- Количество слайдов: 13
OPTION 1: SELLING SOUTH AFRICA International Tourism Marketing ¬ Additional funding to South African Tourism will lead to an additional 781 683 tourism arrivals over the 2004, 2005 and 2006 calendar years. ¬ These tourists arrivals will increase the direct spending inside South Africa by R 9, 08 billion ¬ The projected incremental tourism arrivals will create 164 154 new jobs (direct and indirect) in South Africa. ¬ More revenue for government from airport taxes and the departure levy on tourists
OPTION 1: SELLING SOUTH AFRICA Ø Tourism Enterprise Programme ® Focus on tourism SMME development and support. ® TEPs funding from the Business Trust ends in June 2004 and should be sustained beyond that.
DEPARTURE TAX International 2001/02 2002/03 2002/04 to date 245, 247, 557 320, 440, 200 407, 599, 934 Regional 17, 466, 498 23, 028, 912 33, 903, 676 Total 262, 714, 055 343, 469, 112 441, 503, 610 % 30. 74 28. 54
OPTION 1: SELLING SOUTH AFRICA SA Tourism revenue generated/leveraged from other sources 2002/03 R’ 000 2003/04 R’ 000 2004/05 R’ 000 2005/06 R’ 000 TBCSA 38 600 44 000 48 000 52 000 Business Trust 30 700 20 000 - - Joint Marketing Agreement/JV’s 8 100 29 400 32 400 33 900 Other income 29 900 56 500 58 200 59 700 Government 221 500 296 400 311 800 327 000 Total 328 800 446 300 450 400 472 600
OPTION 2: PROTECTION OF OUR MARINE RESOURCES Ø Loss on illegal and unrecorded fish landings : ± R 20 billion Ø Monitoring Control and Surveillance has 180 staff Ø Gangsterism and money laundering are now common Ø The target is to increase the ratio from 1 FCO : 60 km to 1 FCO : 5 km over Ø Increase human resources capacity by 420 additional staff.
OPTION 3: CLEANING-UP SOUTH AFRICA Plastic bags Ø Life-cycle approach to plastics Ø “Buyisa-e-Bag” to promote recycling and jobs Ø SABS to ensure compliance with compulsory specifications Ø Plastic Federation to provide R 500 000 seed funding Ø Levy - revenue to State ± R 84 million over 3 years Model to be extended to other waste streams e. g. tyres and glass
OPTION 3: CLEANING-UP SOUTH AFRICA Thor clean-up Ø Total cost for clean up is ± R 60 million Ø Government liability undetermined Ø Thor Chemicals committed R 26 million and is open for further negotiation Ø Clean-up will lead to on-site thermal ‘retorting’ (as opposed to incineration) of all mercury-contaminated materials Ø The permanent removal of extracted mercury from society and the land filling of decontaminated waste and the full rehabilitation of the site
OPTION 3: CLEANING-UP SOUTH AFRICA Greening SA campaign ¬ WSSD legacy project (UNDP, IUCN, GEF, Gauteng) ¬ Proposal for one national campaign in support of sustainable development efforts with single brand message ¬ Partnership with social partners over next 3 -5 years ¬ Potential to leverage significant donor and private sector resources ¬ Require seed funding from government to initiate process
OPTION 4: INFRASTRUCTURE FOR GROWTH ¬ SA Augulhas 25 years old and maintenance cost to increase incrementally. Replace within next 3 years. ¬ In order to grow conservation assets, DEAT to assume responsibility for indigenous forests from DWAF for which no current budget exists. ¬ Road subsidy inadequate for tourism demand expansion of parks
OPTION 4: INFRASTRUCTURE FOR GROWTH ¬ GSLWP : Government support will leverage tourism potential and further private sector investment ¬ Infrastructure investment in TFCAs to leverage private sector support for regional economic growth. ¬ Capital investment in SAWS will lead to greater revenue generation opportunities and service delivery.
TOTAL MTEF 2004/05 Allocation 2005/06 2006/07 1 136 526 1 116 049 1 183 012 50 970 58 724 64 615 Option 1 395 000 414 000 446 568 Option 2 66 000 76 050 78 720 Option 3 81 588 66 349 48 205 Option 4 130 400 435 074 399 800 1 860 484 2 166 246 2 220 920 Baseline increase TOTAL
TREASURY RECOMMENDATION Option Selling SA R 10 m R 32 m R 38 m Protecting the Marine Env R 9 m R 17 m R 22 m Cleaning up SA R 9 m R 17 m R 22 m Infrastructure for Growth R 19 m R 30 m Adjustment to baseline R 5 m R 6 m R 5 m Total R 50 m R 100 m