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Budding Gardeners Project D&T Scheme of Work Key Stage 3 rhs. org. uk/schoolgardening RHS Registered Charity No. 222879/SC 038262
BUDDING GARDENERS PROJECT SUMMARY OF THIS KS 3 SCHEME OF WORK Fits the D&T curriculum 5 week project linked to the RHS Budding Gardeners Competition Students design a 1 m x 1 m garden, create a model and present their ideas. Students build the winning design at one of the four RHS gardens to participate in the Budding Gardeners competition 1 m x 1 m (or pallet garden) competitions are held in many locations around the UK. It may be possible to enter the winning design into one of those if your school is not near enough to one of the four RHS gardens
WHAT IS BUDDING GARDENERS? An opportunity for school pupils to showcase their gardening and design skills, creativity and imaginative ideas, to RHS members and visitors during spring half term. Co-inciding with the RHS Chelsea Flower Show, schools are invited to create their own 1 m x 1 m mini show garden at one of the four RHS Gardens (Wisley, Hyde Hall, Harlow Carr, Rosemoor). The mini gardens will remain on display throughout spring half term.
WEEK ONE Learning Objectives: • To gain a knowledge and understanding of the RHS Budding Gardeners competition • To understand identify the roles within the RHS Budding Gardeners competition • To know what is expected over the course of the next 5 weeks Today's lesson: • Register, go through aims of lesson • What is the RHS Budding Gardeners competition? • What other garden shows/competitions do the RHS run? • What is theme this year? • What is expected? • Organise into groups of 4 -6 (depending on class size) & identify roles
WEEK ONE RHS FLOWER SHOWS It is important that you understand the RHS brand the type of gardens displayed at the RHS Flower Shows The RHS Chelsea Flower Show is one of the world’s leading garden shows which attracts designers from all over the world. Other shows include • RHS Hampton Court Flower Show • RHS Cardiff Flower Show • RHS Tatton Park Flower Show
WEEK ONE Context (Theme) 2015’s theme was wonderland. Let your imagination run wild and put together an inspiring and eye-catching design for the 1 m x 1 m garden of your dreams!
WEEK ONE PROJECT DESIGN BRIEF Each Year 9 Design and Technology class will be broken down into small groups. Each group will design and create a model and a presentation for their garden based on theme of the RHS Budding Gardeners design competition. A winner from each class will go forward to a final panel of Judges and the top three will be picked. The top three groups will develop their models into real life gardens at a lunchtime club. These will be displayed on the school grounds and an overall winner will be selected. The winning group will re-create their garden at an RHS garden in a competition involving schools from across the region.
WEEK ONE PROJECT DESIGN BRIEF Think creatively about theme of ‘Wonderland’ Think about how you can resource your garden for free by asking parents for donations of plants, cuttings or recycled items, or using plants/items from your school garden and grounds. You could try using old milk cartons or wellington boots for plant pots, or bottles and buckets as hanging baskets Ensure that you have enough time and suitable facilities to grow your plants to be ready for display. You may need to grow plants from plugs (young plants) rather than seed, or you may need to buy established plants.
WEEK ONE PROJECT DESIGN BRIEF Questions to consider: How long does it take to produce the plants you need…from seed? From cuttings? From plugs? What conditions do they require if you’re going to grow them yourselves? Where can you buy ready-grown plants? How many do you need? How much will they cost?
WEEK ONE AWARDS Pallet gardens will be judged by RHS Curators and special VIP guests in the following categories: • • Best in Show (one per age category) Gold, Silver & Bronze Awards Green Award (best use of recycling) Most Original Award Curator’s Award Judge’s Award People’s Choice Award (as voted by visitors) Each school that takes part will receive a certificate and free entry for their pupils (with accompanying paying adult) to their RHS Garden during the Spring half term.
