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Building Academic Enterprise Capacity UPBEAT Benchmarking - through UPBEAT - j. a. powell@salford. ac. uk
What is Academic Enterprise (AE) ? Academic Activities involve “innovation, creativity, synthesis, commercialisation, diversification, outreach, partnerships, networking and user applications of the University’s expertise and academic knowledge” Developing Academic Opportunities beyond means currently employed but to High Academic Values and Standards UPBEAT - j. a. powell@salford. ac. uk
Look where everyone is looking: See what no one else can see: Do what no one else is Doing Marshal Resources to Pursue Opportunities beyond means available – Business Acumen Enriching University Life & Values = More than £ Real World Demands Develop a New Ways of Academic Working for Mutual Benefit with the Community - changing what it makes sense to do It's a Noble Academic Activity Standing alongside T&L and Research The key role universities play in promoting a civilised society – wider social & cultural rewards; UPBEAT - j. a. powell@salford. ac. uk Performance of Academics Individually and Collectively
UPBEAT Project UPBEAT = University Partnerships to Benchmark Enterprise Activities and Technologies Funded by Higher Education Funding Council for England, Council for Industry and Higher Education, & Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council UPBEAT Partners were concerned that the current Reach-Out agenda focused too heavily & narrowly on the measurement of Commercialisation of University Capability UPBEAT - j. a. powell@salford. ac. uk
Range of University-Business-Community Programmes Envisaged Community Enterprises Public Sector Socially Inclusive Wealth Creation Civil Services Fullest Diversity of Enterprising Reach -out Supporting SMEs Imaginable Developing Knowledge Networks Conventional Commercial, Spin-Outs, Licensing etc Voluntary Services Volunteering Cultural Industries Creative Industries UPBEAT - j. a. powell@salford. ac. uk
UPBEAT Partner’s Normal Practices = Virtuous Knowledge Sharing Imaginative Generation of ‘Knowledge’ & ‘Know How’, with Partners, through Reasoned & Undisciplined Sharing Formative and Summative Evaluation >> Feed Forward for Continuous Improvement in Technology Use & Enterprise Processes Imaginative, Transdisciplinary & Practice based R&D - Sharing a Wider Perspectives Mutual Coaching and Support to Enable Elegant and Sustainable Improvement Processes = World’s Best Practices NOT Just Linear Two Knowledge or Way Transfer Exchange >> BUT Iterative & Continuous Knowledge Sharing UPBEAT - j. a. powell@salford. ac. uk
Key UPBEAT Aims/Objectives z Develop good Case Study Exemplars of a broad range of diverse, ‘nontraditional’ Reach-Out (55 case studies) z Elicit from these Cases Critical Success Characteristics of each Institutions’ Reach-Out z Elicit what forms of Measurement are undertaken to reveal this success z Propose, Use and Evaluate a Suitable Enterprise Benchmarking Approach UPBEAT - j. a. powell@salford. ac. uk
Value Adding Benchmarking Enterprise Evaluation Benchmarking Structures Results Enablers Individual Performance Social Capital Approaches Explored B u s i n e s s A c u m e n • HEBCIS – Mainly Success Metrics – Few, Simple & Existing and SHEFC – Income Driven Success Metrics – Income > Far too Simple • EFQM - Business Excellence – Powerful But Time Consuming = 9 Factors >Far too Complex Innovation and Leadership Academic Foresight Cost of 4 Human Skills Data Gathering Drivers for Enterprise Success UPBEAT - j. a. powell@salford. ac. uk
Benchmarking Projects and Programmes against 4 Critical Human Success Factors z Business Acumen – refers to the way in which z z z organisational endeavour is purposefully directed at developing effective and efficient conventional enterprise management…. . Individual Performance – refers to the empowerment of individuals (in new projects and leading them) to become more innovative via skills development, mentoring, coaching…. Social Networking Intelligence – refers to collaborative endeavour, social networking, creative team working and so on; this capital enables people to act together more effectively to pursue shared objectives for mutual benefit both as leaders & team members… Foresight Enabling Skill – refers to strategic goal setting, thorough problem recognition, rigorous exploration, empathy with users and stakeholders, and evaluation (outside the HEI context the term used Foresight Enabling Capital) UPBEAT - j. a. powell@salford. ac. uk
Academic Enterprise Engagement Levels z Relevant Human Enterprise Skills measured against increasing ‘Engagement’ >> 6 incremental Levels – Quality/Density: 1. Awareness and Recognition Capacity 2. Capability Building +Associated 3. Developed Professional Metrics Competence (uni-disciplinary) 4. Mastery (trans-disciplinary) Delivery and 5. Innovative or Creative Flair Success 6. Sustained Global Excellence Metrics and Stewardship } } Higher the level of Engagement = Greater its Overall Success UPBEAT - j. a. powell@salford. ac. uk
