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BUDGET SAFARI by The Deputy Commissioner of CEx Poonamalee Division Chennai IVCommissionerate
central excise
central excise … 4% increased to 8% across the board (except for food / pharma / paper products / notified medical equipments & textile machinery) Goods of ch. hdg 68 manufactured @ site unconditionally exempted Exemption to packaged software on the value representing “transfer of right to use” (both under BED as well as CVD) Notification No. 22/2009 - http: //taxindiaonline. com/RC 2/union_budget/ub 2009 -10/cen/cex 2209. pdf Notification No. 80/2009 - http: //taxindiaonline. com/RC 2/union_budget/ub 2009 -10/cen/cus 8009. pdf
central excise … Motor vehicles above 2000 cc to cost less Petrol driven transport vehicles & its chassis to cost less ( except Dumpers) - Notification 16 / 2009 - http: //taxindiaonline. com/RC 2/union_budget/ub 2009 -10/cen/cex 1609. pdf
central excise … Compound wall for compounding ! - one time compounding cap for Section 9 (1) offences (except for attempt / abetment) parallel offence under NDPA one time compounding for any offence under CEA on goods valued more than Rs. 1 crore convicts on or after 30/12/2005 - clause 103 of Finance (No. 2) Bill, 2009 http: //taxindiaonline. com/RC 2/union_budget/ub 2009 -10/bud 2009_10. htm
central excise … CAs’ Budget ◦ - inclusion in special audits u/s 14 A & 14 AA of CEA along with cost accountants ◦ - certification in export refunds of service tax - clause 104 & 105 of Finance (No. 2) Bill, 2009 http: //taxindiaonline. com/RC 2/union_budget/ub 2009 -10/fb/bill 42. pdf
central excise … COD power to High Courts ◦ - Sections 35 G & 35 H of CEA amended - clause 107 & 108 of Finance (No. 2) Bill, 2009 http: //taxindiaonline. com/RC 2/union_budget/ub 2009 -10/fb/bill 42. pdf ◦ - Sections 130 & 130 A of CA amended - clause 86 & 87 of Finance (No. 2) Bill, 2009 http: //taxindiaonline. com/RC 2/union_budget/ub 2009 -10/fb/bill 41. pdf • Return of non – relied docs within 30 days of issue of SCN • Rule 24 A of CER 2002 introduced • Notification No. 17/2009 NT – http: //taxindiaonline. com/RC 2/union_budget/ub 2009 -10/cen/cexnt 1709. pdf
customs … Remission & Refund ◦ - Section 26 A of CA introduced ◦ - refund on imported defective goods / not as per specs ◦ - goods to be exported or relinquished or destroyed ARA of IT ( under Section 245 – O of the ITA) to be ARA of Customs (under Section 28 F of CA) - clause 84 & 85 of Finance (No. 2) Bill, 2009 http: //taxindiaonline. com/RC 2/union_budget/ub 2009 -10/fb/bill 41. pdf
customs … DGCEI is DRI too! - Notification 27 / 2009 – Customs (N. T) revalidated w. e. f 9/5/2000 - to have all India jurisdiction - clause 91 of Finance (No. 2) Bill, 2009 http: //taxindiaonline. com/RC 2/union_budget/ub 2009 -10/fb/bill 41. pdf
customs … Compound wall for compounding ! - one time compounding cap for Sections 135 & 135 A offences - parallel offence under NDPA / Chemical weapons convention Act / Arms Act / Wild Life (Protection) Act smuggling of specified goods under Appendix 3 of Schedule 2 of ITC / prohibited items under Section 5 of FT(D&R)Act / goods or docs affecting sovereign relationship or national honour one time compounding for any offence under CA on goods valued more than Rs. 1 crore convicts on or after 30/12/2005 - - - clause 103 of Finance (No. 2) Bill, 2009 http: //taxindiaonline. com/RC 2/union_budget/ub 2009 -10/fb/bill 41. pdf
