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Bordering on US: Canadian Views on Relations with their neighbor September 15 th, 2009 International Association for the Study of Canada (a division of the Association for Canadian Studies)
On September 16 th Prime Minister Stephen Harper made his first official visit to the White House since President Obama took office. To mark the occasion to the International Association for the Study of Canada commissioned the firm Leger Marketing to conduct a survey on how Canadians see their relationship with the United States. Administered by web panel to 1, 366 Canadians during the week of August 24 the probabilistic random sample of same size would yield maximum margin of error of 3. 9 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.
Highlights from the Survey A narrow majority of Canadians (54%) agreed that the US was Canada’s best friend in the world. One in four Canadians support getting rid of the border with the United States this is unchanged from 2007. 35% would like to live in the United States part time 17% of Canadians say they have recently considered purchasing real estate in the U. S. 68% of Canadians agree that it is a good thing that our dollar rises against the US dollar
Atlantic Canadians most likely to travel to US; Prairie and Alta most likely to have considered move Atlantic I frequently I have I would like to travel to the US considered live in the US moving to the part of the year. US 42. 1% 24. 7% 35. 6% QC 28. 6% 20. 0% 32. 3% ON 40. 1% 24. 1% 35. 0% MB /SK 38. 9% 31. 1% 45. 5% AB 31. 4% 37. 4% BC 43. 7% 27. 9% 35. 0% Total 37. 7% 24. 9% 35. 3%
Albertans most favorable to getting rid of border; Most likely to agree US is our best friend, Bcers least likely to agree; Ontarians least favorable to increase in $ I think that it is good that the Canadian dollar rises against the US dollar. We should get rid of the border with the. The is our best friend in the world. I have recently considered purchasing real estate in the Atlantic 70. 6% 24. 5% 56, 8% 15, 9% QC 75. 1% 31. 7% 48. 0% 13. 5% ON 61. 9% 21, 6% 54. 9% 15. 0% MB /SK 76, 9% 31, 5% 58. 9% 24. 8% AB 63. 6% 32. 6% 72. 4% 20. 7% BC 75. 3% 24. 8% 42. 9% 19. 8% Total 68. 6% 26. 5% 53. 9 16. 6%
Older U get the more U support no border; older Canadians more likely to agree US is our best friend 18 -24 years of age We should get rid of the The is our best friend in border with the world. 15. 6% 33. 2% 25 -34 years of age 19. 9% 43. 3% 35 -44 years of age 21. 2% 48. 5% 45 -54 years of age 32. 0% 55. 3% 55 -64 years of age 32. 0% 63. 3% 65 -74 years of age 37. 4% 75. 4% Total 26. 5% 53. 9%
More u think US is our best friend more u consider move, more u support no border and more you’ve gone to the other side I have considered moving to the United States. I would like We should to live in the get rid of the United border with States part the United of the year. States. AGREE I frequently travel to the United States. The United States is our best friend in the world. Strongly agree Somewhat disagree 47. 0 68. 3 56. 9 65. 8 24. 6 37. 5 28. 3 41. 9 20. 7 27. 6 16. 6 29. 5 Strongly disagree 15. 7 17. 5 14. 8 20. 0
More u’ve travelled to US more u’ve considered move, more supportive of no border and more u have considered real estate purchase I have considered moving to the United States. . I frequently travel to the United States. I would like to We should get live in the rid of the United States border with the part of the United States. year. AGREE I have recently considered purchasing real estate in the U. S Strongly agree 51. 9 70. 1 46. 4 43. 5 Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree 32. 8 48. 5 31. 4 22. 6 20. 0 30. 2 20. 6 15. 3 Strongly disagree 13. 2 17. 5 20. 3 3. 5
17% of Canadians say they have recently considered purchasing real estate in the U. S. ; 38% of Canadians say they frequently traveled to the U. S.
A narrow majority of Canadians agree that the U. S. is our best friend in the world
One in four Canadians agree with getting rid of the border with the U. S. ; seven in ten say it is a good thing
25% of Canadians say they have considered moving to the United States… 35% said they would like to live there part of the year
Percentage of Canada’s non-francophones who have considered moving to the U. S. has risen since 2007
Younger Canadians more likely to have considered move to the U. S.
Lower income Canadian’s percentage considering move to the U. S. has risen since 2007