WEEK ONE 2014 GARDENS In 2014 theme was ‘recycled’ Some of the awards were given for Best in Show (KS 3 -5), Most Creative, Green Award and The Chris Collins Award. Of the pictures on the next slide, who do you think was the winner in each category and why?
WEEK ONE ROLES Choosing your role in the Team - Designer - Finance Manager - Team Leader - Landscaper All team members should…. - Help come up with initial ideas - Agree on a name for your pallet and description - Give positive feedback to other team members - Consider the environmental aspects of the final design
WEEK ONE ROLES Designer Finance Manager Creative people who are skilled at problem solving and exploring creative ideas Someone who is good with facts and figures and who has excellent research skills Main Tasks: • Lead the development of creative ideas • • Draw designs With the help of the Landscaper, research the cost of materials to get the best value • Make models and prototypes • Write down the break down of the teams budget (each team will get £ 20. 00 towards their project. Materials can also be up-cycled or re-cycled. Listen to other team members and their ideas Create good value, not just low cost
WEEK ONE ROLES Team Leader Landscaper A good all-rounder who can plan, manage their time and help others work together Someone with good practical and research skills Main Tasks: • With the help of the Finance Manager. Source the required hard and soft landscaping for the chosen design Work with the designer to create workable solutions to problems Main Tasks: • Have an overview of the whole project • keep the team on task • Delegate tasks so that everyone is able to make a contribution • • Inspire and motivate Contribute to creative ideas Listen to other team members and their ideas Understand materials and plants
WEEK ONE TASK • Get into groups of four to six people • Assign the team roles: - Designer - Finance Manager - Team Leader - Landscaper • As a group discuss how you will interpret theme of ‘wonderland’
WEEK TWO Learning Objectives: • • • To understand identify the design brief in further detail To research previous Budding Gardeners competitions To gain a knowledge and understanding of market research To design and develop your gardens on A 3 paper or Google sketch up To continue to respond to the RHS brief. Today's lesson: • • Register, go through aims of lesson Look at the RHS design brief and highlight key aspects creating a task analysis Respond to the design brief and context ‘Wonderland’ Consider what other research needs to be done Look at the Thumbnails you have drawn, shortlist some ideas (2 or 3) Financiers: Start looking at materials and cost Designers: Develop the shortlist design ideas from the thumbnails in more detail, either by hand or Google sketch up Landscapers: Look at possible hard landscaping materials, features and plants
WEEK TWO UNDERSTANDING THE BRIEF AND CONTEXT: Wonderland RHS Budding Gardeners Brief: The winning entry from your school will be re-created at an RHS Garden in a day. A 1 m by 1 m raised bed, filled with compost, will be set out. You need to bring everything else. 1 m x 1 m is not very big! Questions to ask: • What are the different ways to create height in your garden? • What different materials could you use? • What will you need to know? Don’t forget about the plants! Good quality plants are important. You will need to research pallet gardens and Budding Gardeners to inform your design ideas.
WEEK TWO UNDERSTANDING THE BRIEF AND CONTEXT Task: Read the design brief individually As a team create a task analysis on A 3 paper Materials? Wonderland Hard landscaping (paths, features, structures)? What is the RHS brand? RHS 2015 Budding Gardeners What is your budget? Sustainable concerns ? Soft Landscaping (plants)?
WEEK TWO Thumbnails Work in your groups on A 3 paper. • Start thinking of ideas in response to the design brief and context. • Take it in turns to visualise those ideas on the A 3 paper. • The drawings do not need to be perfect they need just enough detail to communicate the garden design idea. • After you have a series of ideas, discuss them and see how they could be developed to further meet the brief.
WEEK TWO Thumbnails
WEEK TWO Developed Ideas As a group look at the thumbnails you have drawn and shortlist some ideas (2 or 3) Designers: Develop the shortlist design ideas from the thumbnails in more detail, either by hand or Google Sketch Up.
