British cusine.ppt
- Количество слайдов: 14
British cuisine
The English proverb says: every cook praises his own broth.
One can not say English cookery is bad, but there is not a lot of variety in it in comparison with European cuisine.
The usual meals in England are breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner.
So the traditional British breakfast is eggs, sausage or bacon, bread, beans in tomato sauce, oatmeal, pie, cereal.
Lunch is a light meal and is eaten at school or work.
Dinner is usually the main meal of the day and consist of two courses. meat dish fishplate
Indian, Italian and Chinese dishes are particularly popular for evening meals.
The British are famous for their love of sweet things and afternoon tea with sandwiches.
Also there is a tradition of Sunday dinner - Sunday Roast Carvery. Usually served grilled meat (turkey, beef, chicken, pork or lamb), potatoes and Yorkshire pudding.
Of alcohol is especially popular beer - black ale and porter, and especially appreciated the draft beer and whiskey, gin, brandy, rum, port.
In different regions of the UK has its own delicacy: n Wales - lamb with mint sauce n Scotland - porridge with meat and spices n England – steaks n Northern Ireland - trout
For fans of restaurants:
Proverbs about food: n Breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen and dine like a pauper (завтракай, как король, обедай, как королева, а ужинай, как нищий); n After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile (после обеда посиди, после ужина милю пройди); n No song, no supper (кто не работает, тот не ест); n Drinking tea with pleasure isn't working without measure (чай пить - не дрова рубить).
British cusine.ppt