- Количество слайдов: 199
Biblical Beliefs
Biblical Beliefs
The Rock From Which We Are Hewn • The Distinctive of Baptists according to Dr. E. Y. Mullins- “the competency of the soul in religion. ” p. 11 • They insist upon the Lordship of Christ and the • The authority of Scriptures. • They are under obligation to preach the gospel to all men as they understand it. • The priesthood of believers grants every Christian the right to read Bible and interpret as he feels the Holy Spirit leading
#1 REVELATION • Textbooks • THEBAPTIST FAITH AND MESSAGE-Dr. Hershel Hobbs • The Baptist Faith and Message –June 14, 2000 • Biblical Beliefs-Dr. C. H Benson • New Testament Theology-Dr. Frank Stagg
Completing Claims To Truth ‘HUMAN REASON • Rationalism -- truth by reason alone • Empiricism -- truth by observation • Mysticism – Truth by subjective experience • ECCLESIATICAL AUTHORITY • Roman Catholic • Mormon • Jehovah’s Witness • Others DIVINE INSPIRATION
BIBLICAL BELIEFS Inspiration of the Scriptures God-Breathed
THE EXTENT OF INSPIRATION FOUR VIEWS • N_______ INSPIRATION NATURAL • MECHANICAL INSPIRATION • P_______ INSPIRATION PARTIAL • PLENARY INSPIRATION- “All portions of the Holy Scriptures even beyond the direction of thoughts to the selection of words. ”
CLAIMS OF INSPIRATION • THE OLD TESTAMENT WRITERS “Thus saith the Lord”-1900 times “the Lord said”…”the Lord spoke”-3808 times • THE NEW TESTAMENT WRITERS a)NT has 280 quotes from OT b)Paul quotes Luke and Deut. as same c)Peter classifies Paul’s writing-divine • JESUS CLAIMS INSPIRATION
The Extent of Inspiration
JESUS AND INSPIRATION • The____ of His Coming was to bear witness to the truth. (Jn. 18: 37) • He regarded them as authentic in their entirety • He applied the whole scripture to____. • He quoted from a___ scriptures. • He upheld verbal inspiration of scripture. • He accepted m_____ of the Bible.
The Nature of Inspiration
Biblical Beliefs
Biblical Beliefs
Biblical Beliefs
#2 - CREATION & THE FALL OF MAN • The Creation of Man and World Thought • Evolutionist call man “a cosmic accident” • Quote: ”For something to be its own creation, it would have to be and not to be at the same time. ”-Dr. R. C. Sproul • The odds of spontaneous regeneration • Fossils tell no tales
Creation of Man • • • Man’s Origin –Gen. 2; 7 and Gen 3: Man is the highest of creation The world reverses the order Man’s character-spirit- soul- body Man’s body returns to ground Man’s spirit returns to God. • • • Eccles. 12: 7 II Cor. 5; 8 Phil. 1: 21/23 Matt. 17: 3 John 11: 26
God’s Image In Man. Gen. 1: 27 PERSONALITY -Body-5 Senses -Soul-Mind, will, Emotions -Spirit MORALS Conscience Forfeited at Fall RATIONAL BEING VOLITIONAL BEING AFFECTIONATE BEING
The Purpose of All Creation • • God’s Glory is seen in Creation God’s Glory is seen in the Redeemed God’s Glory is seen perfectly in Jesus Redeemed man is still to express God’s Glory The Plan-Death To Self The Perverted Ways to give Glory Roller Coaster Rd Abnegation Avenue Education Expressway Dedication drive
God’s Plan for Man to Give Him Glory • “The resources for the Christian life are just-Jesus. ” Charles Trumbull • Col. 1: 27 “Christ in you, the hope of Glory. ” • Eph. 3: 17 “that Christ should dwell in your hearts by faith. ” • Gal. 2: 20 “it is no longer I, but Christ that liveth in me. ” • “Reckon on the fact and then realize it. ”
Man’s Dominion • • • His Helpmate His Authority Over All Creation His Responsibility His Failure Jesus Demonstrated Dominion • Nature, Animal kingdom, Storms, etc. • Demons, disease, death, devil, Hell, grave, etc • Is Jesus Lord of your life-Lord of Lords
THE FALL OF MAN 1. 2. • • Did God Test Man in the Garden Satan laid his plans well Worked on weakest person Made them doubt God’s word Made up lies about God and them Made sin look good
The Results of Sin • The sin problem is cosmic not local • Sin=Greek –Hamartia=means to miss the mark as in archery. Rom. 3: 23 • Sin Results In Alienation • Alienation Between God and Man • Alienation Between Man and Himself
The Tribunal for Sin 1. 2. 3. • • • They were prosecuted before god Their Plea was to make excuses Their Punishment was extensive Satan was doomed-Gen. 3; 15 Woman was given sorrow and pain in childbirth and subordinate to man Man was given painful toil, thorns, and hard struggles and death
Biblical Beliefs
Biblical Beliefs
From Fall to Faith
REVIEW LESSONS-1&2 • CRITERIA FOR THE CANON • Apostolic Authority • Usage In The Early Church-as Sacred • Conformity to the Core of Accepted Books • Christ Centered • Internal Evidence METHODS OF INSPIRATION Natural Mechanical Partial Plenary
