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Biofouling formation and remedial measures
introduction a. Biofouling is the undesirable accumulation of microorganisms, plants, algae, and/or animals on wetted structures. b. Biofouling is one of the most important problems currently facing marine technology. In the marine environment any solid surface will become fouled. c. Marine and freshwater biofouling is one of the major unsolved problems currently affecting the shipping industry and industrial aquatic processes. d. Marine biofouling commonly refers to the adverse growth of marine organisms on immersed artificial structures such as ship hulls, jetty pilings, navigational instruments, aquaculture net cages and seawater in taking pipes
a. The establishment of the fouling community is composed of four stages (Fig. 1; Abarzua and Jakubowski, 1995) and some of these stages can overlap or occur in parallel. Figure 1. Process of fouling: The 4 main stages of marine biofouling (NERC News 1995)
Formation of biofouling a. Biofouling is not as simple a process as it sounds. Organisms do not usually simply suck onto a substrate like a suction cup. The complex process often begins with the production of a biofilm.
Figure 3 Biofouling cycle
Formation of Microfouling a. In the aquatic environment, any submerged solid surface gets coated by a complex layer, initially consisting of an organic conditioning film. b. Formation of this film is immediately followed by an accumulation of microorganisms (eg. bacteria, fungi, diatoms, and other micro-organisms) and the secretion at their cell surface of extra cellular polymeric substances (EPS) during attachment, colonization, and population growth. c. A biofilm is a film made of bacteria, such as Thiobacilli or other microorganisms, that forms on a material when conditions are right. (Gehrke, T; Sand, W. 2003).
a. Nutrient availability is an important factor; bacteria require dissolved organic carbon, humic substances and uronic acid for optimum biofilm growth. ( Griebe, T; Flemming, HC. 2000). b. Bacteria are not the only organisms that can create this initial site of attachment (sometimes called the slime layer); diatoms, seaweed, and their secretions are also culprits.
Figure 4 Biofouling cycle (Source: Center for Nanoscale Science and Engineering)
Formation of macrofouling a. A macrofouling community consisting of either 'soft fouling' or 'hard fouling’ may develop and overgrow the microfouling. b. Soft fouling comprises algae and invertebrates, such as soft corals, sponges, anemones, tunicates and hydroids. • Hard fouling comprises invertebrates such as barnacles, mussels and tubeworms, bryazons and seaweeds (Callow and Callow 2002).
a. According to biofouling processes, the following overlapping time sequence is observed: bacteria appear after approximately 1 to 2 hour, diatoms after several hours, spores of macroalgae and protozoa after 1 week and larvae of macro-foulers after 2 to 3 weeks (Von Oertzen et al. , 1989). Figure 7 Temporal structure of settlement
Effects of biofouling: a. Both micro- and macrofouling in the world’s oceans cause huge material and economic losses in maintenance of mariculture facilities, shipping facilities, vessels, and seawater pipelines (Wahl, 1997; Clare, 1998; Fusetani, 2004; Yebra et al. , 2004). b. Biofouling increases weight and frictional resistance of the ship, thus affecting its hydrodynamics, speed and maneuverability (Rolland De. Simone 2003). c. Biofouling is everywhere. Parts of a ship other than the hull are affected as well: heat exchangers, water-cooling pipes, propellers, even the ballast water. (Brizzolara, RA. 2002). d. biofouling on ship hulls is a powerful way of spreading species to new parts of the world oceans leading to bioinvasion, which is now recognised as a major threat to biodiversity (Anil et al. , 2002).
a. Heating and cooling systems biofouling might also be found in power stations or factories. Just like a clogged drain in your kitchen or bathroom, buildup of matter inside cooling system pipes decreases performance. b. Again, fouling causes a domino effect. Equipment must be cleaned frequently, at times with harsh chemicals, and the obstruction of piping can lead to a shutdown of plants and economic losses. (De Rincon et al. , 2001). c. In aquaculture, biofouling problems are of two types - on infrastructure (immersed mesh cages and trawls) and on stock organisms, particularly mussels, oysters and scallops. d. Yet another place biofouling organisms lurk is piping and sprinkler system nozzles of fire protection systems (Lewis, D P; Piontkowski et al. , 1997).
