- Количество слайдов: 18
Quraysh Boycott the Banu Hashim and the Banu al-Muttalib: the Quraysh gathered together to confer and decided to draw up a document in which they undertook not to marry women from the Banu Hashim and the Banu al-Muttalib, or to give them women in marriage, or to sell anything to them or buy anything from them. They drew up a written contract to that effect and solemnly pledged themselves to observe it.
Then they hung up the document in the interior of the Ka`bah to make it even more binding upon themselves. When Quraysh did this, the Banu Hashim and the Banu al-Muttalib joined with Abu Talib, went with him to his valley and gathered round him there; but Abu Lahab `Abd al-`Uzza b. `Abd al-Muttalib left the Banu Hashim and went to the Quraysh, supporting them against Abu Talib.
This state of affairs continued for two or three years, until the two clans were exhausted, since nothing reached any of them except what was sent secretly by those of the Quraysh who wished to maintain relations with them. The Boycott Is Repealed Then a number of the Quraysh took steps to repeal the agreement which the Quraysh had drawn up amongst themselves directed against the Banu Hashim and the Banu al. Muttalib.
The most creditable part in this was played by Hisham b. `Amr (Amir clan). and he went to Zuhayr b. Abi Umayyah (Mahzum clan and whose mother was `Atikah bt. `Abd al-Muttalib, ), Mu’tim b. Adi (Naufel clan), Ebu’l-Bahteri and Zem’a b. El-Esved (Esed clan).
The Deaths of Abu Talib and Khadijah After end of boycott Abu Talib and Khadijah died in a single year. This was three years before his emigration to al-Madinah. Their death was a great affliction to the Messenger of God. This is because after the death of Abu Talib, Quraysh went to greater lengths in molesting him than they had ever done during his lifetime. One of them even poured dust upon his head.
The Messenger of God Goes to al- Ta'if When Abu Talib died, the Messenger of God went to al-Ta'if to seek support and protection against his own people from Thaqif. It is said that he went to them alone.
When the Messenger of God reached al. Ta'if, he went to a group of men of Thaqif who were at that time the chiefs and nobles of the tribe. They were three brothers, `Abd Yalayl b. `Amr b. `Umayr, Mas`ud b. `Amr b. `Umayr, and Habib the Banu Jumah. He sat down with them and called them to God, and spoke to them of the requests which he had come to them to make, (that is, ) that they should come to his aid in defense of Islam and take his side against those of his own tribe who opposed him.
The Messenger of God Returns to Mecca When the Messenger of God despaired of getting any positive response from Thaqif, he left al-Ta'if to return to Mecca. When he was at Nakhlah, he rose in the middle of the night to pray, and, as God has told, a number of the jinn passed by. Muhammad b. Ishaq says that he was told that they were seven jinn from Nasibin of the Yemen
They listened to him, and when he had completed his prayer they went back to their people to warn them, having believed and responded to what they had heard. God mentioned their story when he said: And when we inclined toward you certain of the jinn, who wished to hear the Qur'an and, when they were in its presence, said: Give ear! and when it was finished, turned back to their people, warning. They said: O our people! We have heard a scripture which has been revealed after Moses, confirming that which was before it, guiding to the truth and a right road. O our people! respond to God's summoner and believe in him. He will forgive you some of your sins and guard you from a painful doom.
The Night Journey and the ascent to Heaven: ﺍﻟ ﻳ ﺍﻳ ﺍ ﺍﻯ ﺍﻱ ﺍﺍ آﺍﺍ “Glory to Him who made his servant travel by night from the sacred place of worship to the furthest place of worship whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him some of Our signs: ….
• Al-Hasan said that the apostle said “while I was sleeping in the Hijr Gabriel came and stirred me with his foot. I sat up but saw nothing and lay down again…… he took hold of my arm and I stood beside him and he brought me out to the door of the mosque and there was a white animal…with wings on its sides… he mounted me o it. Then he went out with me keeping close to me.
• In his story al-Hasan said“ The apostle and Gabriel went their way until they arrived at the temple at Jerusalem. There he found Abraham, Moses and Jesus among a company of the prophets. The apostle acted as their imam in prayer….
Aisha the prophet’s wife used to say: “The apostle’s body remained where it was but God removed his spirit by night. ” Muaviye b. Abu Sufyan when he was asked about the apostle’s night journey said, ‘It as a true vision from God. ’ Guillaume, The Life of. . P. 181…
The First Deputation from al-Madinah When God wished to make His religion victorious, to render His Prophet mighty, and to fulfil His promise to him, the Messenger of God went out during that pilgrimage in which he met the group of the Ansar, and appeared before the Arab tribes as he had been doing in every pilgrimage season. While he was at al-`Aqabah, he met a party of the Khazraj to whom God wished good. When the Messenger of God met them he said to them, "Who are you? " They said, "We are a group of the Khazraj. " “ ……. Then they left the Messenger of God to go back to their country, believing and accepting the truth of his message that they were six men of the Khazraj
The First Pledge of al-`Aqabah The following year, twelve of the Ansar came on the pilgrimage and met the Messenger of God at al`Aqabah, this being the first al-`Aqabah, and took an oath of allegiance to him according to the terms of the "pledge of women. "
The terms were that we should not associate anything with God, should not steal, should not commit adultery, should not kill our children, should not produce any lie we have devised between our hands and feet, and should not disobey him in what was proper
The Second Pledge of al-`Aqabah After this Mus`ab b. `Umayr went back to Mecca. Some of the Muslim Ansar went on the pilgrimage together with polytheist pilgrims from their people, and when they came to Mecca they agreed to meet the Messenger of God at al`Aqabah in the middle of the days of al-tashriq (Dhu al-Hijjah, 11 -13)