REVIEW LESSONS-1&2 • CRITERIA FOR THE CANON • Apostolic Authority • Usage In The Early Church-as Sacred • Conformity to the Core of Accepted Books • Christ Centered • Internal Evidence METHODS OF INSPIRATION Natural Mechanical Partial Plenary
Review: #2 -Creation & Fall • Creation is Clearly An Act of God • The Purpose of all Creation-Glory • Man Created in the Image of God • • • Personality-Rational, Volitional, Affection Morality The Fall of Man was cosmic, not localized The Fall brought Alienation The Fall brought Punishment
INGREDIENTS OF FAITH • Definition of Faith-See Heb. 11: 1”Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. ” • First Ingredient: CONTENT OF FAITH • Second Ingredient: ASSENT • Third Ingredient: TRUST • Illustration: The Chair • Greek Word: pisteou=denotes reliance, trust, belief • Quote: J. Oswald Smith-People’s Church “Many believe who have never trusted. ”
SAVING FAITH-Two Views ROMAN CATHOLIC • God declares a person justified when he indeed he is just. • Infusion of Grace • Grace can come by Two sacrements Baptism and Penance PROTESTANT VIEW • The instrument of cause of faith alone. • Imputation of Grace • Double Imputation= Christ’s righteousness and Death put on our Account • Not Antinomian Faith
Three Types of Faith • Saving Faith • A recognition of salvation from the penalty of sin (John 3: 16 -18) • Living Faith • A deliverance from the power of sin (James 1: 2, 3) • Working Faith • A demonstration of the fruit of regeneration (Eph. 2: 10)
LIVING FAITH • Faith is living, dynamic, life-changing • Not faith without works/evidence • We are saved by faith and live by faith: • • The Way of Death with Christ-Takes Faith The Way of Life in Christ-Takes Faith The Way of Approprriation is faith True faith will express itself in works
WORKING FAITH • We are not saved by works but into good works. Eoh. 2: 10 • Quote: “Works don’t justify people, but justified people work. ” • True faith will express itself in real action-ministry. James 2: 14 -20
REGENERATION • Necessity of the New Birth • • • Deceitful Heart-Jerm. 17: 9 Born into Sin-PS. 51: 5 Carnal Nature-Rom. 7: 15 God’s Holiness Certainty of Death-Rom 5: 17 “By one man Sin entered into the world and death by sin And so death passed upon all men for all have sinned. ”
NATURE OF NEW BIRTH • Regeneration is Monergistic-God’s Work • Humans are dead, helpless to pull themselves out of the mire of sin. Quote: John Blanchard- “Nicodemus was no ordinary Pharisee; he was a ruler or master of Israel. He was one of the leading teachers of his day and spent his life studying and teaching religion…yet he did not even begin to grasp what Jesus meant! He could not see the truth because he was spiritually blind…. a sinner needs not another birth but a new birth…not reformation of life, but formation of a new life. ”
NATURE OF NEW BIRTH-pt 2 • • Ezekiel prophesied about new life. 26: 26 Jesus taught new birth The apostles taught new birth There are three aspects of New Birth: • It is a Mystery-Jn. 3: 8 • It is a Must-must is used 3 times in Jn 3 • It is a Miracle
New Birth-What it is Not? • • Not Natural Descent Not Mere Human Decision Not Human Determination Not through the Sacraments-not even baptismal regeneration as some evangelicals believe.
Biblical Beliefs
REVIEW LESSONS-1&2 • CRITERIA FOR THE CANON • Apostolic Authority • Usage In The Early Church-as Sacred • Conformity to the Core of Accepted Books • Christ Centered • Internal Evidence METHODS OF INSPIRATION Natural Mechanical Partial Plenary
Review: #2 -Creation & Fall • Creation is Clearly An Act of God • The Purpose of all Creation-Glory • Man Created in the Image of God • • • Personality-Rational, Volitional, Affection Morality The Fall of Man was cosmic, not localized The Fall brought Alienation The Fall brought Punishment
Review #3 -Faith and Regeneration • • Three Ingredients of Faith A)Content-The facts are accurate about Christ B)Assent-To the truthfulness of facts C)Trust-firm persuasion; reliance; trust upon Two Views about Saving Faith A)Catholic-Infusion of grace by sacraments B)Protestant-Impartation of grace by faith Nature of the New Birth: • It is a Mystery • It is a Must • It is a Miracle
JUSTIFICATION • Justification is a legal term implying the clearing of one’s name § It is a forensic term from Roman court § For acquitting one accused of a crime § Justification is when the guilty sinner is declared righteous, not made righteous § Justification is not for the righteous, but for the undeserving.
