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BOMB Best Opportunities Map for Businesses Interactive map
Business incubator “Ingria” Saint-Petersburg , str…. Idea Interactive map is a guide to business incubators and innovation platforms of Saint Petersburg.
Aim Present the opportunities for starting business in Saint-Petersburg.
Distinctive features of the map Full & just updated information content Visibility Ease of use Integration & connection with other Internet sources Additional information about tax policy, authority support & investment climate in St Petersburg
Content With the help of this map you will get to know about: ü Business Incubators and Accelerators ü Co-working platforms ü Business events (lectures&seminars, contests) ü Useful contacts
Target audience Students of FINEC Emerging growth Start-up stage BIT members Everyone who`s new in business Expansion
Analog «Startup factories» is a guide to accelerator programmes across the European Union with information about individual schemes, tips on how to apply and what to expect if a business get accepted.
Environment St Petersburg takes the lead in amount of small businesses per 100 thousand population. Positive tendency in registration of small businesses Lack of information about existing and upcoming start-up activities
Promotion Our partner`s websites (accelerators, authorities, incubators, high schools) Social networks(Twitter, Vkontakte, Facebook, Linked. In) Promo in the University
Questions What kind of information should be added? Are there any different methods to attract target audience? How to gain profit from the map? Do you have similar projects in UK?