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Boosted Sampling: Approximation Algorithms for Stochastic Problems Martin Pál Joint work with Anupam Gupta R. Ravi Amitabh Sinha 24 Feb 04 Boosted Sampling 1
Infrastructure Design Problems Build a solution Sol of minimal cost, so that every user is satisfied. minimize cost(Sol) subject to satisfied(j, Sol) for j=1, 2, …, n For example, Steiner tree: Sol: set of edges to build satisfied(j, Sol) iff there is a path from terminal j to root cost(Sol) = e Sol ce 24 Feb 04 Boosted Sampling 2
Infrastructure Design Problems Assumption: Sol is a set of elements cost(Sol) = elem Sol cost(elem) Facility location: satisfied(j) iff j connected to an open facility Vertex Cover: satisfied(e={uv}) iff u or v in the cover Steiner network: satisfied(j) iff j’s terminals connected by a path Cut problems: satisfied(j) iff j’s terminals disconnected 24 Feb 04 Boosted Sampling 3
Dealing with uncertainity Often, we do not know the exact requirements of users. Building in advance reduces cost – but we do not have enough information. As time progresses, we gain more information about the demands – but building under time pressure is costly. Tradeoff between information and cost. 24 Feb 04 Boosted Sampling 4
The model Two stage stochastic model with recourse: On Monday, elements are cheap, but we do not know how many/which clients will show up. We can buy some elements. drawn from a known distribution π On Tuesday, clients show up. Elements are now more expensive (by an inflation factor σ). We have to buy more elements to satisfy all clients. 24 Feb 04 Boosted Sampling 5
The model Two stage stochastic model with recourse: Want compact representation of Sol 2 by an algorithm Find Sol 1 Elems and Sol 2 : 2 Users 2 Elems to minimize cost(Sol 1) + σ Eπ(T)[cost(Sol 2(T))] subject to satisfied(j, Sol 1 Sol 2(T)) for all sets T Users and all j T 24 Feb 04 Boosted Sampling 6
Related work • Stochastic linear programming dates back to works of Dantzig, Beale in the mid-50’s • Only moderate progress on stochastic IP/MIP • Scheduling literature, various distributions of job lengths • Single stage stochastic: maybecast [Karger&Minkoff 00], bursty connections [Kleinberg, Rabani&Tardos 00]… • Stochastic versions of NP-hard problems (restricted π) [Ravi & Sinha 03], [Immorlica, Karger, Minkoff & Mirrokni 04] • Extensive literature on each deterministic problem 24 Feb 04 Boosted Sampling 7
Our work • We propose a simple but powerful framework to find approximate solutions to two stage stochastic problems using approximation algorithms for their deterministic counterparts. • For a number of problems, including Steiner Tree, Facility Location, Single Sink Rent or Buy and Steiner Forest (weaker model) our framework gives constant approximation. • Analysis is based on strict cost sharing, developed by [Gupta, Kumar, P. &Roughgarden 03] 24 Feb 04 Boosted Sampling 8
No restriction on distributions Previous works often assume special distributions: • Scenario model: There are k sets of users – scenarios; each scenario Ti has probability pi. [Ravi & Sinha 03]. • Independent decisions model: each client j appears with prob. pj independently of others [Immorlica et al 04]. In contrast, our scheme works for arbitrary distributions (although the independent coinflips model sometimes allows us to prove improved guarantees). 24 Feb 04 Boosted Sampling 9
The Framework Given an approx. algorithm Alg for a deterministic problem: 1. Boosted Sampling: Draw σ samples of clients S 1, S 2 , …, Sσ from the distribution π. Example: Steiner Tree 2. Build the first stage solution Sol 1: use Alg to build a solution for clients S = S 1 S 2 … Sσ. 3. Actual set T of clients appears. To build second stage solution Sol 2, use Alg to augment Sol 1 to a feasible solution for T. 24 Feb 04 Boosted Sampling 10