GROUND FOR JUSTIFICATION • Justification and Righteousness are two close words in the Greek. (Rom. 3: 21 -31) -dikaisune=righteousness -dikaioo=justify § The ground for justification is the atoning work of Christ “being now justified by his blood shall we Be saved from the wrath of God through Him. ” Rom. 5: 9
Observations about this Right. Standing with God(Justification) • A Righteousness apart from the law-Rom 3: 21 • A Righteousness witnessed by the law and the prophets § The gospel reveals this Righteousness of God § A Righteousness by faith in Jesus Christ. Rom. 3: 22 § A Righteousness which is unto all –Rom. 3: 23 § A Righteousness is upon all that believe § A Righteousness that is bestowed freely. Rom. 3: 24 (dorean=without a charge or cost)
The Process of Justification • The process includes three factors: -The forgiveness of sins -The application of Christ’s Righteousness -Conditional upon Faith § God erases our sin debt- see Col. 2: 13 -14 § “the handwriting”-a signed confession of debt § “blotting out”- Jesus wiped out the debt § Telestai=paid the debt in full by his death § Example: Onesimus-Philemon v. 18
ADOPTION • Adoption-the placing of a child • Adoption means the voluntarily taking of other parents to be one’s own § Participants in Adoption in Scripture: -Israel-Deut. 14: 2; Isa. 43: 1; Rom. 9: 4 -Gentiles-Rom. 11: 11 -15 -God- John 1: 12 § See Romans 8: 14 -15 and Gal. 4: 4 -5 and Eph. 1: 5
Benefits of Adoption • Adoption gives us a Godly Nature -Gal. 4: 6 “Abba, Father” • Adoption gives equal rights to all sons. -Gal. 4: 7 “a son, then an heir of God” -Rom. 8: 17 “joint-heirs with Christ” • Adoption brings fellowship with father and other sons. -II Cor. 6: 18 “will be a father unto you” -Heb. 12: 7 -8 Involves chastening -I Cor. 11: 29 -32 Lord’s Supper Preparation
The Time Of Adoption • Planned before the Foundation of the world • Received when one believes in Christ -Gal. 3: 26 “for we are the children of God by faith in Jesus Christ. ” -Not the universal fatherhood and brotherhood of mankind • Completed at His Return –Eph. 1: 5, 10 -11
Results of Adoption § No longer under tutors or bondage-Gal. 3: 25 § Now the Sons of God-Rom. 8: 17 § Received the Blessings of Adoption: -A Heavenly Family- I John 3: 14 -A Heavenly Father- Mt. 6: 9/Mt. 7: 11 -A Heavenly Inheritance- Eternal Home I Pet. 1: 3 -5
Justification & Adoption Items of Comparison Justification Adoption To declare one righteous The Placing of a Son Type of word Roman Legal Term Roman Word How attained By Faith in Jesus Christ God Chose us Time it happens Conditional upon faith Received when one believes Relationship to God Acquitted; Not Guilty; Righteous Now A Son Joy, Peace, Eternal Life Heavenly Family, Father, and Eternal Home Definition Blessings
Biblical Beliefs
Biblical Beliefs
REVIEW LESSONS-1&2 • CRITERIA FOR THE CANON • Apostolic Authority • Usage In The Early Church-as Sacred • Conformity to the Core of Accepted Books • Christ Centered • Internal Evidence METHODS OF INSPIRATION Natural Mechanical Partial Plenary
Review: #2 -Creation & Fall • Creation is Clearly An Act of God • The Purpose of all Creation-Glory • Man Created in the Image of God • • • Personality-Rational, Volitional, Affection Morality The Fall of Man was cosmic, not localized The Fall brought Alienation The Fall brought Punishment
Review #3 -Faith and Regeneration • • Three Ingredients of Faith A)Content-The facts are accurate about Christ B)Assent-To the truthfulness of facts C)Trust-firm persuasion; reliance; trust upon Two Views about Saving Faith A)Catholic-Infusion of grace by sacraments B)Protestant-Impartation of grace by faith Nature of the New Birth: • It is a Mystery • It is a Must • It is a Miracle
Review #4: JUSTIFICATION AND ADOPTION • Justification is the acquitting of one accused of a crime. • The guilty sinner is declared righteous, not made righteous. • Threefold process of justification: • The Forgiveness of Sins • The Application of Christ’s Righteousness • Conditional upon Faith in the Believer ADOPTION =The voluntary placing of a child and the taking of other parents Benefits of Adoption: § Gives Us A Godly Nature § Gives Us Equal Rights § Brings us into Fellowship with Father and other family members
Biblical Beliefs
WHAT IS WORSHIP? • Worship-(Gk)= proskuneo which means Pros- “towards” and kuneo- “to kiss” • In O. T. it means to “bow down” • Mordecai refused to bow down to Haman • The wise men bowed down to baby Jesus • The word “worship” is itself a Saxon word and means “to ascribe worth to God; to magnify His worthiness through praise; to approach and address God for He is worthy. ” • Rev. 4: 11 “Thou art worthy, o Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. ”
False Worship Is Condemned • In the Old Testament those who worshipped false gods were stoned to death. • Such False gods in O. T were: • Baal-Farm god of the Canaanites-gave increase (Also Beelzebub-Lord of the flies; called the prince of demons. Demonism is the dynamic of idolatry) • Ra-Sun god of the Egyptians • Molech-Ammonite god as protecting father • Diana-Roman god-nature; mighty huntress; protectress of youth(Spartans sought her favor in war. ) • The author says we worship nine gods: gold, fashion, fame, ease, intellect, travel, chance, passion(sex), drink. • Neither were the Israelites to make an image of God. This is iconolatry, which is the worship of images of God. • Example: Russia Orthodox Church