The 4 x 6 UPBEAT Matrix = Approach actually Chosen for Evaluation and Development Critical Human Success Factors for Enterprise (Business) Acument Increasing QUALITY and DENSITY of ENGAGEMENT Level 1: Awareness & Recognition Level 2: Capability Building Level 3: Developed Professional Competence Recognising Real DEMAND + Potential Outputs Social Networking Intelligence Innovative/ Creative Flair Level 6: Sustained Global Excellence Creative Interdisciplinary Team Working Enrolment in transdisciplinary Knowledge Sharing Driving Self Efficacy, Leadership and ‘Flow’ - CMI Identifying Real NEED, Worthy Problems & Foresight Enabled Solutions Empathising Professionally with Clients and Sponsors Creative Stewardship >> Cited World Authority Level 5: Economic & Business Viability of Enterprise Achieved Individual Performance Foresight Enabling Skills Level 4: Mastery UPBEAT - j. a. powell@salford. ac. uk
The UPBEAT Matrix = as a Balanced Scorecard CRITICAL HUMAN SUCCESS FACTORS for Enterprise Increasing QUALITY and DENSITY of ENGAGEMENT Level 1: Awareness & Recognition Level 2: Capability Building Level 3: Developed Professional Competence Level 4: Mastery Level 5: Innovation Creativity Enterprise (Business) Acumen Social Networking Intelligence Indicators (Metrics) showing Q & D Individual Performance Foresight Enabling Skill UPBEAT - j. a. powell@salford. ac. uk & Level 6: Higher Service & Sustained Global Excellence
Community Finance Solution – An Example 3/16/2018 UPBEAT - j. a. powell@salford. ac. uk
EFQM Assessment – NW Innovative Enterprise Awards Enablers Vision Leadership People Partnership Process Results Attributes > Total for Enablers = 425 Concept is Imaginative – Breaks the mould Inspired, Committed and Involved Valued, Trained, Developed, Motivated Mutually Beneficial, Working in Harmony Defined, Measured, Managed for Improvement Attributes > Total for Results = 300 Excellence of Results Excellent Stakeholder Perceptions, Good Record Excellent Indicators, Metrics, Outcomes High Target Achievement Grand Total 725/1000 3/16/2018 UPBEAT - j. a. powell@salford. ac. uk The Forum for the Development of Community Based
Matrix Completed for Community Finance Solutions Critical Human Success Factors for Enterprise Acumen Social Networking Intelligence Individual Performance Foresight Enabling Skill Increasing QUALITY and DENSITY of ENGAGEMENT Level 1: Awareness & Recognition Level 2: Capability Building Level 3: Developed Professional Competence Recognition by key Stakeholders= Partnership ONLY way Instigator’s (I) Court Experience; Anecdotal Cases showed NEED Innovative/ Creative Flair Successful Ph. D + Fellowships> Core CFS leading new Projects + 5 Volunteer Leaders 2 Externally Funded Lectureships; BITC Award ‘Focused Action’ 5 Established (IPS) and fully operational CRTs; Good Networking Local use of Action Learning + Developer Training Level 6: Sustained Global Excellence CFS=NW Business Excellence Award 2003 =‘Innovation’ + £ 200 K for Uni. to Reinvest. BITC Award ‘Neighbourhood Action’; New Social Inclusion Networking. Core CFS Team developed Guidance & Coaching to Share their Knowledge Level 5: Evaluation > 4 Viable with minimal soft £; £ 7 m on Reserve + £ 1. 5 m loans; EFQM = 700 3 m in UK, NO Bank Access; PAT 3 & 14 > Business Acumen of I Willingness of Growing Numbers 100 to become involved Level 4: Mastery UPBEAT - j. a. powell@salford. ac. uk International Recognition as Global Stewards for CRT Development : Keynotes
8 Projects in One Faculty => UPBEAT MATRIX + Opportunity Costs UPBEAT - j. a. powell@salford. ac. uk
Value for Money + £ income Stars Cash Cows 0 AE Skills Composite Value = BA+IP+SIN+FES 24 Dogs Problem Children - £ or expenditure UPBEAT - j. a. powell@salford. ac. uk
Conclusions z The Benchmarking Approach has proven to provide a valuable Basic Tool in helping DRIVE Improved and Diverse Reach Out for UPBEAT Universities z UPBEAT are now reflecting on both the Precise Definition of the Matrix Axes and the Performance Metrics defining Quality z The level of Evaluation in the Approach seems Appropriate for those who wish to have both a simple mechanism to Drive Change for Continuous Improvement and also a Tool to measure Success z UPBEAT welcomes Constructive Views for developing the Protocol z Final Stages of bid to HEFCE’s Leadership, Governance and Management Fund > Looking for 20 Universities to participate in next project UPBEAT - j. a. powell@salford. ac. uk
Diversity & Progress As shown in Small Booklet from Salford University Contraception Board Game Transtech – Against Deadly Parasites Community Finance Solutions Acoustic Seating – Albert Hall Galicon – Building Partnership Salford University Benchmarks Validated by University of Twente - 50 Such Cases and Benchmarks have been developed by UPBEAT - j. a. powell@salford. ac. uk 13