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Biologists 1
2 The perspective and financially favorable profession of the biologist only begins the development in our state whereas in the world the second place in popularity surely is taken by microbiologists, geneticists and biotechnologists.
3 The biologist is engaged in researches of a plant and animal life of Earth. It studies all aspects of life of live organisms of Earth, their structure, growth, development, an origin, evolution and distribution on a planet. It classifies and describes living beings, studies interaction of types with each other.
4 Activity of this scientist depends on his specialization. Botanists study flora, zoologists – animal, anatomists and physiologists – a human body, microbiologists – unicells, and it is not all directions. In addition, it has to have knowledge from area of chemistry, physics, ecology, medicine, and also basic knowledge of Latin.
5 Most often the working day of the biologist passes in the room: in laboratory, clinic, on production. It collects necessary materials, substances and tests of materials. Applying any devices and the equipment, makes experiments and the researches which results will be applied in a certain branch. Except laboratory works in nature and business trips in places of growth of certain species of plants and dwelling of
6 The most known scientists-biologists. Gregor Mendel (1822 — 1884) — the Austrian biologist and the botanist. The founder of science about heredity. Work of the researcher served as the beginning of new science which called genetics a bit later. Karl Linney (1707 — 1783) — the well-known Swedish scientist. I offered the binary nomenclature — system of the scientific name of plants and animals. I divided all plants into 24 classes, having allocated separate childbirth and types. Charles Darwin (1809 — 1882) — the English naturalist and the traveler. He managed to solve the greatest problem of biology: question of an origin of species. Darwin also created the original theory of development of the organic world. Antoni van Levenguk (1632 — 1723) — the Netherlands naturalist. It noticed the first as blood moves in the smallest blood vessels — capillaries. He for the first time saw microbes and spermatozoa.
7 the most important biological opening of mankind(XX) 1901 - Landshteyner opened blood types, the blood transfusion beginning 1906 - first change of a cadaveric cornea 1912 -Banting and Best discovered insulin and the diabetes reason 1955 - first renal transplantation 1967 - first heart transplantation and liver 1997 - the first mammal - a sheep by nickname Dolley is cloned; then successful experiments on cloning of mice and other mammals followed
8 outstanding biological works Karl Linney "Botany philosophy“ Charles Darwin "Origin of the person and sexual selection“ I. P. Pavlov "Freedom reflex"
thanks for attention!!!!!!
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