Biochemistry (introduction).ppt
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Biochemistry (introduction) Novosibirsk State Agrarian University Professor Korotkevich O. S.
Contents: n n n Biochemistry Parts of biochemistry Biochemistry importance New directions of modern development of biochemistry Methods of biochemistry
n Biochemistry or biological chemistry is a science about qualitative composition, quantitative content and transformations in life processes of compounds which form living material.
Parts of biochemistry
Biochemistry is divided into the following parts according to the approach to study of living material: n n n Statistic biochemistry Dynamic biochemistry Functional biochemistry
Statistic biochemistry It studies chemical composition of different organisms. The investigations include both qualitative and quantitative composition.
Dynamic biochemistry It studies the transformation of chemical compounds and their interrelations with energy transmutations during the process of vital activity of organic forms.
Functional biochemistry It explores relations between the structured chemical compounds and their changes in processes. Besides it studies functions of sub cell particles of specialized cells, tissues or organs which include the chemical compounds.
Parts of biochemistry according to the object of study: n n n General biochemistry Bioorganic chemistry Bioinorganic chemistry Biochemistry of animals Biochemistry of plants
General biochemistry It considers regularities of structure content and transformation during the vital activity process of chemical compounds of organisms common to all living substances.
Bioorganic chemistry n It explores physicochemical foundations of functions of main systems of a living cell, using chemistry ideas, methods and techniques. It includes structural and stereochemical analysis, partial and total synthesis of natural compounds and their analogues. It carries out the operation of receiving new natural substances by technological methods.
Bioinorganic chemistry n It investigates the structure and functional activity of inorganic ions complexes with organic molecular (ligands) and their participation in living processes.
Biochemistry of animals n It studies the composition of animal organisms and the transformations of their substances and energy.
Biochemistry of plants n It studies the composition of plant organisms and the transformations of their substances and energy.
Continued: n n n Biochemistry of microorganisms Medical biochemistry Veterinary biochemistry Technological biochemistry Comparative biochemistry
Biochemistry of microorganisms n It studies the composition of microorganisms and transformations of their substances and energy.
Medical biochemistry n It studies the composition and transformations of substances and energy in human organism in the norm and pathology.
Veterinary biochemistry n It studies the composition and transformations of substances and energy in animal organism in the norm and pathology.
Technological biochemistry n It considers the composition of main nutritive products and studies of transformations in them during production, storage and development of new methods of using biochemical processes in industry.
Comparative biochemistry n It compares the composition and ways of modifications of substances of organisms of different systematic groups (evolutionary biochemistry).
Continued: Radiation biochemistry n Quantum biochemistry n Space biochemistry n
Radiation biochemistry n It studies the change of composition and metabolism in organism exposed to ionization radiation. This science develops methods of biochemical protection after exposure to radiation.
Quantum biochemistry n It compares the composition, functions and ways of modifications of substances in organisms, which are of biological importance due to electronic characteristics obtained by quantum chemical calculations.
Space biochemistry n It studies biochemical problems connected with human’s explore space area.
Biochemistry importance n Establishes connections between molecular structure and biological function of chemical elements in living organisms
New directions of modern development in biochemistry n n Carrying out precise biochemical research to diagnose plant viruses, identify genemodified products Developing the inter branch technical complex of biotechnology, its activities are aimed at the application of biochemistry and molecular biology achievements to medicine and agriculture.
Methods of biochemistry n n n Immunochemical Radioimmunological DNA-DNA method DNA-protein method Method of DNA-RNA hybridization and others
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Biochemistry (introduction).ppt