The Object of Worship • Worship-(Def)- “To ascribe the proper worth to God; to magnify His worthiness of praise; to approach and address God as He is worthy. • The object of worship is the revealed God of the Bible. He is the Infinite and Eternal Being. He is the creator God and preserver of all things. Scriptures: (Elohim, Yahweh, Jehovah) • Because Jesus is God, He accepts worship. “Then they in the ship worshipped him. . ”Mt. 14: 33 “And when they saw Him, they worshipped him. . ”Mt. 28: 17 “Thou art the Christ, the son of the Living God” Mt. 16: 16 “And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and My God. ” John 20: 28
Acceptable Worship • • It must be in the Name Of Christ It must be guided by the Holy Spirit It must conform to the Word of God The cross of Christ enables us to enter the Holy of Holies-God’s Presence • God does not accept pretended worship • True worship glorifies God alone • True worship creates a response in the worshiper
Worship Notes-(T. Williams) • Churches that argue style need to step back and realize the focus of worship is God, not us • Worship is a state of the heart, not a state of art • There is a big difference between church services and worship services • Worship is developing an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit is welcome. • Worship is not about the music, but about the Master • How we worship is not as important as that we worship
Blended Worship-(T. Williams) • Give a Biblical Basis for: Ps. 33: 3; 40: 3; 144: 9 • Have full pastoral and staff support • Concentrate on the function of worship and not the form of worship • The Function is to express our love to God • The Form could be traditional; classical; blended; seeker -friendly • Don’t try too much too soon. We are not all the same age; or the same stage or from the same cage. • Don’t criticize the old style while introducing a new style • Be willing to step out of comfort zone • Promote strong use of choir/orchestra • Create an uninterrupted flow of worship
Application of Worship • Worshipping in spirit and in truth is worshipping from the inside out. • There is no higher goal than focusing on and responding to God in worship. • The more we truly worship, the more we truly become like Him • Quote: A. W. Tozer- “If you will not worship seven days a week, you will not worship Him one day a week. ” • Will you put actual worship in your acts of worship? • Since the object of worship is the glorious and majestic God, when worship becomes empty, the problem lies with the subject(us), not the object(God).
Reasons for Prayer • God desires it-He wants to fellowship with us • Jesus expects us to pray and follow Him • God’s Word demands that we pray; • Devote yourselves to prayer-Col. 4: 2 • Pray continually-I Thes. 5: 17 • Believers need prayer-Heb. 4: 16 • Spiritual power is needed to overcome flesh Luke 18: 1 and Matt. 26: 41
Requirements for Prayer • Aware of our Relationship with God-Eph. 1: 1822 • A Right Attitude and Motive-James 5: 16 b and John 14: 13 • According to God’s word and will-I Jn. 5: 14 • Asking in Faith- Mark 11: 22 -24; Heb. 11: 6; James 1: 6 • Asking In Jesus Name-John 14: 13 • Abiding in Christ and in His Word-John. 15: 7 • Asking under the guidance of the Spirit
Hindrances to Prayer • SIN-Isa. 59: 1 -2 and Ps. 66: 18 • • • Anger- I Tim. 2: 8 Idolatry-Ezek. 14: 3 Indifference to Human Need-Prov. 21: 13 Hypocrisy-Mt. 6: 5 Unforgiving spirit-Mt. 18; 35/Mt. 6: 14 -15 Broken Relationships-Mt. 5: 23 -24/I Pet. 3: 7 • WRONG MOTIVES- James 4: 3 • UNBELIEF-II Kings 6 -7 • SATAN-Daniel 10: 2 -14
PRAYER IS LEARNED-HOW? • • By Praying- “Lord, teach us to pray. . ”Lk 11: 1 By Meditating on Scriptures By Praying for and with others By reading about great Prayer Warriors: • REES HOWELLS: THE INTERCESSOR-N. Grubb • WITH CHRIST IN THE SCHOOL OF PRAYERby Andrew Murray • PRAYING HYDE-Frances Mc. Graw • DISCIPLES PRAYER LIFE-T. W. Hunt • SPIRITUAL SECRETS OF GEORGE MUELLER • REVIVAL PRAYING- L. Ravenhill
Biblical Beliefs
Biblical Beliefs
Review #3 -Faith and Regeneration • • Three Ingredients of Faith A)Content-The facts are accurate about Christ B)Assent-To the truthfulness of facts C)Trust-firm persuasion; reliance; trust upon Two Views about Saving Faith A)Catholic-Infusion of grace by sacraments B)Protestant-Impartation of grace by faith Nature of the New Birth: • It is a Mystery • It is a Must • It is a Miracle
Review #4: JUSTIFICATION AND ADOPTION • Justification is the acquitting of one accused of a crime. • The guilty sinner is declared righteous, not made righteous. • Threefold process of justification: • The Forgiveness of Sins • The Application of Christ’s Righteousness • Conditional upon Faith in the Believer ADOPTION =The voluntary placing of a child and the taking of other parents Benefits of Adoption: § Gives Us A Godly Nature § Gives Us Equal Rights § Brings us into Fellowship with Father and other family members
Review #5 -Worship & Prayer • Worship(Def. )- “to ascribe the proper worth to God; to magnify His Worthiness. . ” • The Object of worship is the revealed God of the Bible. • Worship is developing an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit is welcome. • Churches should concentrate on the function of worship rather than the form of worship. • Requirements for Effective Praying: • Aware of our relationship with God • A right attitude and motive • Asking in faith • Asking in accordance with God’s Word (God’s will) • Asking in Jesus’ Name • Abiding in Christ and His Word • Asking under the leadership of God’s Spirit Four Hindrances to prayers: sin, unbelief, wrong motives, satan.
