Black Sea Yerevan is designed as a wheel

Black Sea

Yerevan is designed as a wheel with six spokes

Summer evenings in Yerevan are long. It doesn’t get dark until 10 pm, and sometimes, there’s even a breeze. It’s no wonder that Yerevan enjoys the night life at the outdoor cafes.

Music annd converstion waft up to nerby apartments, whose residents are comfortably part of the scene, without ever leaving home. Cafes are open late and the city doesn’t begin to sleep until the early morning hours.

Moderate winters and hot summers drive the population to open spaces. Strolling is a popular pastime in Yerevan.

Easter (Zatik)



With a surprisingly large number of top men and women chess players, chess tradition continues strong. In 2006, the Armenian men’s team won the world championship in the Chess Olympiad, which Armenia had hosted a decade earlier. If Armenia has a national game, it’s chess.

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