BRINGING UP CHILDRENChildren are divided into: babies toddlers
Children are divided into: babies toddlers 'infants teen-agers, or ado'lescents
A baby is a very young child
A toddler is a child who is beginning to walk
An infant is a baby or a very young child (under 7 years old)
A teenager is a person from 13 to 19 years of age
A teenager = an ado'lescent
A child from his birth to 1 year old can be called a _______
A child from 1 to 2 years old can be called a _______
A child from his birth to 7 years old can be called an _______
A child from 13 to 19 years old can be called a _______
When is a child most easy-going, in your opinion?
[ ] When is a child most fussy, in your opinion?
What can a woman do to 'comfort a baby?
Pick it up from the crib колыбель
Pick a child up from the crib
Rock a child – move him to and fro
rock a child
Let a child sit on one’s lap (the top part of your legs)
let a child sit on one’s lap
[ai] Check that a child’s diaper подгузник is dry
Respond to a child’s needs
respond to a child’s needs
Hum – sing a tune with your lips closed
Give a baby a 'pacifier = dummy (соска-пустышка)
A pacifier
Nurse a baby – to feed a baby at the breast
A child can be + calm easy-going 'placid 'mellow
A child can be - incon'solable [o:] 'raucous шумный naughty cap'ricious
Sometimes children scatter things all over the place – разбрасывать вещи have 'tantrums – закатывать истерики try to as'sert themselves – самоутверждаться
scatter things all over the place
to have tantrums
to as'sert oneself
At what age do children usually scatter things all over the place?
At what age do children start to communicate their needs more effectively?
to communicate one’s needs
At what age do children usually have tantrums?
At what age do children usually want to assert themselves?
For what age group is it vital (=very important) to provide a safe environment?
a safe environment
We like kids when they are…
We don’t like kids when they (are)…
By what triggers (повод) can a tantrum be set off (=caused)?
Sometimes kids out'grow some bad habits
To out'grow
What will you do if a child is shrieking орать?
To shriek
To shriek = to scream = to yell
Other verbs you may need to speak about dealing with children:
To handle children – управляться с детьми
To handle children
To work to do smth – долго добиваться чего-л.
To work to do smth
E.g.: Take the child to a calm place and work to calm him down
[i:] To inter'vene with smth вмешиваться во что-л.
[i:] To inter'vene with smth
To feed the 'tantrum – поощрять истерику
To feed the tantrum
To take a time-out – отдохнуть, сделать перерыв
To take a time-out
To cool off - остыть
To cool off
To swear by smth – часто использовать (какой-л. прием воспитания)
To swear by smth
E.g.: Some parents swear by a pacifier.
To choose (not) to do smth предпочитать что-л. делать (чего-л. не делать)
To choose (not) to do smth
E.g.: Some parents choose not to slap their children.
To slap - шлепать
To slap
To preserve 'sanity – не сойти с ума, остаться в здравом уме
To preserve sanity
To lose sanity – сходить с ума
To lose sanity
[o:] To caution – предостерегать
[o:] To caution
Now make up a dialogue using the words you have just learnt.
Part II
Let’s Revise:
to 'comfort a baby
Pick a baby up from the crib
To rock a child
Let a child sit on one’s lap
[ai] Check that a child’s diaper is dry
To respond to a child’s needs
To hum
To give a baby a 'pacifier
To nurse a baby
Calm easy-going 'placid 'mellow
incon'solable 'raucous naughty cap'ricious
To scatter things all over the place to have 'tantrums to assert oneself
to communicate one’s needs
to provide a safe environment
A trigger
To outgrow smth
To shriek = to scream = to yell
To handle children
To work to do smth
[i:] To inter'vene with smth
To feed the 'tantrum
To take a time-out
To cool off
To swear by smth
To choose (not) to do smth
To slap
To preserve sanity
To lose sanity
[o:] To caution
Now a Small Test:
Who is a baby?
Who is a toddler?
Who is an infant?
Who is a teen-ager?
Who is an adolescent?
Как назвать ребенка, с которым легко управляться?
Как назвать капризного, шумного ребенка?
Спокойный (4 варианта)
Безутешный шумный озорной капризный
Утешать ребенка
Сажать на колени
Доставать из кроватки
Качать ребенка
Проверять подгузник
Отвечать на потребности ребенка
Давать пустышку
Кормить ребенка
Разбрасывать вещи
Закатывать истерики
Сообщать о своих потребностях
Безопасная обстановка
Перерастать что-л.
Орать (3 варианта)
Управляться с детьми
Долго добиваться чего-л.
Вмешиваться во что-л.
Поощрять истерику
Отдохнуть, сделать перерыв
Предпочитать что-л. делать (чего-л. не делать)
Не сойти с ума, остаться в здравом уме
Сходить с ума
Part III
To talk back оговариваться
To talk back
To talk back
How do you understand the expression “To talk back” ?
To teach children courtesy Учить детей вежливости
To teach children courtesy
To teach children courtesy
Make your expectations clear to your child Объяснять детям, чего Вы от них хотите
Make your expectations clear to your child
Make your expectations clear to your child
[ j ] 'Courteous Вежливый
[ j ] 'Courteous
[ j ] 'Courteous
No big deal Ничего страшного
No big deal
No big deal
Children lie because they:
- don’t want to get into trouble for doing smt
- make a bid for attention
- lying has turned into a habit for them
- they try and cover up more serious problems
If you want to put an end to lying, you should get to the root of the problem
to take on responsibility around the home
to take on responsibility around the home
to take on responsibility around the home
To foster responsibility Воспитывать ответственность
To foster responsibility
To foster responsibility
To get accustomed to doing chores Привыкать работать по дому
To get accustomed to doing chores
To get accustomed to doing chores
To complete the chores
To complete the chores
To complete the chores
To break a task down into smaller parts Разбивать задание на небольшие этапы
To break a task down into smaller parts
To break a task down into smaller parts
To pay allowance Платить вознаграждение
To pay allowance
To pay allowance
A Small Test:
Учить детей вежливости
Объяснять детям, чего Вы от них хотите
Read properly: Courteous
Ничего страшного
Translate: Дети врут потому что они не хотят проблем из-за того, что сделали что-либо,
потому что они таким образом просят обратить на них внимание,
ложь стала для них привычкой,
они стараются скрыть более серьезные проблемы.
Если Вы хотите положить конец вранью, Вам следует докопаться до сути проблемы.
Разделение домашних обязанностей
Брать на себя ответственность работать по дому
Воспитывать ответственность
Привыкать работать по дому
Доводить до конца работу по дому
Разбивать работу на несколько небольших этапов
Платить ребенку за выполнение работы по дому
It was well done!
Make up a dialogue using the expressions you have learnt
- Количество слайдов: 225