Origin of the Church • Church=Greek word is ecclesia-the called out ones. • It is more than an organization, it is an organism-a spiritual body. • The plan for the church was from the foundation of the world. Eph. 1: 4 • The birth of the church was the day of Pentecost and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2: 1 -4
Members of The Church • Members are those who are the redeemed sons of God who have heard the truth of the gospel concerning the life, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and have personally trusted in Christ as their Savior and Lord and have been sealed with the Holy Spirit. • Read Eph. 1: 13
JESUS AND THE CHURCH • Jesus first mentions the church upon Peter’s confession of faith in Him as the predicted Messiah. Matt. 16: 16 -18 • Jesus is the Rock upon which the church is built not Peter. • Eph. 2: 20 “chief corner stone” • I Cor. 3: 11 “other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which ic Jesus. ” • Jesus bought the church with His Blood • Autonomy-self-governing, but Hobbs said “acting under democratic processes under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. ” • Jesus gave authority to church members to bind and loose. Mt. 18: 18 -20 • Jesus is in the Midst of His Church-Mt. 18: 20
Purpose of the Church • Church born on Day of Pentecost. Acts 2 • Three Classes of people composed church: • Hebrew Christians-Jews in Palestine • Hellenists Converts-Jews of foreign • Proselytes-Gentile Converts The purpose of Israel in God’s redemptive plan was the Scriptures come through them; and they are a channel to introduce the Savior. “The church is the true Israel of God. ”-H. Hobbs The purpose of the Church was that were commissioned to be witnesses of God’s Plan of salvation to the world. (Eph. 3: 10 -11) The Roman Catholics interpret “keys of the kingdom” as the basis of papal authority.
Revealed Mystery-Church • The word mystery is used 27 times in NT. • Musterion(Gk)= “that which is outside the range of unassisted natural apprehension • The mystery concerning the church is that Christ came into the hearts of the Gentiles as well as the Jewish believers. Col. 1: 27 “this mystery among the Gentiles which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. ” • The Holy Spirit unites all believers in the Body of Christ in one spiritual body. • Christ is the Head of that Body-the Church. See Eph. 5: 23, 24, 32.
General Ministry-The Church • The Body of Christ has work to do here on earth before Christ comes again-being His Witnesses. • Officers in the church(pastors/teachers) are called to “the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ till we all come in the unity of the faith, and the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the fulness of Christ. ” Eph. 4: 12 -13 • The object of the general ministry is the building up of the Body and the increase of it’s membership • The Bride of Christ (the Church) is to make herself ready for the return of the groom-Christ. Rev. 19: 7 “for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. ” • When the church has been completed, Christ will return
Biblical Beliefs
#6 Discussion Questions-The Origin and Purpose of the Church 1. Explain the meaning of the word “church. ” 2. What day was the church born? 3. What apostle was the first to acknowledge that Jesus was the Christ upon which He would build His Church? 4. What does the word “mystery” mean in reference to the church? 5. What is the main purpose of the church? 6. What three classes of people were present on the day of Pentecost that became the church? 7. The Church is described in the NT as the B___ Of Christ and the B_____ of Christ.
Biblical Beliefs
Review #4: JUSTIFICATION AND ADOPTION • Justification is the acquitting of one accused of a crime. • The guilty sinner is declared righteous, not made righteous. • Threefold process of justification: • The Forgiveness of Sins • The Application of Christ’s Righteousness • Conditional upon Faith in the Believer ADOPTION =The voluntary placing of a child and the taking of other parents Benefits of Adoption: § Gives Us A Godly Nature § Gives Us Equal Rights § Brings us into Fellowship with Father and other family members
Review #5 -Worship & Prayer • Worship(Def. )- “to ascribe the proper worth to God; to magnify His Worthiness. . ” • The Object of worship is the revealed God of the Bible. • Worship is developing an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit is welcome. • Churches should concentrate on the function of worship rather than the form of worship. • Requirements for Effective Praying: • Aware of our relationship with God • A right attitude and motive • Asking in faith • Asking in accordance with God’s Word (God’s will) • Asking in Jesus’ Name • Abiding in Christ and His Word • Asking under the leadership of God’s Spirit Four Hindrances to prayers: sin, unbelief, wrong motives, satan.
Review #6 -Origin And Purpose of the Church 1. The word church in the Greek is ecclesia –the called out ones 2. The birth of the church was the Day of Pentecost-Acts 2 3. The members of the church are those who are the redeemed sons of God who have heard the truth of the Gospel concerning the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and have personally trusted in Christ as Savior and Lord and have been sealed with the Holy Spirit 4. Jesus is the foundation of the church because He bought it with His Blood 5. The purpose of the church is to be witnesses of God’s way of salvation of faith in Christ to our world
#7 -The Growth of the Church • The growth of the church is chronicled in the book of Acts • • • The Right Atmosphere-Unity, Oneness, Accord The Right Appeal Anointing of the Holy Spirit Action of Personal Witnessing Authority of the Word The Right Response- “What shall se do to be saved? ” • The Message of the Church • • Jesus is the Messiah prophesied in the OT Jesus was crucified for our sins Jesus rose from the dead Jesus will return
Method and Movement-Church • The World is to be won by the witnessing of church members • The Building of the Church is by witnessing, education, discipleship. • The movement of the church went from 120 in upper room to 3000 to 5000 • • • Pliny-So many Christians that the pagan temples were deserted End of the 3 rd Century- 5 Million Christians End of the 10 Century-50 Million Christians End of the 19 th Century-200 Million Christians Gibbons: RISE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE Four reasons why Christianity grew rapidly: • • Enthusiasm Doctrine of Future Life Miraculous Power Pure Morals
Characteristics of The Early Church • UNITED- Acts 2: 44 • STEADFAST-Loyal to the church, right doctrine and to each other • CHARITABLE-shared their goods • JOYFUL-full of joy and gladness • SUCCESSFUL-Acts 2: 47 • They turned the world upside down for Christ. What is the church today doing?