Remedial measures of Biofouling a. Physical method b. Chemical method c. Biological method
Physical method a. The simplest method for treatment of fouling is simply to remove by mechanical cleaning eg, by treatment of the fouled surface with high-pressure water jets (Granhag et al. , 2004). b. scraping
Disadvantages a. Costly b. Time consuming c. Less effective d. Not easily applicable to everywhere
Chemical method a. TBT b. Copper c. UV irritation d. Chlorination e. Titanium alloys(2 m/sec ) f. Silicone elastomers (for fast vessels)
DISADVANTAGES a. Evidence of adverse effects of TBT prompted the International Marine Organization to call for a ban on the application of TBT based antifouling paints from 2003 and the presence of such paints on the surface of ships from the year 2008. b. some want to eliminate copper-based coatings, claiming they are responsible for the same negative effects as TBT. c. These are not organism specific.
Biological method a. There may be no greater way to fight nature than with nature itself. b. The disadvantages of physical and chemical methods we need the help of natural source for producing ecofriendly antifouling compounds. c. Several kinds of natural antifouling agents that inhibit growth of fouling orgonisms have been isolated from marine organisms like bacteria (Holrnstrom et al. , 1996), marine algae (Abarzua et al. , 1999, de Nys et al. , 1996, Eng-Wilmot et al. , 1979, Gross et al. , 1991, Hellio et al. , 2002, Ishida 2000, Murakami et al. , 199 1, Wu et al. , 1998), sponges (Mokashe et al. , 1994, Thakur 2001), coelenterates (Davis et al. , 1989, Targett et al. , 1983, Targett 1988), holothurians (Mokashe et al. , 1994) and ascidians (Thakur 2001).
a. The new diterpene methoxy-ent-8(14)-pimarenely-15 -one and the three known metabolites ent-8(14)-pimarene-15 R, 16 -Diol, stigmasterol, ß-sitosterol from the mangrove plant Ceriops tagal (Chen et al. , 2008). Diterpenes from brown sea weed Canistrocarpus cervicornis also act as antifoulant metabolites (Bian co et al. , 2009). b. Diterpene from Brazilian brown alga Dictyota pfafii (Barbosa et al. , 2007). c. Two antifouling compounds 3 -methyl-N-(2 -Phenylethyl) butanamide and cyclo (D-Pro-D-Phe) from Letendraea helminthicola, a sponge associated fungus (Yang et al. , 2007). d. Vibrio biofilm formation inhibited by a marine actinomycete A 66 (You et al. , 2007). e. The sesquiterpene hydroquinone avarol was isolated from the marine sponge Dysidea avara.
a. whereas the corresponding quinone, avarone was obtained by oxidation of avarol toxic against the settlement of the cyprid stage of Balanus amphitrite, and for their growth inhibitory activity on fouling micro and macroorganisms. (Tsoukatou et al. , 2007).
conclusion a. Bio fouling remedial measures move towards nontoxic antifoulants. b. Marine lives such as corals, sponges, marine plants, and dolphins, etc. , prevent the surface of their bodies with antifouling substances without causing serious environmental problems. c. Therefore, these substances may be expected to be used, as new environmental friendly antifouling agents, especially those having highly anesthetic, repellent, and settlement inhibitory properties, etc. , without showing biocidal properties, are desirable.
a. Many of the antifouling substances are found from these marine animals, marine plants and microorganisms. b. Natural products antifoulants consist mainly of five kinds of compound such as terpenes, nitrogen-containing compounds, phenols, steroids and others. c. These are produced from sponges, corals, starfishes, mussels, algae, terrestrial plants, etc. These compounds are considered to play an important role in the antifouling mechanism of marine organisms (Omae, 2006). d. Microorganisms from the marine environment are less exploited for producing environmental friendly antifouling compounds.
a. In future, we expect to utilize some natural products, their synthetic derivatives or their mixtures as ecofriendly antifouling agents. b. Using natural methods may be more cost effective than specialized coatings, materials, or techniques. c. These industries' research might serve to overcome the still-common misconception that businesses cannot remain profitable without harming the environment. d. Research is still needed to determine the exact method of applying this knowledge.
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