Bioethics: abortion. Bioethics: abortion Two types of clinics

Bioethics: abortion

Bioethics: abortion Two types of clinics and centers in the developed states; Harassment of those doctors/clinics that provide abortions; Preventive “buffer-zones” around these clinics;

Bioethics: abortion main terms: Prochoice Prolife; Pro-abortion Anti-abortion;

Bioethics: abortion Stages of fetal growth: fertilization; Blastula Embryo Organ system formation; Fetus “brain waves” Fetus is able to live apart from mother.

Bioethics: abortion Statistics in the USA: 2003 – 1.29 million abortions in the USA; More black women; Religious influence; Under-aged women.

Bioethics: abortion Reasons given: A huge change of lifestyle: job, school; Cannot afford; Don’t want any more children; Cannot be a single-mothers.

Bioethics: abortion Abortion and Law Freedoms and prohibitions; Privacy or legal status? Not always condemned and illegal; Certain cases are moral: rape, incest, pregnant woman’s life in danger.

Bioethics: abortion General rules: from the end of the first trimester on, states could make laws to ensure the medical safety of the abortion procedures; before the time of viability, about the end of the second trimester (the sixth month), the abortion decision should be left up to the pregnant woman and her doctor; and from the time of viability on, states could prohibit abortion except in those cases in which the continued pregnancy would endanger the life or health of the pregnant woman.'7

Bioethics: abortion Arguments on the morality of abortions: 1. Arguments that do not depend of the fetus’s moral status: a) Utilitarian approach; b) Rights approach; 2. Arguments that do depend of the fetus’s moral status.

- Количество слайдов: 9