Organization and Officers in the Church • Paul gives clear instruction for a well organized church fellowship • Council of Jerusalem indicated established order in the church-Acts 15 • Officers in the Church: • Elders-Acts 11: 30”sent it to the elders” Means Older; Came to mean those who maintain order or rule within the fellowship Paul told Titus to appoint elders in every city of Crete Elders were designated pastors-Eph. 4; 4/I Pet. 5: 1 -2 They were to exhort and shepherd the flock
§Officers In The Church-cont. • DEACONS-(Diakonos-minister, servant) • The word comes from those who labor in the dust • The emphasis is on “service rendered” • They were appointed by the apostles to take care of a crisis in church-Act 6 • Several deacons did the word of evangelizing and preaching gospel. Stephen and Philip
QUALIFICATIONS OF CHURCH LEADERS • • They were to be blameless(not sinless) They were to be proven, not a novice They were to be serious and sober in duty Quote: THE CHURCH NEEDS LEADERS • SAVED-”look out from among you” • SELECT-full of faith and the Holy Spirit • Oh, do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be strong men and women. Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks. That the doing of your work will be no miracle; but you shall be a miracle. . ” –Phillips Brooks • SINCERE- Sunday self and Weekday Self-same • STEADFAST- Quote: ”I don’t care how loud a brother chouts or how high he jumps, just so he walks straight when he comes down. ’ Bud Robinson • SPIRTUAL Acts 6: 3
RESPONSIBILITIES OF CHURCH LEADERS • EVANGELIZING • Paul did the work of an evangelist • Paul planted churches • SHEPHERDING • • Supervising the Flock Feeding the Flock Leading the Flock Ministering to the Flock • TEACHING THE FLOCK • 60 -90 times Jesus was addressed as teacher • Commissioned his disciples to teach • Preach used 150 times; Teach-250 times
Biblical Beliefs
Biblical Beliefs
Review #3 -Faith and Regeneration • • Three Ingredients of Faith A)Content-The facts are accurate about Christ B)Assent-To the truthfulness of facts C)Trust-firm persuasion; reliance; trust upon Two Views about Saving Faith A)Catholic-Infusion of grace by sacraments B)Protestant-Impartation of grace by faith Nature of the New Birth: • It is a Mystery • It is a Must • It is a Miracle
Review #4: JUSTIFICATION AND ADOPTION • Justification is the acquitting of one accused of a crime. • The guilty sinner is declared righteous, not made righteous. • Threefold process of justification: • The Forgiveness of Sins • The Application of Christ’s Righteousness • Conditional upon Faith in the Believer ADOPTION =The voluntary placing of a child and the taking of other parents Benefits of Adoption: § Gives Us A Godly Nature § Gives Us Equal Rights § Brings us into Fellowship with Father and other family members
Review #5 -Worship & Prayer • Worship(Def. )- “to ascribe the proper worth to God; to magnify His Worthiness. . ” • The Object of worship is the revealed God of the Bible. • Worship is developing an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit is welcome. • Churches should concentrate on the function of worship rather than the form of worship. • Requirements for Effective Praying: • Aware of our relationship with God • A right attitude and motive • Asking in faith • Asking in accordance with God’s Word (God’s will) • Asking in Jesus’ Name • Abiding in Christ and His Word • Asking under the leadership of God’s Spirit Four Hindrances to prayers: sin, unbelief, wrong motives, satan.
Review #6 -Origin And Purpose of the Church 1. The word church in the Greek is ecclesia –the called out ones 2. The birth of the church was the Day of Pentecost-Acts 2 3. The members of the church are those who are the redeemed sons of God who have heard the truth of the Gospel concerning the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and have personally trusted in Christ as Savior and Lord and have been sealed with the Holy Spirit 4. Jesus is the foundation of the church because He bought it with His Blood 5. The purpose of the church is to be witnesses of God’s way of salvation of faith in Christ to our world
Review 7 -Growth, Character, & Organization of the Church § § § The Main Message of the church is: Jesus is the Messiah prophesied in OT Jesus rose form the Dead Jesus will return The Main Method of growth was believers witnessing inn the power of the Holy Spirit § Four Distinct reasons Christianity grew: § Enthusiasm § Doctrine of Future Life § Miraculous Power § Pure Morals Three Responsibilities of Church Leaders(Pastors) Evangelizing Shepherding the Flock
Building Blocks for the Doctrine of Angels
ANGELS: Introductory Remarks § Some Coal Miners trapped a few years ago were miraculously rescued. They said they were ministered to by angels. § Two Extremes: R. Bultman-demytholize angels Or other extreme-worship angels § Many passages of scripture about angels-more than those on sin and love(agapao) § Angels are numerous-”ten thousand times ten thousand”- myriads of angels. § Angels are called: archangels; seraphims; cherubims; heavenly host; celestial armies.