customs … Tariff value provision to CTA Section 3 (2) of CTA amended Machinery provisions to safeguard duty Sections 8 B (4 A), 8 C (5 B) & 9 (7 A) of CTA Revalidations to Sections 8 B, 8 C, 9 &9 A of CTA Margin of dumping to be based on facts upon non availability of records Sub-section 6 A to section 9 A of CTA - clause 93 – 101 of Finance (No. 2) Bill, 2009 http: //taxindiaonline. com/RC 2/union_budget/ub 2009 -10/fb/bill 41. pdf
service tax
service tax … new services… Cargo transport by rail v Transport of coastal cargo v Cargo transport thru Inland waterways v Legal consultancy v Cosmetic / plastic surgery v ( effective after a notified date) - clause 112 of Finance (No. 2) Bill, 2009 http: //taxindiaonline. com/RC 2/union_budget/ub 2009 -10/fb/bill 5. pdf
service tax … amended services… v Business Auxiliary Service to exclude only manufacture of “excisable goods” v Sub – brokers out of service tax net. v “acquiring” to become “providing” in IT service w. e. f 16/5/2008 - ( effective after a notified date) - clause 112 of Finance (No. 2) Bill, 2009 http: //taxindiaonline. com/RC 2/union_budget/ub 2009 -10/fb/bill 5. pdf
service tax … No more revision – only appeal Rule making power to determine: ◦ date for rate ◦ place of provision ◦ Retrospective amendment to Notfn. 1/2009 from 1/1/2005 (services provided to GTA) - clause 112 of Finance (No. 2) Bill, 2009 http: //taxindiaonline. com/RC 2/union_budget/ub 2009 -10/fb/bill 5. pd f
service tax … Works’ contracts tightened ◦ Composition only if gross value of all goods used are included ◦ FOC materials to be included in composition scheme ◦ Supply under separate contracts to be included under composition w. e. f 7/7/2009 but not to apply for WC, which have already commenced or payment is received in part or full Notification 23/2009 - http: //taxindiaonline. com/RC 2/union_budget/ub 2009 -10/cen/st 2309. pdf
service tax … Point 2 Point bus transport spared Notification 20/2009 w. e. f 7/7/2009 http: //taxindiaonline. com/RC 2/union_budget/ub 2009 -10/cen/st 2009. pdf Inter-bank transactions of sale/purchase of forex by scheduled banks exempted Notification 19/2009 w. e. f 7/7/2009 http: //taxindiaonline. com/RC 2/union_budget/ub 2009 -10/cen/st 1909. pdf Notified export promotion councils exempted till 31/3/2010
service tax … Refund of service tax on exports ◦ - New modified scheme ◦ - “terminal handling service” included ◦ - Refund based on self certification ( up to 0. 25% FOB) or on Company’s CA certification ◦ - time limit to file claim extended to one year ◦ - “relevant date” is the date of export Notification 17 / 2009 - http: //taxindiaonline. com/RC 2/union_budget/ub 2009 -10/cen/st 1709. pdf
service tax … Exemption for exports - GTA between place of removal to ICD / CFS / port / airport - Foreign Commission agents - BRC not a criterion - 1% Cap on exemption for Commission paid - Half yearly returns to be filed - Scheme available for exports after 7/7/2009 Notification 18 / 2009 - http: //taxindiaonline. com/RC 2/union_budget/ub 2009 -10/cen/st 1809. pdf
cenvat credit
cenvat credit … Steel & Cement are no more inputs if used in construction ◦ ( Explanation to rule 2(k) of CCR amended) Cenvat to be reversed on Inputs / Capital goods, by a service provider, upon writing off in full ◦ ( Rule 3(5 B) of CCR amended) • Reversal under Rule 6(3)(i) of CCR reduced: - 10% to 5% for manufacturers - 8% to 6% for service providers Notification 16 / 2009 NT http: //taxindiaonline. com/RC 2/union_budget/ub 2009 -10/cen/cexnt 1609. pdf
THANKS Poonamallee Division Chennai IV Commissionerate