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Blood Donor Motivation By Dr. Manish Rai manishrai 75@rediffmail. com
BLOOD Facts n Blood flows everywhere through the human body. n We cannot live without it. n The heart pumps blood to all our body cells, supplying them with oxygen and food. n Blood also carries proteins and cell fragments called platelets that let blood clot where there has been an injury.
Did You Know? S 450 ml of blood can save as many as three lives. S Every two seconds, someone in India needs blood. S One out of every three of us will need blood in our life time. S Even with all of today’s technology, there is no substitute for blood. Someone has to give blood in order for someone to receive blood.
Fact Sheet -1 S Hospitals predict that the need for blood will increase 5% each year. S Approximately only 4% of the eligible population in India donates blood. S 75% of donors donate only ONCE per year. If they donated just two times per year there would never be any shortages.
Fact sheet -2 S A person has 5 - 6 litres of blood in their body. S A person can donate blood after every 90 days (3 months). S Body recovers the Blood very quickly: S Blood plasma volume– within 24 - 48 hours S Red Blood Cells – in about 3 weeks S Platelets & White Blood Cells – within minutes
Why Should We Donate A Humble Effort, A Tiny Initiative, A Small Amount Of Pain. . TO SAVE A LIFE. .
Blood is always needed for, S accident victims S cancer patients S blood disorder patients S surgery patients S Pre-mature, pre term babies and many other……. S 1 of out 10 hospital patients needs a blood transfusion S 4. 5 million Indians lives are saved by blood transfusions each year
Importance of blood donation n Some of the reasons people need blood transfusions are: Ø Accidents Ø Cancer Ø Sickle Cell Ø Premature birth Ø Surgery
Importance of blood donation n Almost all serious health issues use blood donated by people like you and me to save lives. Blood that is donated last a little more than 40 days. Then it must be disposed of. That means we need to constantly replenish the blood so it is there when someone needs it. n Your blood could save a baby, a child, a mother, a father, a grandfather or a grandmother. n One cannot make blood, it is a gift we all have inside of us to give to those who are injured, sick, or in need. Those are the best reasons to donate blood. n Not everyone can save a life. But you have an opportunity to. Don't waste it.
Who can donate the blood? n Donor should be between 18 -65 years of age with a weight of 45 kg or above with pulse rate, body temperature and blood pressure should be normal. n Both men and women can donate. n There are only few conditions in which donors are permanently excluded. The donor with history of epilepsy, psychotic disorders, abnormal bleeding tendencies, severe asthma, cardiovascular disorders, malignancy are permanently unfit for blood donation.
Who can donate the blood? n Donors suffering from disease like hepatitis, malaria, measles, mumps, and syphilis may donate blood after full recovery with 36 months gap. Also people who have undergone surgery, blood transfusion may safely donate blood after 6 -12.
Benefits of Blood Donation n Tests on: hemoglobin level blood pressure body weight hepatitis B hepatitis C Syphilis HIV
Benefits of Blood Donation n Health Heart Diseases New Blood
Primary Concern n Safety of Blood Donor & Blood Recipient (patient) because “Safe Blood” gives life, “Unsafe blood” gives infections n To ensure “Blood Safety”, Strict “Donor Screening” n “Testing” of collected blood to NACO specified standards n Strict “cross-matching” of blood samples to ensure safe transfusion to patient n
Information • Blood is taken ONLY from Voluntary Donors • Using sterile, disposable blood bags & instruments • Donated Blood is tested and separated into components benefiting 3 -4 patients • It is safe to donate after every 3 months • It is quick and safe. • It doesn’t hurt. • It saves 3 to 4 lives.
Procedure for Voluntary Blood Donation Pre-Donation: 1. Donor Screening 2. Donor Eligibility criteria 3. Deferral Criteria (Donor Consent Form) 4. Medical examination Blood Donation: 5. Blood donation procedure Post donation: 6. Rest, advice & refreshment 7. Donor Certificate, Donor ID card
Donor Screening n n Safe Donor selection involves – 1. Identification of low risk populations 2. Donor education and recruitment 3. Encouraging self deferral based on “Deferral Criteria” 4. Medical Examination before donation Voluntary Non-remunerated Repeat Donor (VNRD) is safest
Donor Eligibility Criteria n Who can donate? • Age: 18 - 65 years • Weight : > 45 kgs • Hemoglobin level: >12. 5 gm/dl • In good health Wt > 45 Kg
Who CANNOT donate? Life long х Abnormal bleeding disorder х Heart, Kidney, Liver Disorder х Thyroid disorder х Epilepsy, Mental disorders х Tuberculosis, Leprosy, х Asthma х Insulin dependent diabetics х Uncontrolled High BP 6 Months Cancer х 1 year o Surgery o Tattooing or body piercing o Typhoid o Dental extraction o Dog bite o Root canal treatment o Unexplained weight loss o Malaria o Continuous low o Vaccination grade fever
Blood Donation Procedure Remember! The Donor Must …. n have had good rest / sleep n have had light meal n be mentally prepared
Blood Donation Procedure Volume of blood collection Donor Weight Blood collected Amount Used for 45 kgs 55 kgs 350 ml Single bag Whole Blood > 55 kgs 450 ml Double / Blood Triple bag Components
Post Donation Advice n Drink lots of fluids for next 24 hours n Avoid smoking for one hour & alcohol for next 24 hours n Don’t use elevator to go up immediately after donation as it will n n make blood rush to your feet & make you dizzy! Avoid highly strenuous exercises & games for a day If you feel dizzy, lie down & put your feet up. You will be alright in 10 -20 mins. Remove band-aid after 4 hours. If it bleeds, apply pressure & reapply band-aid. If bruised and painful, apply cold-pack 4 to 5 times for 5 mins each. The bruise is due to blood seeping into the surrounding tissue. It will take a few days to get reabsorbed. If you have any questions, meet doctor or contact us at : 0172 -2696057
Counselling for “Reactive” donors If a blood sample tests positive for any TTI, then…. n Tests are repeated in duplicate n Complete confidentiality is maintained about the test results n only the donor is informed, counseled & encouraged for further testing n Referrals to health experts are provided along with follow-ups
What can YOU do? n Make Blood Donation a HABIT n Donate regularly – after every 3 months to commemorate special days like birthdays, anniversaries …. n Motivate others to donate n Refer your friends and relatives
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