ANGELS: THE LOCALE • Seen in Heavenly Throne praising God. The Holiness of God is exalted by the angels. The seraphim's have six wings-one set to fly; one set to cover face from the glory of God and a third set to cover their feet-their creatureness. • Seen by John in Rev. 4 as four beasts that are full of eyes before throne. They see God. • The prophet Ezekiel saw the angelic beings going about the earth like a whirlwind-Meaning His rule has no boundaries.
ANGELS-Superior to Man. Subordinate To God • Angels smote 185, 000 Assyrians • Man made a little lower than angels-Ps. 8: 5 • God uses angels to raise up or tear down governments. II Kings 19: 35/Daniel 12 • Angels open prison walls for Peter-Acts 5: 19 • Three angels appear to Abraham and then two angels appear to a man at sodom-Gen. 19 • Angels cause the men to become blind. • Elijah saw angels protecting him from the Syrian army. II Kings 6: 8 • Angels are ministering spirits to those who are heir of salvation-Heb. 1: 4 • Angels ministered to Jesus in wilderness-Matt. 4: 11
ANGELS: Characteristics Of • HOLY • Rev. 14: 10 - “in the presence of Holy angels” • Acts 10: 22 - “warned…holy angel. ” • INTELLIGENT • II Sam. 14: 20 -”the wisdom of an angel. ” • I Cor. 13: 1 “speak with tongues of. . angel” • MIGHTY AND POWERFUL • They carry out judgment. II Kgs 6/Josh. 5 • Example: Six day War with Arabs, Israel's win • HUMBLE AND OBEDIENT • Isa. 6 -Seraphim is humble before throne • Michael ask God to rebuke Satan
ANGELS: Ministry Of • GUIDANCE • Lk. 2: 10 -12 -Lead Shepherds to Jesus • Acts 8 -Lead Phillip to Ethiopian to witness • Acts 10 -Lead Peter to Cornelius and more • COMFORT • Mt. 4 - Came to Jesus in wilderness to minister • Lk. 22 - Strengthened Jesus in Garden • PROTECTION • II Kgs. 6 - Protected Elijah • Exod. 14: 19; 23: 20 - Protected Israel • Ps. 91 -will give His angels charge over thee to protect • DELIVERANCE • Acts 5 & 12 -Delivered Peter out of prison JUDGEMENT § Gen. 19 -Brought judgment on Sodom & Gomorrah § I Pet. 1: 7 - God’s vengence in the last days. § II Sam. 24 -David’s judgment carried out by angels
Biblical Beliefs
Biblical Beliefs
Review #3 -Faith and Regeneration • • Three Ingredients of Faith A)Content-The facts are accurate about Christ B)Assent-To the truthfulness of facts C)Trust-firm persuasion; reliance; trust upon Two Views about Saving Faith A)Catholic-Infusion of grace by sacraments B)Protestant-Impartation of grace by faith Nature of the New Birth: • It is a Mystery • It is a Must • It is a Miracle
Review #4: JUSTIFICATION AND ADOPTION • Justification is the acquitting of one accused of a crime. • The guilty sinner is declared righteous, not made righteous. • Threefold process of justification: • The Forgiveness of Sins • The Application of Christ’s Righteousness • Conditional upon Faith in the Believer ADOPTION =The voluntary placing of a child and the taking of other parents Benefits of Adoption: § Gives Us A Godly Nature § Gives Us Equal Rights § Brings us into Fellowship with Father and other family members
Review #5 -Worship & Prayer • Worship(Def. )- “to ascribe the proper worth to God; to magnify His Worthiness. . ” • The Object of worship is the revealed God of the Bible. • Worship is developing an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit is welcome. • Churches should concentrate on the function of worship rather than the form of worship. • Requirements for Effective Praying: • Aware of our relationship with God • A right attitude and motive • Asking in faith • Asking in accordance with God’s Word (God’s will) • Asking in Jesus’ Name • Abiding in Christ and His Word • Asking under the leadership of God’s Spirit Four Hindrances to prayers: sin, unbelief, wrong motives, satan.