WEEK TWO Developed Ideas
WEEK TWO Developing Ideas Financiers Designers - Start researching potential materials/plants with the landscaper. - Sketch out the Thumbnail ideas Hard and Soft Landscapers - Think about the plants needed and the time involved - Ecological and environmental aspects - Collect feedback on designs - Find out the cost and look around for the best price. - Develop the sketches and make clearer using annotations. -Structures and features? Team Leader What makes your garden unique? Make sure everyone is happy with the ideas you are going to develop. Help sketch out the chosen ideas from the thumbnails
WEEK TWO Homework Due in for next lesson • Collect at least 3 opinions on the chosen design ideas You need to find out: • What improvements could be made? • What are the good and bad points of your garden design?
WEEK THREE Learning Objectives: • To understand the feedback given to your group (last week’s homework) • To develop final design. Today's lesson: • • Register, go through aims of lesson Groups to discuss feedback from homework Designers – to firm up final idea on A 3 paper or Google Sketch up. Landscapers – to finalise plants, hard landscaping and other features needed. Financiers – to finalise best prices. If time permits, teams can start prototyping. Plenary – what do teams need to prototype? Homework - due in for next lesson: • • All teams to be ready to prototype next lesson Teams to bring in materials to create model
WEEK THREE Task • Each group should discuss the feedback they have received. • As a group – decide which idea to move forward with. • Finalise costing IT IS DECISION TIME!
WEEK THREE Final Idea Financiers Designers - Help to decide upon the best design. - Research how much the materials will cost. Compare different suppliers -Work out the total cost - Draw out your final design. -Help the landscaper with the plant choices Hard and Soft Landscapers - Help to decide upon the best design -Pick the plants, hard landscaping and features needed and let the financier know. -Work closely with the designers for the best fit plants for their design vision. Team Leader – make sure everyone is happy with the chosen idea, help each person with their tasks. Remember to think about ‘sustainability’ when deciding upon materials.
WEEK FOUR Learning Objectives: • To gain a knowledge and understanding of how to make a prototype Today's lesson: • • Register, go through aims of lesson Starter – What is a Prototype? Designers and Landscapers - Create 3 D Model Financiers and Team Leaders – Create Presentation Homework - Due in for next lesson • • Finish model Finish presentation
WEEK FOUR What is a PROTOTYPE? Noun: A first or preliminary model of something, from which other forms are developed or copied. What is a PROTOTYPE? A MODEL
WEEK FOUR TASKS Modelling Designers and Landscapers make the prototype using the resources you have available. Presentation Team leaders and Financiers must create a presentation (pitch) to go with your model, which you will present next week, highlighting why your design should win and be created. Talk about: • What makes your garden unique • How you have interpreted theme • Why you have chosen certain plants • Hard landscaping features • Sustainability
WEEK FIVE Learning Objectives: • To be able to work as part of a team to professionally pitch your garden • To judge the other pitches against a set criteria Today's lesson: • • Register, go through aims of lesson All teams to present (pitch) their garden design All pupils to score pitches against set criteria Winner goes through to whole year final against the other winners in the DT groups
WEEK FIVE Activity Criteria (the team has) Team Name: Score Quality of idea • • • Produced a good design based upon theme Designed a garden suitable for the RHS show Shown evidence of creativity and innovation __/5 Landscaping • • Appropriate use of plants Appropriate use of hard landscaping __/5 Manufacturing of Model • • Identified appropriate materials for the model Quality of model __/5 Environmental impact • Considered the gardens impact on the environment __/5 Costing & Budget • • Shown evidence of costing and budgeting Shown evidence of research __/5 Presentation • Presented their Garden Design using a variety of communication (words, images, drawings, models) Involved all team members in the pitch __/5 • Any other comments: Total: __/30
Thank You Thanks must go to Jude Quinn, head of Design and Technology and his department at Townley Grammar School, Bexleyheath, for supplying the original scheme of work and for engaging his year 9’s in this project. Jquinn 3. 303@Townley. Grammar. org. uk