Borodin is a chemistry and composer Youth Alexander
Borodin is a chemistry and composer
Youth Alexander Borodin was born in St. Petersburg on 31 October in 1833. Borodin studied at home on all subjects of gymnasium programme. He likes munic very much. At age of 9 he wrote his first work - Polka, "Helen." All the age of 10 he was interested in chemistry. In 1850, AP Borodin entered the Medico-Surgical Academy
Medicine and Chemistry In 1857 Borodin was appointed doctor of military hospital. In 1868, Borodin received his medical degree. He conducted chemical researches and defended his thesis on "The analogy of phosphoric and arsenic acid in the chemical and relations"
The professor of Chemistry In 1864 Borodin – became a professor, of medicine in 1864 he was the head of chemical laboratory. In 1877 the was appointed the Academic of Medical-Surgical Academy.
Borodin - composer Borodin was a great composer. The most significant work of Borodin was opera "knyaz Igor". The well-know Symphony, in 1876,the second ("bogotyrskaya"). The main theme in was the theme of great Russian people.
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