-R diagrams, IDEF 0, . . . ) ・Data models in formal representations (OO systems, relational db, hypertext, . . . ) are designed ・Implementation of data models in physical information handling systems ・Evaluation of systems performance and usability testing PC 11. 6. 2008 Building Informatics , Aalborg University http: //it. . civil. aau. dk [6/14]
IT in Construction Learning domains (Building Informatics) The IT in construction main education domains at Aalborg University. PC 11. 6. 2008 Building Informatics , Aalborg University http: //it. . civil. aau. dk [7/14]
COURSES Courses are given at - Civil engineering (3) and Building Management (Byggeledelse) (3) - Master of Industrial IT (4+) (open national education) - Architecture & Design Example from course site Course sites, student project work, Master thesis etc. are found at the address above PC 11. 6. 2008 Building Informatics , Aalborg University http: //it. . civil. aau. dk [8/14]
Building Informatics web site (CIB W 78, International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction, IT in Construction. http: //w 78. civil. aau. dk) PC 11. 6. 2008 Building Informatics , Aalborg University http: //it. . civil. aau. dk [9/14]
Department of Civil Engineering 1/4 The Department is divided into three research divisions: - Architectural Engineering - Structural Mechanics - Water and Soil Centres: - Build AAU - Centre WEST - Hybrib Ventilation Centre PC 11. 6. 2008 Building Informatics , Aalborg University http: //it. . civil. aau. dk [10/14]
Department of Civil Engineering 2/4 The Division of Architectural Engineering : * Architectural and Structural Design Research on digital architectural design of structures, tectonics, architectural acoustics and design of prefab dwellings. * Building Informatics Research on design, integration and structuring of ICT tools, and product and process models in the entire building process. Focus is on model collaboration and knowledge transfer between participants in design, construction, O&M and use of buildings. * Indoor Environmental Engineering Research on ventilation and air flow processes in buildings and building services and their impact on energy and mass flow in buildings, thermal comfort, indoor air quality and health. Research on energy efficient building design, interaction of passive energy technologies and building design, and optimization of interaction between building services and passive systems. PC 11. 6. 2008 Building Informatics , Aalborg University http: //it. . civil. aau. dk [11/14]
Department of Civil Engineering 3/4 Division of Structural Mechanics The subject area of the division includes both theoretical, mechanical modelling and experimental characterization of structures and structural materials. The research includes analyses of complex, load-bearing structures such as offshore structures, wind turbines, shell structures and large bridges Analyses are carried out for complete structures, for structural details such as joints, and at the micro level for the materials used in these applications. Some of the researchers in the division have chosen to focus especially of Wind Turbine Mechanics. PC 11. 6. 2008 Building Informatics , Aalborg University http: //it. . civil. aau. dk [12/14]
Department of Civil Engineering 4/4 The Division of Water and Soil: * Hydraulic and hydrological problems in relation to environmental plants and projects. * Physical geography mainly aimed at environmental and resource issues. * Geotechnical and flow-mechanical problems in civil engineering structures such as pipelines, harbour and canal structures, offshore structures, wind turbines and wave energy plants. PC 11. 6. 2008 Building Informatics , Aalborg University http: //it. . civil. aau. dk [13/14]
END references at http: //it. civil. aau. dk PC 11. 6. 2008 Building Informatics , Aalborg University http: //it. . civil. aau. dk [14/14]