Black Hole What is black hole ?
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Описание презентации Black Hole What is black hole ? по слайдам
Black Hole
What is black hole ? A black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light can not get out. The gravity is so strong because matter has been squeezed into a tiny space.
Karl Schwarzschild
Structure • The Singularity: This is the region of the black hole where all the mass of the black hole has been compressed down to nearly zero volume. As a result the singularity has almost infinite density and creates an enormous gravitational force • The Event Horizon : This is the «point of no return». Any object, even light, that is within this radius cannot escape the gravitational pull of the black hole • The Schwarzschild Radius : It is the radius at which the escape velocity is equal to the speed of light. • The Ergosphere: If the black hole is rotating, then as it spins, its mass causes the space time around the black hole to rotate as well. This region is called the ergosphere.
Types of black holes. • 1. Stellar black hole. • 2. Supermassive black hole. • 3. An Intermediate-mas s black hole.
What happens when you fall into a black hole?
Interesting facts about Black Holes. Just as a clock runs a bit slower closer to sea level than up on a space station, clock run really slow near black holes. It all has to do with gravity.
Black holes are not funnel-shaped; they are spheres • In most textbooks you will probably see black holes that look like funnels. This is because they are being illustrated from the perspective of gravity wells. In reality they are more like spheres.
Any matter can become a black hole. • Technically speaking, stars aren’t the only things that can become black holes. If your car keys were shrunk down to an infinitesimally small point and still retained all of their mass, their density would reach astronomical levels which would make the force of their gravity ridiculously strong.
The laws of physics break down at the center of a black hole. • According to theories, matter within a black hole is crushed to infinite density, and space and time cease to exist. When this happens, the laws of physics break down because it is not really humanly possible to conceive of anything with zero volume and infinite density.
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