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BLACK SEA OUTLOOK http: //www. esimo. ru NEW APPROACHES TO DEVELOPMENT OF WEB-PORTALS BY THE EXAMPLE OF THE BLACK SEA PORTAL Evgeny D. Vyazilov (vjaz@meteo. ru), Nicolay N. Mikhailov (nodc@meteo. ru), Denis A. Melnikov (melnikov@meteo. ru)
The problems of web-sites and web-portals • Many sites have been developed in the form of static pages yet, small using of the CMS for remote enter of data and metadata • The web-sites are developing, as rule, for narrow thematic fields • The wide variety and insufficient standardization of applications interface, especially of output forms for applications • The low level of automation of data processing – no monitoring of different steps of data processing • High complication of management and exchange the heterogeneous data • A sites and portals out put very big data, as results - a users can not react very quickly on permanent change of environment • Absent a automatic tolls of anomaly parameters indication for assessments of conditions environment • Increasing of different devises, which have a access to Internet (i. Phone, i. Pad, Smartphone, Communicator) – the pages with map have the errors
For examples of modern decisions for portal structure i. Google (http: //www. google. ru/ig? rls=ig&hl=ru&source=iglk) i. Phone i. Google allow: • to add/delete, create a widgets • to move a widgets on screen • to edit a getting up portal • to edit web-pages (to create one/two/three columns), their width i. Pad
New approaches - Use of integrated data from the systems of distributed data bases - Presentation of main functional capabilities on a single page - Component- based approach to software development – every component is independent application - Setting up and location in a any place on the screen of software components - Using of a slider to review software components in a single window - Using of standardization of data exchange formats - RSS, Geo. RSS, v. Card - Adaptation of each software component to user information needs and new tasks (setting on content – geo region, time period, DB, etc. ) - Using of portlets (JSR-286 standard and WSRP standard), web-services SOA standards (UDDI, WSDL, SOAP) and map services (WMS, WFS) - Using of system for automatic monitoring of resources and services (Tivoli) - Development of system for logging of error situations of every component -The unified system of user authentication and authorization on the base JOSSO (Java Open Single Sign-On) or different same systems
Development of approaches for data integration ü ü The using SOA, ISO and OGC standards, web-technologies and GIS Interaction model of software components – standard interfaces of interoperability Unified point for input in resources on base of access politic to data The development of infrastructure for portals The main portal (Obninsk) The regional portals The thematic portals Mirror of main portal (Moscow) North-west region, Far East Seas, etc. For ice data, marine activities The distributed data sources ü ü The users functions (data search, push, personalization of content, etc) Integration applications: GIS, analytical system, models and others for processing and visualization of information
Schema of portals on the base integrated data Portal: General using Ice Portal Regional Portals Emergency Portal Forecast Portal Data Exchange with IS
Portal – General functions Authorization The main page Race line – information on storms, tsunami, ice, etc. About portal News of media Events International systems Real-time data Forecast data Climatic data News of portal Analytical presentations Catalogue of object files Interactive map Metadata search Resources of World ocean Marine transport, ports Historical data Slider Technological services Administrative part ……. . Personal pages Menu for applications (show all applications for net or list). Every application have picture, the tools of personal funning for content
Functions for informative securing Metadata: üMetadata search : data sets, organizations, projects, formats, methods, observing platforms (RVs, voluntary ships, coastal stations, satellites, buys), software, cruises, scientists, legal documents üNavigation on metadata – data search from any object metadata üGeneration of news and analytical digest, reports (aggregated information for metadata), etc Data: üFull text and attributing search of data üVisualization of data on the map and table and storage of results on user PC üOutput of information in type the updating pages Applications: üDevelopment of personal pages (work stations) of users üRealization of application tasks for complex processing and using in marine activity üData push to a information systems of different agencies for direct using
The scheme of integrated resources using A sources of distributed data The base of integrated data (BID) SOI BID IS for Mintrans RIHMI BID IS for EMERCOM Resources description Integration server BID Application tasks BID SIO Analytic tasks AARI GMC BID Application Portal GIS FTP, e-mail IS, application üFunning of delivery by schedule (resources, time, delivery point) üDirect access in distributed data resources by links üData push in ASCII, Net. CDF, XML formats üData using in application tasks Work station
Analytical software • Types of visualizations (table, text, graphic, diagram, map, “equipment”, media) • The search of indexes • The preparation of presentations, materials for reports • The development of infographic (joint on one presentation of several types of dynamic information, links) • Including of analytical presentations to different websites, portals
GIS – visualization üCreation of spatial data – basic layers (depth, coastal line, countries, etc), static and dynamic layers for oceanographic parameters üUsing of interactive map for receiving a analytic information üUsing of geo services (WMS, WFS) in different applications üUsing of tolls for measuring of length, area, receiving of aggregated data for any region
Interactive modeling of process and analyses of situations 2 The results of interactive modeling 1 The enter of a initial data for modeling of oil spills üThe creation of jointed web-services for call software components üInput of parameters of modeling ü analysis and decision 3. The. Data delivery to using application point making üModeling of situation and transfer of results üVisualization and geo analysis of modeling results
The preparation and visualization of analytical presentations Map Diagram üThe creation of data sets (time series, grid etc. ) for applied task üData preprocessing and и calculating of indexes The search of indicators Table üUsing of situation indicators (for example, max wind velocity – 15 m/s, wave high – 5 m) üVisualization (map, diagram, text, table), data storage and dynamic update üDistribution of analytical presentations
Portal «Black Sea» (http: //80. 245. 248. 214/portal/blacksea/) Functions: - Search of information resources; - Visualization on the interactive map of observed, analyzed, forecasted and climate data for one or several regions (satellite data on clouds and water temperature); - Observed and climate data on air temperature, pressure, precipitation, etc. ); - Specific layers with operational information on coastal stations, hazardous events; - Visualization of news, regulatory documents, electronic atlas, containing climate summaries, analyses of coastal zone pollution, socio-economic data; -Oil spills assessment.
Portal «Russian seas» http: //80. 245. 248. 214/portal/auth/portal/rgm) Content: - Russian seas - Storm massages - Data on storm (wind and wave) - Tsunami - Real-time data - Temperature of water - Ice conditions - Pollution - Forest fires
Conclusion üDeveloped the new approaches for portal creation üPrepared the software components (GIS, Analytic application, portlets) üCreated the distributed data base, including 29 partners, 1900 information resources nearly 2 Tbytes (daily update 4 -6 Gbytes) üWe have several variants portals (Black Sea, Russian Seas, North-west region, Far-east region)
http: //www. esimo. ru, http: //80. 245. 248. 214/portal/port al/blacksea Thank you for attention