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“Building Bridges to Opportunities”
This introduction to America’s One-Stop Operating System and Consortium includes the following sections: • Executive Summary (Slides #3 to #8) • Consortium Members and Overview (Slides #3 to #5) • System Features (Slide #6) • System Functionality (Slide #7) • What people are saying (Slide #8) • Special Application Features (Slide #9 to #17) • Job Zone Self-Service Module (Slide #18 to #27) • AOSOS Case Management Tour (Slides #28 to #36) Slide 2
Executive Summary What do the diverse workforce development systems of these states have in common? Kentucky Nevada New Jersey New York Answer: The state of the art workforce programs case management & reporting system! Slide 3
Executive Summary America’s One-Stop Operating System Overview The America’s One-Stop Operating System or AOSOS universal case management and reporting system was initially designed and built by a partnership of federal, state, and local workforce professionals with over $25 M in federal grant funds. Since July 2004, the AOSOS Consortium has been a self-governing, self-sufficient partnership of employment security agencies that has enhanced the system and ensured its continued compliance with all federal regulations. Our tried and proven system has been successfully supporting state workforce development systems since January 2001. The multi-agency, multi-program system provides one truly integrated solution for the One-Stop environment of today and tomorrow. An easy to access web-based system with robust security features, AOSOS supports an unlimited number of partners and programs and their unique business and reporting needs. Slide 4
Executive Summary AOSOS supports the business operations of One-Stop Career Center partners by facilitating the case management and services of the workforce investment system stakeholders: Workforce Staff Employers Service & Training Providers Customers Slide 5
State of the Art Workforce Programs Case Management & Reporting at a Glance Executive Summary Features • • • ADA 508 Compliance WIA Reporting Compliance (8 -14 -2013) Common Measures Performance Reporting • Federal Workforce & Unique State Program Support (WIA, Wagner-Peyser, Veterans, Trade Act & Your State Programs) • Robust System Interface Abilities – UI, Wage Record and State Systems – National Job Boards • Flexible Data Screens (Overnight deployment of new, fully database integrated application screens without lengthy IT development) Slide 6
State of the Art Workforce Programs Case Management & Reporting at a Glance Executive Summary Functionality • Universal Registration • Employer/Job Order Management • Comprehensive Assessment • Powerful file search / results output • WIA Eligibility Determination • Federal Performance Reporting • Partner Referral Management • Local Management Reporting • Employment Plans • Interface with telephony systems • Counselor Notes • Provider Management & Tracking • Service Delivery Tracking • Notification and Correspondence • Individual Participation Accounts • Security Management • Scheduling/Calendar • Customer Self-Service Module Slide 7
Executive Summary People Talk “With no subscription fee for the first year, AOSOS is a cost-effective way for states to satisfy diverse case management needs and bring their workforce development systems into compliance with federal workforce grant regulations. requirements. Steve Reenstra, Assistant Director One-Stop Coordination and Support “AOSOS is a comprehensive case management system that enables me to easily track my customers from enrollment through completion and beyond. I appreciate thoroughness of the system and its many components. It is an intuitive and user-friendly system. ” “AOSOS is a wonderful workforce tool. The system allows me to collect and manage as much information as necessary to meet the specific service needs of my individual customers. Its customer and employer case management capabilities enhance my ability to match job seekers to employment opportunities. ” Jackie Novatin Placement Interviewer “AOSOS has provided New York’s workforce professionals with a single tool for multiple agencies to provide coordinated services in a one-stop setting. ” Particia Loughney Don Sutherland E &T Counselor OSOS Project Coordinator Slide 8
Special Application Features Before we take you on a brief tour of the case management system used to “build bridges to opportunities” for our customers, we’d like to share with you a few special application features that help set AOSOS apart from other case management systems including: • Flexible Data Screens • Staff Inbox/Scheduling • Correspondence Capabilities • Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System • Inter-Agency Referral Management • Federal Reports and Local Management Information • Customer Self-Service Module (aka Job. Zone) Slide 9
Special Application Features Custom searchable, “Flexible Data Screens, ” like the Summer Youth Works tab below, can be defined in the administrative module, integrated with the database and literally, implemented overnight. This feature allows you to address special state needs without lengthy IT development efforts. Slide 10
Special Application Features The Inbox provides staff with scheduling, reminders of customer appointments, and multiple triggers of training events and follow-up reminders. Slide 11
Special Application Features AOSOS’ correspondence module generates hardcopy letters, electronic mail, mailing labels and envelopes for one or multiple customers through stock or customized templates that import information from the database fields. Slide 12
Special Application Features Interactive Voice Response (IVR) - AOSOS will interface with an IVR system to contact customers through automated phone messaging to alert them to training opportunities, job opportunities, customer follow-up, and customized broadcast messages to meet local needs. Slide 13
Special Application Features Using the Inter-Agency Referral utility, staff electronically refer customers between One-Stop partner agencies with a record of the referral maintained in the customer’s Service History window. Slide 14
Special Application Features Federal Reporting & Local Management Information Reports are available on intuitive screens that allow you to drill down to see which customers are included in each report cell, combination of report cells or each performance measure numerator and denominator. Slide 15
Special Application Features Federal Reporting & Local Management Information Reports are available on intuitive screens that allow you to drill down to see which customers are included in each report cell, combination of report cells or each performance measure numerator and denominator. For example, … Which 9002 A Report MSFW customers are also veterans and included in both highlighted report cells? Slide 16
