- Количество слайдов: 8
Born again to a living hope 1 Peter 1: 3 Onesimus Asiimwe
Introduction • Peter wrote this letter • To Christians in Asia Minor who were bewildered because they were being persecuted • He gives them practical guidance on how they should react even when their suffering was not deserved (3: 13 -17) Asia Minor was a stronghold of Emperor worship • Audience in Asia Minor consists mainly of Jewish Christians but Peter’s audience probably includes Gentile Christians (4: 3 -4)
God’s Elect • V 1: Jewish people spoke of Jews who lived outside Palestine as the “Diaspora” or those who were “Scattered” • V 2: In the OT and Judaism, God’s people were corporately “Chosen” or “Predestined” because God “Foreknew” them. • Peter applies the same language to Believers in Jesus.
Rebirth • V 3 “Rebirth” alludes to the language Jewish people normally used for the conversion of Gentiles to Judaism which meant: you received a new nature when you converted. • Believers were reborn to a living hope by Jesus’ resurrection an inheritance (v 4) and future salvation (v 5) • Cf. Revelation 1: 18
Living Hope • Original source of the idiom Inheritance • Inheritance of the Promised Land subsequent to their Redemption from Egypt. • Redeemed with the precious blood (vv 18 -19) • Emphasis in v 23 (Cf. Eph. 1: 13 -14) • Urges them to stand firm. • Suffering has a purpose (v 7)
3 stages of Salvation Justification 1. Justification: To declare righteous. God’s unconditional love for us through the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross. 2. Sanctification: The process of being set apart for God’s work and being conformed to the image of Christ. Reciprocation of our Love toward Jesus. 3. Glorification: The ultimate reward we will receive when Jesus returns. 1 John 3: 2 We will be like Him.
Therefore be holy • Vv 13 -16 • V 14 obedient children: picks up the image of 1: 3 born new. • They were no longer what they had been before. Cf. 2 Cor. 5: 17 • Obedience of minors to their parents was highly valued. • V 15 Israel called to be holy. Distinct.
Conclusion • Keep your hope in Christ alone. • Hope does not disappoint. Romans 5: 5 • Hebrews 12: 14 To God be the Glory!