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BRAZILIAN Выполнила: Белоус К. Т. Группа 1214 FOOD
The most popular dishes: Meat dishes Sweets Alcohol
Feijoada Vatapá Churrasco
Brigadeiro Cajuzinho Beijinho
Caipirinha Cachaça
Feijoada has been described as a national dish of Brazilian feijoada (feijoada brasileira) is prepared with black beans, a variety of salted pork or beef products, such as pork trimmings (ears, tail, feet), bacon, smoked pork ribs, and at least two types of smoked sausage and jerked beef (loin and tongue) and in some regions of the northeast, like Bahia and Sergipe they usually add vegetables like cabbage, kale, potatoes, carrots, okra, pumpkin, chayote and sometimes banana. They are added at the end of the cooking
Prepared with bread, shrimp, coconut milk, finely ground peanuts and palm oil mashed into a creamy paste. This food is very popular in the North and Northeast Brazil, but it is more typical in the northeastern state
In Brazil, churrasco is the term for a barbecue (similar to the Argentine, Uruguayan, Paraguayan and Chilean asado) which originated in southern Brazil. It uses a variety of meats, pork, sausage and chicken which may be cooked on a purpose-built "churrasqueira", a barbecue grill, often with supports for spits or skewers. A churrascaria is a restaurant serving grilled meat, many offering as much as you can eat: the waiters move around the restaurant with the skewers, slicing meat onto the client's plate.
Brigadeiro is a simple Brazilian chocolate bonbon usually served at birthday parties and also as dessert, made by mixing sweetened condensed milk, butter and cocoa powder together, covered in granulated chocolate.
Cajuzinho Portuguese pronunciation: [kaʒu'zĩɲu] (from caju, "cashew"; literally, "little cashew") is a popular sweet with an almost ubiquitous presences in Brazilian parties. It is made of peanuts, cashew nuts and sugar and is shaped like a tiny cashew, although it does taste strongly of peanut.
Beijinho Portuguese pronunciation: [bej'ʒĩɲu] ("Little kiss" in Portuguese), also known as branquinho ("little white one"), is a typical Brazilian birthday party candy prepared with condensed milk, grated desiccated coconut, rolled over caster sugar or grated coconut. Traditionally a single clove is stuck in the top of the candy.
Caipirinha Portuguese pronunciation: [kajpiˈɾĩj ɐ] is Brazil's national cocktail, made with cachaça (pronounced: [kaˈʃasɐ]) (sugar cane hard liquor), sugar and fruit, most commonly lime. The drink is prepared by smashing the fruit and the sugar together, and adding the liquor. This can be made into a single glass, usually large, that can be shared amongst people, or into a larger jar, from where it is served in individual glasses.
Cachaça Several brands of cachaça
Cachaça Portuguese pronunciation: [kaˈʃasɐ] is a distilled spirit made from sugarcane juice. Also known as aguardente, pinga, caninha or other names, it is the most popular distilled alcoholic beverage in Brazil. Outside Brazil, cachaça is used almost exclusively as an ingredient in tropical drinks, with the caipirinha being the most famous cocktail.
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