Powerful File Search and Result Display/Export Tools Special Application Features 1 - Flexibility to decide which of 40 data fields to display in the search results. 2 – The ability to choose how many records to show per page and what order the records are displayed. 3 – The ability to print the resulting list or export it into a csv file. Slide 17
Self-Service / job. ZONE About Job. Zone The AOSOS Self-Service module or the New York State developed, AOSOS integrated Job. Zone application can be used by customers to develop and post resumes to the state’s resume bank, search for jobs, set up job scouts to automatically notify the customer of job opportunities. Slide 18
Self-Service / job. ZONE About Job. Zone is an occupation exploration tool that helps a user identify skills, talents and interests that may lead to a career or career training. The website also contains local information ranging from job fairs to contact information for the nearest Career Center. Job. Zone is provided at nocost by the New York State Department of Labor. Users are encouraged to create an account to get the most out of Job. Zone. Slide 19
Self-Service / job. ZONE Job. Zone’s Main Page The left column displays local information including: • Career Centers based on user’s zip code ·Job Seeker Resources with information ranging from apprenticeship training to Veterans’ Services. ·Upcoming Job Fairs based on user’s zip code The middle column allows a user to explore the world of work, identify strengths, skills and talents, and develop and/or update a resume. The right column allows users to see which jobs are in demand information a user has recently viewed. Slide 20
Self-Service / job. ZONE Career Exploration You can also jump right in and search for available jobs under Job Search Job. Zone will help you explore and learn about various careers, as well as how to find the training and education required to obtain them. Slide 21
Career Exploration- Occupations Self-Service / job. ZONE Job. Zone has over 800 occupational profiles The “Bright Outlook” sun indicates a career that is expected to grow quickly in the future or have a significant number of open positions Each profile contains detailed information on: ·Tasks ·Tools ·Required education & skills ·Work styles ·Wage information & more! Slide 22
Self Exploration Self-Service / job. ZONE Learn about your interests and skills If you’re not sure where to start on your job search, a range of selfassessment tools can help. Job. Zone also helps you with self exploration so that you can explore careers related to your values and interests. Slide 23
Self-Service / job. ZONE Self Exploration – Assess Yourself Pick the words that best describe your interests and personality. Job. Zone will recommend careers to explore that match your self -assessment Slide 24
Self-Service / job. ZONE Self Exploration – Career Interests Select your level in interest in a variety of activities. It doesn’t matter how well you think you’d perform each task only how much it interests you. Job. Zone will then recommend careers to explore that match the career interests you’ve expressed. Slide 25
Self-Service / job. ZONE Skills Survey The Skills Survey allows the user to rank skills they’ve acquired from past jobs. Job. Zone can recommend other careers to explore that make use of those same skills, or use a skills “gap analysis” to suggest more skills to acquire to branch into other careers. Slide 26
Self-Service / job. ZONE Login from OSOS Clicking on the Job. Zone window in OSOS opens up the Job. Zone application with the OSOS staff account logged in manager mode. This allows staff to easily work with customer accounts without having to log into Job. Zone separately. Slide 27
AOSOS Case Management Tour Our case management tour begins with customer registration… Starting with a “core” registration, users collect and manage information necessary to serve the customer. The Customer Detail module tabs include basic information, including the “Gen. Info’s” basic customer demographics displayed below. Slide 28
AOSOS Case Management Tour Information collection on 508 complaint screens Collect as much information as necessary to serve your customer on a series of tabbed screens including the Additional Information Tab (below), Objectives, Work History, Education/Licenses, Skills, Comments and Tests tabs. Clicking the “Programs/Public Assistance Selection” button above or checking “Service Veteran” field opens windows with additional information fields. Slide 29
AOSOS Case Management Tour The tour continues… Is this customer job ready, possessing “in-demand” skills? YES – Proceed to the Employer Module and its job search and matching functionality. NO – Proceed to the Customer Assessment Module. Slide 30
AOSOS Case Management Tour Comprehensive Assessment The Comprehensive Assessment module is used to collect additional information to help the counselor make informed decisions regarding the customer’s suitability for “intensive services” or “training, ” and whether special barriers to employment exist. AOSOS provides for the logical collection and documentation of an employment plan. Comp Assess Tabs: • Employment • Education • Financial • Family • Health • Treatments • Legal • Housing • Transportation • Comments Slide 31
AOSOS Case Management Tour Document & Track Services Schedule services and training documenting dates, costs, fund allocation(s) and program(s) affiliation. In addition, authorizations can be printed, attendance tracked, and IPA service summaries viewed. Slide 32
AOSOS Case Management Tour Capturing Outcome Information… Outcome information including employment retention, credential attainment and youth measures are captured through interfaces with Wage Record and WRIS to capture wage data and supplemental information entered on the Outcomes Tab. Slide 33
AOSOS Case Management Tour Case Managing Providers & Services… AOSOS provides case management of service providers and their service offerings. Slide 34
AOSOS Case Management Tour Case Managing Employers & Job Orders… Employers and their job opportunities are case managed within the Employer Module. Staff can search for employers and/or specific types of job opportunities using comprehensive search criteria against current or archives job orders. Slide 35
AOSOS Case Management Tour Job Order -> Referral -> Results Documentation Slide 36
Special Application Features Find additional information about the system and consortium on the AOSOS Information website at: http: //www. ososinfo. org/ Slide 37