Л1_География КНР_3.ppt
- Количество слайдов: 32
Biodiversity • over 6266 species of mammals • over 32000 species of higher plants – 353 families, 3, 184 genera • 56. 9 % of the world's total, ranking China third in number of species after Malaysia and Brazil • 15 -20% of species under threat of disappearance • Over 200 species disappeared • more than 2, 000 species of edible plants • over 3, 000 species of medical plants
cycas ginkgo cryptomeria ephedra sinica metasequoia glyptostroboides
1. Coniferous forests (taiga) • Korean pine and Dahurian larch • Podsols
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2. Mixed coniferous and broadleaf forests • Conifers include Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis), Fir (Abies holophylla), the spruce, Picea obovata • Broadleaf deciduous (hardwood) species include oaks (Quercus mongolica), ash (Fraxinus mandshurica), Tilia amurensis, birch (Betula schmidtii), Manchurian elm (Ulmus laciniata), maple (Acer spp. ), and Manchurian walnut (Juglans mandshurica). • Typical groundcover in the forest understory includes ginseng (Panax ginseng).
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3. Steppe (grassland) • The dominant flora consists of medium to tall grasslands, dominated by feather grass (Stipa baicalensis, S. capillata, and S. grandis), Sheep's Fescue (Festuca ovina), Aneurolepidium chinense, Filifolium sibiricuman, and Cleistogenes sqarrosa. • The drier regions surrounding the Gobi host drought-tolerant grasses, together with forbs and low, spiny shrubs.
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4. Desert and semidesert • wild garlic, Kalidium gracile, wormwood, saxaul, Nitraria schoberi, Caragana, Ephedra, saltwort and the grass Lasiagrostis splendens. • The taana wild onion Allium polyrrhizum is the main browse eaten by many herd animals.
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5. High mountain meadow • Kobresia, Pedicularis, Mecanopsis, and Primula.
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6. Boreal mixed coniferous and deciduous forests and shrubs • deciduous broadleaf forest comprised of oaks (Quercus liaotungensis, Q. mongolica). • low hills - mixed hardwood - maple Acer spp. , Tilia amurensis, elm (Ulmus propinqua), ash (Fraxinus manshurica). • Chinese red pine (Pinus tabulaeformis) - on the plains.
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7. Subtropical mixed evergreen and deciduous forests and shrubs • Dominant taxa belong to the oak family, Fagaceae (Castanopsis spp. , Lithocarpus spp. , and Cyclobalanopsis spp. ), and the laurel family, Lauraceae (Lindera spp. , Persea spp. ). • Leaves may be sclerophyllous or coated on the undersurface with appressed hairs to conserve water, and they remain evergreen throughout an extended dry season • Various types of bamboo
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8. Tropical monsoon evergreen forests • Magnoliaceae, Lauraceae, and Dipterocarpaceae species make up the associations below 915 m, • species of Fagaceae, Meliaceae, tree ferns, and climbing palms make up the upper-elevation associations. • Characteristic trees in these forests include Acer pinnatinervium, Aesculus assamicus, Betula alnoides, Carpinus viminea, Castanopsis argentea, Magnolia pterocarpa, Persea spp. , Litsea spp. , and Lindera spp. • In mature forests the trees are draped with lianas (Jasminum duclouxii, J. pericallianthum, Lonicera hildebrandii, Bauhinia spp. , Clematis spp. , Mussaenda spp. , and Rubus spp. ). • Along the upper limits (above 1, 525 m) the forest is dominated by Bucklandia populnea.
• Redsoil
Fauna - North-East China • large predators (wolves, raccoon dogs, Cunha), as well as squirrels and rabbits. Endangered - Amur tiger
Fauna – North West China • animals of deserts and semi deserts. • There are numerous rodents (gophers, gerbils) and ungulates (dzeren, gazelle); endemic to this region - Przewalski's horse. In Tibet, home to high-altitude animals (antelope orongo, kiang, Tibetan lazybones, Asiatic black bear, red wolf).
Fauna – South West China • tropical animals like lorises, flying dog, leopard, tupayya, golden-haired monkey, South China tiger. • Endemic to this region are giant and small panda. • In the rivers - white-flag dolphin and Chinese alligator • On lakes: cranes, ducks, white and gray herons, swans, brown-eared pheasant, red -crowned crane, red ibis.
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Л1_География КНР_3.ppt