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- Количество слайдов: 7
Brown Bear Подготовил: Смирнов Иван Класс: 7 А Школа: 17
Description Largest land predator. Body length up to 2 m, the average weight of -150 kg. Body massive, slightly elongated, with short but thick plantigrade five-toed feet. The head is broad with a short muzzle. Ears are small. The fur from brownish-yellow to dark brown. On the chest is sometimes a small whitish spot
Where he lives ? The brown bear is widely distributed throughout the forest zone of Europe, Asia and North America. In our country they live in the northern half of the European part, Siberia and the Caucasus. The favorite habitat of the brown bear - taiga coniferous forests, at least - deciduous forests with abundant windfall.
What to eat? It feeds on birds, rodents, frogs, insects, nuts, berries and mushrooms. Very fond of honey, sometimes comes after him to the apiary. On occasion, a bear attacks moose, wild boar, reindeer.
How to spend the winter? Bears spend the winter in dens in the dream state. Den bear suit in a dry place, in a recess under the windbreak, in the crevices of rocks. In winter, bears are born 2 -3 tiny cub weighing only around 500 She feeds them with milk, warms your breath. With the onset of spring cubs leave the den with the bear, which continues to take care of them for two years.
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