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BIRAX Regenerative Medicine Initiative • Created by the British Embassy, Israel and the British Council with the aim of strengthening academic collaboration between the UK and Israel in the field of Regenerative Medicine. • Research grants, conferences and workshops as well as fellowships. www. biraxrmi. org
Most frequently asked question… • When is the deadline? • Applications are accepted on a rolling basis • Applications by email only. www. biraxrmi. org
How do I apply? • One application per applicant. o Section A – completed by prospective fellow. o Section B – completed by host institution o Section C – completed by prospective fellow. o Section D – completed by referee (up to 3 to be sent separately) • Use Guidance notes and instructions on application form. www. biraxrmi/fellowships www. biraxrmi. org
Submission Two versions of each section should be sent: o A pdf document with any relevant signatures and stamps. o A word document without signatures and stamps. • Section D should be clearly labelled with applicant’s name and Proposed Activity title. www. biraxrmi. org
Submission • The scheme will only consider applications that have been jointly endorsed by Heads of Departments in both the applicant’s home and host institutions. www. biraxrmi. org
What is the scope? • Projects addressing a wide range of topics relevant to regenerative medicine are welcome including, but not restricted to: – – – Developmental biology, Stem cell biology related to cell therapy, development of diverse Cell Therapy approaches, Tissue Engineering and Biomedical Engineering, Use of novel gene replacement technologies, Endogenous Repair • Basic research <-> translational. www. biraxrmi. org
Eligibility • Exchanges between two laboratories whereby one is located in the UK and the other in Israel. • There is not the expectation of reciprocal visits between laboratories. • Primarily but not exclusively Ph. D students / Post Docs. • Applicants already receiving a salary could still be eligible www. biraxrmi. org
Not eligible • Individuals from laboratories currently receiving a BIRAX Regenerative Medicine Initiative grant • Individuals requesting to visit the laboratory, institute or department in which the applicant obtained his or her Ph. D or to work again with the candidate’s Ph. D supervisor. • (ordinarily) to prolong visits begun under other auspices, or as bridging fellowships between, or prior to, long term stays funded by other organizations. * *Exceptional applications for extensions will be considered although preference will always be given to new interactions. www. biraxrmi. org
What is the available funding? • £ 2, 100 per month plus £ 550 travel allowance • 3 month = £ 6, 300 plus travel allowance • 6 month = £ 12, 600 plus travel allowance Intended to support travel and subsistence of fellow (not dependents). o insurance cover / any tax-related responsibility of fellow. o BIRAX will support the costs for successful applicants in relation to any relevant visa fees. www. biraxrmi. org
Consumables Fellowships of 4 months or longer in duration can include in the application a request for consumables up to £ 500 (GBP) per month. Maximum amount that can be requested for a four month fellowship is £ 2000, for a five month fellowship £ 2500 and for a six month fellowship £ 3000. No request for consumable costs can be included for fellowships of three months or shorter in duration. www. biraxrmi. org
How will the funding be paid? • Funding will be transferred directly to the applicant. • Consumable costs will be transferred directly to the host institution. • Total support of one - three month fellowships will be paid upfront. • For exchanges of 4 months or more. 50% of the grant will be paid up front. 30% following satisfactory progress half way through and 20% on the submission of a satisfactory final report. www. biraxrmi. org
Responsibilities of fellows • satisfactory progress at host lab. • Mid and final reporting • support activity of the BIRAX Regenerative Medicine Initiative. • attend BIRAX Regenerative Medicine Initiative events including an annual meeting • participate in peer reviews, where relevant. • be available for press and media work • Repayment of grant if fellowship terminated www. biraxrmi. org
Assessment Criteria Applications will be assessed by an Academic Selection Board made up of scientific experts including members from the UK and Israel. The Boards will evaluate applications according to the following criteria: • General relevance to Regenerative Medicine • Quality of the scientific content of the proposed activity • Potential for longer-term collaboration beyond the period of the proposed activity. • Feasibility of the proposed activity. www. biraxrmi. org
The Academic Selection Board’s decision is final and confidential and no appeals will be considered. Feedback will not be provided to unsuccessful applicants. www. biraxrmi. org
The British Council and British Embassy are working towards ensuring that every university and a number of colleges in Israel will have an on-going relationship with a partner institution in the UK. This includes institution to institution links, joint courses, shared online content and exchange programmes as well as policy dialogue between British and Israeli Academics. www. biraxrmi. org
Academic links and cooperation between the UK and Israel are important. Promoting partnership in Higher Education between the UK and Israel is top priority for the British Council and British Embassy. Increased cooperation will further strengthen the UK-Israel relationship whilst making a positive impact in academia and research. www. biraxrmi. org
Further information & updates www. biraxrmi. org/fellowships or email biraxrmi@britishcouncil. org. il General Higher Education links. Email info@britishcouncil. org. il www. biraxrmi. org