- Количество слайдов: 20
bs”d ". . . And all the nation saw the voices " Exodus 20: 15 Is it possible? A new Israeli letter processing patent based on ACOUSTICAL IMAGING reveals from a scientific perspective a little bit of the greatness of the revelation at the giving of the Torah Rashi: “they saw that which is heard” Kli Yakar: the children of Israel “saw the letters” The holy speech was seen in the picture of the letters of the alef-bet. 1 Yakov Guggenheim
The letter Ayin Hz. Our transformation Microphone The signal from the t 2 time ע Yakov Guggenheim ע
the letter “peh” פ 3 Yakov Guggenheim
letter “Mem” · ם 4 Yakov Guggenheim
The letter “beis” ב 5 Yakov Guggenheim
the letter “zayin” ז 6 Yakov Guggenheim
gimel with Teimani pronunciation djimel ג 7 Yakov Guggenheim
Letter “tet” ט 8 Yakov Guggenheim
The letter “shin” ש 9 Yakov Guggenheim
the letter “tzadi” צ 10 Yakov Guggenheim
11 נ Nun Yakov Guggenheim
Reish ר 12 Yakov Guggenheim
כ 13 כ Yakov Guggenheim Chaf
Chet 14 Yakov Guggenheim
Samech ס 15 Yakov Guggenheim
Yud י 16 Yakov Guggenheim
Kuf ק 17 Yakov Guggenheim
• There is no “learning” for recognition here like in neural networks. • A more technical document on the difficulties of the letter processing is found in “reukol 22” (pdf or Word) • The effect occurs only in Hebrew, the language of Creation (the world was created in the Holy language) • The Torah was given in the Ashuri script • How was the time-frequency plane known? See… 18 Yakov Guggenheim
seeing hearing 300. 000 Km/s 330 m/s place time right brain left brain generalization analysis (mercy-beauty) (eternity-beauty) שמיעה grasp self-nullification ת existence non-existence physicality spirituality this thus 19 Yakov Guggenheim ח ח ראיה
speech = revelation • “and man became a living being” - a speaking spirit • In the essence of his being man is a speaker • “that all is according to his word” = “the word of Go -d” that maintains everything in existence • The speaker creates: forms, letters, powers, kings • The soul is filled with letters • Speech = the revealed power of the soul • Then I will turn unto the nations in a clear language to call them all in the name of the L-rd 20 Yakov Guggenheim