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BUILDING IMPLEMENTATION CAPACITY FOR STRUCTURAL FUNDS CSF & JROP CZ 02 IB SPP III Training seminar on evaluation – Prague 26/27 february 2004 The organization of evaluation Iolanda Anselmo Evaluation Unit Ministry of the Economy and Finance
STRUCTURE OF PRESENTATION Ø Objectives and use of evaluation Ø Evaluation and related activities Ø Ways of organising evaluations Ø Planning evaluations Ø Developing an evaluation project
WHY EVALUATE? Ø Democracy: being accountable to funders, politicians, citizens, & the public at large Ø Learning: satisfying information needs of planners & implementers
POSSIBLE USES OF EVALUATION IN STRUCTURAL FUND CONTEXT Ø Securing information for: designing programs, anticipating problems, providing directions for project (& targeting) choices, & adapting programs to nat’l & local needs, negotiating with institutional & social partners Ø Involve social partners in negotiations, planning, & implementation Ø Providing information on programs to politicians
TYPES OF ACTIVITIES PRODUCING INFORMATION ON AND FOR PROGRAMS Ø Program evaluation: Under which conditions/for whom/where does this intervention work? Ø Meta-evaluation/Synthesis of evaluations: Under which conditions has this type of intervention proven to work? Ø Policy analysis: What type of action(s) can solve this problem?
OTHER RELATED ACTIVITIES Ø Project appraisal and selection Ø Control Ø Monitoring Ø Research Program evaluation: systematic observation of public intervention aimed at making judgements & providing information for action
WAYS OF ORGANIZING EVALUATIONS ØSelf-evaluation ØInternal ØExternal In any case independence and participatory approach is possible at various degrees
SELF-EVALUATION OF THE ITALIAN OBJECTIVE 1 2000 -2006 CSF (1) Ø promoted by the CSF Monitoring Committee as an additional source for the mid-term review Øproved useful to gather information not included in the monitoring system and which is often tacit and not easily transferred
SELF-EVALUATION OF THE ITALIAN OBJECTIVE 1 2000 -2006 CSF (2) Øall OP measures classified according to their performance (+/-/=) against three criteria: Ø appropriate implementation procedures ØFulfilled expenditure forecasts Øselection of strategy-consistent projects Ø measures scores decided by OP MAs and discussed in workshops with representatives of CSF MA, central and regional evaluation units, independent evaluators
WAYS OF ORGANISING EVALUATIONS: HOW TO CHOOSE Self-evaluation: Ø Reliable info, difficult truths, inexpensive, but info on results missing & good for internal use In-house: Ø quality, utility, timing, but costly External: Ø demand must be well designed Ø interactions needed between evaluator, planning administration and partners
PLANNING EVALUATIONS Obtaining & using evaluations requires: Ø Identifying evaluation needs Ø Combining types of evaluation activities/ways of organizing (evaluation plan) Ø Good management of each evaluation (evaluation project)
AN EVALUATION PROJECT: TASKS 1. Develop the evaluation project 2. Express the evaluation demand 3. Manage the evaluation 4. Disseminate (& accept) results 5. Develop new evaluation questions
DEVELOPING AN EVALUATION PROJECT Ø what to evaluate and what for Ø who conducts the eval. (self/internal/external) Ø how to select external evaluators Ø who checks for quality Ø which products, when, for whom Ø how to protect implementers
EXPRESSING THE EVALUATION DEMAND Ø Collect stakeholders’ needs and questions Ø Write To. Rs Ø Refine the questions over time
MANAGING THE EVALUATION Ø Ensure that the question is answered Ø Ensure quality: o Steering Group (partners, experts, Evaluation Unit, Managing authority? ) o Evaluation of evaluations Ø providing information flows to & from evaluator Ø protect evaluator’s independence (Steering Group, Evaluation Unit, selection of evaluator, contract)
DISSEMINATE AND ACCEPT Ø A product for each product: non only eval. report, but also executive summaries, workshops, TV & radio, press releases Ø Dissemination occurs over time Ø Internal and external dissemination Ø Formal and informal dissemination
AN EVALUATION PROJECT: WHO DOES WHAT Ø Develop the evaluation project: ev. unit/responsible + M. A. Ø Express the evaluation demand: stakeholders with the help of experts (evaluation unit/responsible) Ø Manage the evaluation: steering group + ev. unit Ø Disseminate (& accept) results: ev. unit/responsible + M. A. + promotion unit + Monitoring Committee