Performance Guarantee Theorem: Let P be a sub-additive problem, with α-approximation algorithm, that admits β-strict cost sharing. Stochastic(P) has (α+β) approx. Corollary: Stochastic Steiner Tree, Facility Location, Vertex Cover, Steiner Network (restricted model)… have constant factor approximation algorithms. Corollary: Deterministic and stochastic Rent-or-Buy versions of these problems have constant approximations. 24 Feb 04 Boosted Sampling 11
First Stage Cost Opt cost Z* = cost(Opt 1) + σ Eπ[cost(Opt 2(T))]. Recall: We - sample S 1, S 2 , …, Sσ from π. - use Alg to build solution Sol 1 feasible for S= i Si Lemma: E[cost(Sol 1)] α Z*. Pf: Let Sol = Opt 1 [ Opt 2(S 1) … Opt 2(Sσ) ]. E[cost(Sol)] cost(Opt 1) + i Eπ[cost(Opt 2(Si))] = Z*. E[cost(Sol 1)] α E[cost(Sol)] 24 Feb 04 (α-approximation). Boosted Sampling 12
Second stage cost After Stage 2, have a solution for S’ = S 1 … Sσ T. Let Sol’ = Opt 1 [ Opt 2(S 1) … Opt 2(Sσ) Opt 2(T)]. E[cost(Sol’)] cost(Opt 1) + (σ+1) Eπ[cost(Opt 2(Si))] (σ+1)/σ Z*. T is “responsible” for 1/(σ+1) part of Sol’. If built in Stage 1, it would cost Z*/σ. Need to build it in Stage 2 pay Z*. Problem: do not T know when building a solution for S 1 … Sσ. 24 Feb 04 Boosted Sampling 13
Idea: cost sharing Scenario 1: Scenario 2: Pretend to build a solution for S’ = S T. Build a solution Alg(S) for S. Charge each j S’ some amount ξ(S’, j). Augment Alg(S) to a valid solution for S’ = S T. Assume: j S’ ξ(S’, j) Opt(S’) We argued: E[ j T ξ(S’, j)] Z*/σ (by symmetry) Want to prove: Augmenting cost in Scenario 2 β j T ξ(S’, j) 24 Feb 04 Boosted Sampling 14
Cost sharing function Input: Instance of P and set of users S’ Output: cost share ξ(S, j) of each user j S’ Example: Build a spanning tree on S’ root. Let ξ(S’, j) = cost of parental edge/2. Note: - 2 j S’ ξ(S’, j) = cost of MST(S’) - j S’ ξ(S’, j) cost of Steiner(S’) 24 Feb 04 Boosted Sampling 15
What properties of ξ( , ) do we need? (P 1) Good approximation: cost(Alg(S)) Opt(S) (P 2) Cost shares do not overpay: j S ξ(S, j) cost(S) (P 3) Strictness: For any S, T Users: cost of Augment(Alg(S), T) β j T ξ(S T, j) Second stage cost = σ cost(Augment(Alg( i Si), T)) σ β j T ξ( j Sj T, j) E[ j T ξ( j Sj T, j)] Z*/σ Hence, E[second stage cost] σ β Z*/σ = β Z*. 24 Feb 04 Boosted Sampling 16
Strictness for Steiner Tree Alg(S) = Min-cost spanning tree MST(S) ξ(S, j) = cost of parental edge/2 in MST(S) Augment(Alg(S), T): for all j T build its parental edge in MST(S T) Alg is a 2 -approx for Steiner Tree ξ is a 2 -strict cost sharing function for Alg. Theorem: We have a 4 -approx for Stochastic Steiner Tree. 24 Feb 04 Boosted Sampling 17
Vertex Cover 8 Users: edges Solution: Set of vertices that covers all edges Edge {uv} covered if at least one of u, v picked. 3 2 1 3 4 2 1 1 4 10 9 3 2 1 5 3 Alg: Edges uniformly raise contributions Vertex can be paid for by neighboring edges freeze all edges adjacent to it. Buy the vertex. Edges may be paying for both endpoints 2 -approximation Natural cost shares: ξ(S, e) = contribution of e 24 Feb 04 Boosted Sampling 18
Strictness for Vertex Cover 1 S = blue edges T = red edge 1 1 1 n+1 1 1 n Alg(S) = blue vertices: Augment(Alg(S), T) costs (n+1) gap Ω(n)! ξ(S T, T) =1 • Find a better ξ? Do not know how. Instead, make Alg(S) buy a center vertex. 24 Feb 04 Boosted Sampling 19
Making Alg strict Alg’: - Run Alg on the same input. - Buy all vertices that are at least 50% paid for. 1 1 1 n+1 1 1 n 1 1 ½ of each vertex paid for, each edge paying for two vertices still a 4 -approximation. Augmentation (at least in our example) is free. 24 Feb 04 Boosted Sampling 20
