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Brest field visit 16_17 December University of Western Brittany Yannis KABLAN, European project manager
Brest field visit Ø Logistics and organization: • Hotel • Arrival and departure • Lift from and to the airport Ø meeting with University of Western brittany representatives • • • 29/09/2015 Dean of the physical education faculty Dean of the faculty of arts and humanities Dean of the faculty of law and economics Worked based learning Any other need? Your resume with field of expertise www. valeru. eu 2
Brest field visit 16 th of December Ø Morning : Steering meeting ØAfternoon : visit of the national marine museum (to be confirmed) ØEvening : 7. 30 pm : reception at the Brest City Hall with Mayor of Brest representative and Brest Christmas market tour 9. 00 pm : Dinner with University of Western brittany representatives 29/09/2015 www. valeru. eu 3
Brest field visit 17 th of December 8. 30 -9. 00 Welcome address 9. 00 -9. 20 Validation of prior experience in France and the University of Western Brittany approach, Jean Marie Filloque Vice rector for lifelong learning and academic affairs. 9. 20 -9. 25 Workshops stakes and objectives 9. 25 -9. 40 VNIL regulatory framework presentation 29/09/2015 www. valeru. eu 4
Brest field visit 17 th of December 9. 40 -11. 10 Workshop 1 : Administrative admissibility and project faisability assessment of anonym applicants files Workshops will be focus on validation analysis to obtain diploma devoted to Human ressources management We will prepare a set of (existing and anonymous) application forms (with resume, covering letter + certificate of employers), as case studies for valeru partners. The goal will be to discuss tools to set up a frame for assessment and determine applicant admissibility or not to begin a VNIL process 29/09/2015 www. valeru. eu 5
Brest field visit 17 th of December 4 groups composed by de 5 people will work on 3 different files and must choose between 3 options : • • 2 admissible files 1 non admissible NB : an analysis grid will be given to all participants. 1 or 2 interpreters will be available to help if there are questions and need for clarification. NB : Recognition of prior learning office counselors will be available to answer questions with the help of the former head of the Office, who is now representative of the international affairs in UBO Please note that we might select in each group : One person in charge of note taking and one recorder that will present the results for the group. 29/09/2015 www. valeru. eu 6
Brest field visit 17 th of December 11. 10 -11. 20 Break 11. 20 -12. 20 plenary session synthesis and feedback Feedbacks of the 1 st group : 15 min Feedbacks of the 2 nd group : 15 min Feedbacks of the 3 rd group : 15 min Feedbacks of the 4 th group : 15 min 12. 20 -12. 35 Recap and summary 12. 35 -14. 00 Lunch 14. 00 -14. 30 Presentation of the Template used in UBO for applicant forms Methods and approach used by counsellor in UBO (Networking and collaboration with other offices in France to improve methodology). 29/09/2015 www. valeru. eu 7
Brest field visit 17 th of December 14. 30 -17. 00 workshop 2 : Discussion and feedbacks from jury members 14. 30 -15. 00 Introduction and legal framework 15. 00 -15. 10 One Chairman representative, Jean Yves le Disez, Dean of Faculty letters and humanities 15. 10 -15. 20 research professor (head teacher), Ronan Divard, expert in marketing and the Director of studies that supervises the Master of Human resource management diploma 15. 20 -15. 30 practitioners / maybe companies (Consultant in Human resources management, to be confirmed) 15. 30 -15. 40 One applicant, Sébastien de Villèle, translator and interpreter in University of Western Brittany 15. 40 -17. 00 Questions/answers 29/09/2015 www. valeru. eu 8
Brest field visit 17 th of December Proposed topics : • Forward planning of jobs and skills for companies • Methodological tools and dissussion about the guide produced • in University of Western brittany for VNIL jury members the jury VNIL guide will be translated into english and could be sent before to the project partners • One applicant that succeeds his validation feedbacks 29/09/2015 www. valeru. eu 9
MERCI Thank you Danke спасибо 10