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BPI Best Procurement Implementation Best Practice Toolkit Evaluation matrix user guide
Contents • Engage the Commodity Team • Components of the evaluation matrix • Weights • Sub-Weights • Evaluating the ability to supply a national contract • Evaluating the total cost of supply • Scoring and benchmarking the suppliers • The evaluation matrix as a worksheet in excel 2
Engage the Commodity Team • The evaluation criteria was agreed at a meeting with all Commodity Team • Introduce the decision matrix concept 3
The components in the evaluation Matrix After-Sales Quality Costing Structure Delivery Commercial 7 KEY components in the evaluation matrix 4
Components of the evaluation matrix defined Quality P E R F O R M A N C E After-sales Total Quality Management System. This includes past performance data on achieving an ave of 85% one day replacement turnaround/ complaints/ replacement and rejected goods process, certification and customer quality awards. The complete service offering. This includes dedicated staff/customer satisfaction/perf mgt and uptake reporting/process improvements and cost reductions /Core & non-core list. Costing Structure Ability to assess the suppliers total cost model. This includes open book costing and price fixing. Delivery On time delivery and flexibility. This includes turnaround times/ the suppliers ability to meet unscheduled requests/past performance data on achieving 85% or more on-time deliveries and delivery point improvements. Commercial viability. This includes the effectiveness of the implementation plans/board level support network/ financial stability and the level of the organisation’s influence over the supplier (For example, negotiating power). Ability to supply a national contract The ability of the supplier to supply to all delivery points in the preferred delivery option. Price The total price tendered including all discounts and additional costs. 5
How the evaluation matrix uses weighting The next stage is to find the weight for each component in the evaluation matrix The sub-weights will be included in the score for each performance criteria. Sub-weights will be applied to each tender question and summed into a total % All calculations in the evaluation matrix have been automated. 6
Each Team contributes to finding the weight In the decision matrix: Commodity Team asked to answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ on what criteria is more important than another ‘Yes’ replaced by 1, ‘No’ replaced by -1 Specific questions have been designed to derive the opinion of each Team member concerning the level of importance for each criteria 7
Calculate the weight from the Commodity Team responses DRAFT STEP 1 EVALUATION CRITERIA - STEP 2 Total for each criteria STEP 3 - Sum of all the negative numbers in the total column = Weight for each criteria Enter the Team responses as a 1 or -1 into the decision matrix which will automatically calculate the total/Rank/Weight % 8
Each Commodity Team member contributes to finding the sub-weights Each Team member rates each topic between 1 – 3, STEP 1 (3 is critically important, 2 is important and 1 is nice to have) STEP 2 fx = (AVERAGE) ●Find the average of all Team member responses STEP 3 = 9 Sub-weight for each tender question (the importance of each tender question)
Each sub-weight will place a level of importance against each tender question Step 1 r nde Te T der en Q ue Step 3 Step 2 Yes = 1 No = 0 x 10 Sub – Weight = Score for Each tender que
Calculate the total score for each criteria STEP 1 } STEP 2 STEP 3 All steps are automatic. 11 Sum the total score Calculate as a percentage Enter the criteria specific percentage into the evaluation matrix
Calculation of weights and sub-weights have been automated WEIGHT Just type ‘Yes’ or No’ respectively for each participating organisation in the yellow shaded boxes & Just type the exact rating that each Commodity Team Member has advised in the yellow shaded boxes SUB-WEIGHT 3 spreadsheets will automatically calculate the weight and sub-weight data 12
Measuring the ability to supply a national contract Organisation E Organisation D Organisation C Organisation B Organisation A National Delivery Points Score for all commodities Total for all Geographies Maximum Score for all Geographies All delivery points yes yes no NO 4 18 22. 22 All delivery options YES YES YES 13 18 72. 22 Stationary yes NO NO 1 18 5. 56 Computer Consumables yes NO YES NO 14 18 77. 78 Small Electronic Office Equipment YES YES YES 18 18 100. 00 Total 5 3 4 3 2 50 50 90 55. 56% Step 1 Suppliers answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ on their ability to deliver to each delivery point Step 2 Yes =1 Step 3 The spreadsheet will calculate the total score: = No =0 Total Score X 100 All calculations in the evaluation matrix have been automated. Max Score Sliding Rating The sliding rating system awards each supplier a score relative to their ability to meet the delivery requirements. 13
Measuring the total cost of supply Step 2 Step 1 Enter the total cost (including all discounts/charges) for the each turnaround time Enter the total amount of the lowest cost supplier Step 3 The spreadsheet will calculate the % scoring: Lowest Cost X 100 Supplier Cost Step 4 Sum and find % total score for each supplier = Sliding Rating The sliding rating system awards each supplier a score relative to the lowest cost. The lower the cost, the higher the score. 14
Score and benchmark each supplier The total score is the sum of all the 7 evaluation components Benchmark the tender score by ranking each supplier All calculations in the evaluation matrix have been automated. 15