Why should strictness hold? Alg’: - Run Alg on the same input. - Buy all vertices that are at least 50% paid for. Alg(S T) α 1 α 2 α 3 v α 1 ’ α 2’ S = blue edges T = red edges Suppose vertex v fully paid for in Alg(S T). • If j T αj’ ≥ ½ cost(v) , then T can pay for ¼ of v in the augmentation step. • If j S αj ≥ ½ cost(v), then v would be open in Alg(S). (almost. . need to worry that Alg(S T) and Alg(S) behave differently. ) 24 Feb 04 Boosted Sampling 21
Metric facility location Input: a set of facilities and a set of cities living in a metric space. Solution: Set of open facilities, a path from each city to an open facility. “Off the shelf” components: 3 -approx. algorithm [Mettu&Plaxton 00]. Turns out that cost sharing fn [P. &Tardos 03] is 5. 45 strict. Theorem: There is a 8. 45 -approx for stochastic FL. 24 Feb 04 Boosted Sampling 22
Steiner Network client j = pair of terminals sj, tj satisfied(j): sj, tj connected by a path 2 -approximation algorithms known ([Agarwal, Klein&Ravi 91], [Goemans&Williamson 95]), but do not admit strict cost sharing. [Gupta, Kumar, P. , Roughgarden 03]: 4 -approx algorithm that admits 4 -uni-strict cost sharing Theorem: 8 -approx for Stochastic Steiner Network in the “independent coinflips” model. 24 Feb 04 Boosted Sampling 23
The Buy at Bulk problem client j = pair of terminals sj, tj Solution: an sj, tj path for j=1, …, n cost(e) = ce f(# paths using e) f(e): cost # paths using e cost Rent or Buy: two pipes Rent: $1 per path # paths using e 24 Feb 04 Buy: $M, unlimited # of paths Boosted Sampling 24
Special distributions: Rent or Buy Stochastic Steiner Network: client j = pair of terminals sj, tj satisfied(j): sj, tj connected by a path Suppose. . π({j}) = 1/n π(S) = 0 if |S| 1 Sol 2({j}) is just a path! n/σ cost(e) = ce min(1, σ/n #paths using e) # paths using e 24 Feb 04 Boosted Sampling 25
Rent or Buy The trick works for any problem P. (can solve Rent-or-Buy Vertex Cover, . . ) These techniques give the best approximation for Single. Sink Rent-or-Buy (3. 55 approx [Gupta, Kumar, Roughgarden 03]), and Multicommodity Rent or Buy (8 -approx [Gupta, Kumar, P. , Roughgarden 03], 6. 83 -approx [Becchetti, Konemann, Leonardi, P. 04]). “Bootstrap” to stochastic Rent-or-Buy: - 6 approximation for Stochastic Single-Sink Ro. B - 12 approx for Stochastic Multicommodity Ro. B (indep. coinflips) 24 Feb 04 Boosted Sampling 26
What if σ is also stochastic? Suppose σ is also a random variable. π(S, σ) – joint distribution For i=1, 2, …, σmax do sample (Si, σi) from π with prob. σi/σmax accept Si Let S be the union of accepted Si’s Output Alg(S) as the first stage solution 24 Feb 04 Boosted Sampling 27
Multistage problems Three stage stochastic Steiner Tree: • On Monday, edges cost 1. We only know the probability distribution π. • On Tuesday, results of a market survey come in. We gain some information I, and update π to the conditional distribution π|I. Edges cost σ1. • On Wednesday, clients finally show up. Edges now cost σ2 (σ2>σ1), and we must buy enough to connect all clients. Theorem: There is a 6 -approximation for three stage stochastic Steiner Tree (in general, 2 k approximation for k stage problem) 24 Feb 04 Boosted Sampling 28
Conclusions We have seen a randomized algorithm for a stochastic problem: using sampling to solve problems involving randomness. • Do we need strict cost sharing? Our proof requires strictness – maybe there is a weaker property? Maybe we can prove guarantees for arbitrary subadditive problems? • Prove strictness for Steiner Forest – so far we have only uni-strictness. • Cut problems: Can we say anything about Multicut? Singlesource multicut? 24 Feb 04 Boosted Sampling 29
+++THE++END+++ Note that if π consists of a small number of scenarios, this can be transformed to a deterministic problem. Find Sol 1 Elems and Sol 2 : 2 Users 2 Elems to minimize cost(Sol 1) + σ Eπ(T)[cost(Sol 2(T))] subject to satisfied(j, Sol 1 Sol 2(T)) for all sets T Users and all j T . 24 Feb 04 Boosted Sampling 30