Review #6 -Origin And Purpose of the Church 1. The word church in the Greek is ecclesia –the called out ones 2. The birth of the church was the Day of Pentecost-Acts 2 3. The members of the church are those who are the redeemed sons of God who have heard the truth of the Gospel concerning the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and have personally trusted in Christ as Savior and Lord and have been sealed with the Holy Spirit 4. Jesus is the foundation of the church because He bought it with His Blood 5. The purpose of the church is to be witnesses of God’s way of salvation of faith in Christ to our world
Review 7 -Growth, Character, & Organization of the Church § § § The Main Message of the church is: Jesus is the Messiah prophesied in OT Jesus rose form the Dead Jesus will return The Main Method of growth was believers witnessing inn the power of the Holy Spirit § Four Distinct reasons Christianity grew: § Enthusiasm § Doctrine of Future Life § Miraculous Power § Pure Morals Three Responsibilities of Church Leaders(Pastors) Evangelizing Shepherding the Flock
Chap. 8 -Angels Review • Angels were created beings who left their first estate-II Pet. 2: 4 and Jude v. 6 • Angels are seen in the Heavenly Realm praising God. Isa. 6/Rev. 4 • Angels are ministering spirits to those who are heir of salvation-Heb. 1: 4 • The Ministry of Angels: • • • Guidance Comfort Protection Deliverance Judgment
Satan: Introduction Remarks • “The toothy red imp with tail has become a secular figure of fun, and many theologians have banished a personal devil to the realm of myth. ”-J. I. Packer • “Satan disappears in his success and his triumph is his incognito. The proof that the devil exists, acts, succeeds lies in the fact that the intelligent world does not believe in him any more. ” Denis de Rougemont • Two Passages give hint of Satan’s origin: • Isaiah 14: 4 -21 • Ezekiel 28: 12 -19 • Satan has a position of great power in world. II Cor. 4: 4 “the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving. . ”
THE CHARACTER OF SATAN -HIS NAMES • 1. Beliel-means “worthless, evil” • 2. Beelzebub-Ruler of Evil Spirits or Lit. means Lord of the Flies-genius who presides over corruption • 3. Apollyon-the destroyer • 4. Satan-means adversary or one who opposes, used over 56 times –seeks to oppose or thwart Gods purposes. I Thes. 2: 18 • 5. Devil- Lit. means “hairy” as used of a goat or a satyrdemonism spirits who inhabit deserts. The Greek word for devil is “diabolos” means slanderer or accuser. He questions God’s integrity and casts doubts on His Love.
The Character Of Satan-His Names-Continue • 6. The Serpent-Rev. 12: 9 “that serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan. . ” Paul warned the Corinthians about bring deceived by the serpent who deceived Eve. II Cor. 11: 3 • 7. Murderer-He was a murderer from the beginning. (Jn. 8: 44) Jesus gives life, Satan takes life. • 8. Roaring Lion- I Peter 5: 8 • 9. The Tempter- One who “incites to do evil. ” • 10. The Dragon- “Behold a great red dragon. . ”Rev. 12: 3, 7 -12 Michael casts dragon out of heaven. Now working on earth. • 11. The Accuser of the Brethren- “the malevolent critic of creation” Overcome by the Blood of Christ and our testimony. • 12. The Prince of this World or God of this World-author of the godless world systems • 13. The Prince of the Air-lower regions, but not in heaven • 14. Angel of Light-Imitator of God
Other Characteristics-Satan • WICKED • Jesus taught his disciples to pray for deliverance from the evil one. Mt. 6: 13 • POWERFUL • He has power and signs and lying wonders. • He has a hierarchy-principalities, powers, world rulers, spiritual hosts(demons) Eph. 2: 2/6: 11 -12 • SCHEMING • Satan tempted Jesus at weakest point in wilderness • Don’t be ignorant of his devices(unforgivness)
Fingerprints of Satan
The Work and Ways of Satan • • 1. TEMPTATION • A. The First Avenue-APPETITE-THE DEISRE TO ENJOY THINGS. He appeals to the carnal nature-Mt. 4: 2 -4 • B. The Second Avenue-AMBITION-THE DESIRE TO ACHIEVE THINGS • C. The Third Avenue-AVARICE-THE DESIRE TO GET THINGS 2. DECEPTION • He snatches away the word of God. • He lulls the unbeliever into false security • He lays snares- II Tim. 2: 25 -26 • He masquerades as an angel of light • He mixes truth with error- Mt. 13: 25, 28 • 3. TORMENT • Satan authored some sickness and death. Lk. 13: 16/Heb. 2: 14 • Satan provokes persecution. Rev. 2: 10 • Satan cause believers to deny Christ and hinder the work of the Church…Acts 13: 9 -10
Satan the Tempter Matthew 4: 1 -11 • He speaks - v. 3 • He knows Jesus personally - v. 3 • He knows the Bible and can quote portions to suit his purposes - v. 6 • He carries on a dialog with Jesus - vv. 4 -10 • Jesus speaks to Him - vv. 4, 7, 10 • Jesus rebukes him and he leaves - vv. 10, 11
The Worship Of Satan • Idolatry is more than merely worship of wood and stone-it is worship of devil and demons • Demonism is worship demons. Ps. 106: 37 • Christ and Paul cast out demons from people. • • Demons-Strongholds in Mind-Rom. 12: 1 -2 Demons-Strongholds in Church- Mk. 1: 23 Demons-Strongholds in a geographical area-Acts 19 Illustration: GLIMPSES OF SPIRITUAL WARFARE IN SOUTH FLORIDA-Henry(Fuller) • Characteristics of Demonic Stronghold-They entice, harass, torment, compel, enslave, defile, deceive
The Worship of Satan-continue • Worship of Satan and Spiritism is expressly forbidden in Scriptures-Lev. 19: 1; 20: 27/Isa. 8: 19/Micah 5: 12/Exod. 22: 18 • AREAS OF SATANISM GOD EXPRESSLY PROHIBITS: • Enchantments-The practice of magic or speaking certain words whereby evil forces are invoked in order to achieve supernatural effects • Sorcery-One who casts lots literally. One who practices magic with oracular formulas • Familiar Spirits-It is a diving demon present in the physical body of a conjurer. • Wizard-the alleged spirit of a deceased person Came to mean him or her who divines by such a spirit or demon. • Necromancy(Spiritism)- One one inquires of the dead or calls up the dead to consult (Deut. 18: 11 and I Sam. 28: 1 -25 -King Saul and witch of Endor) • Astrology-trusting or relying on the stars for influencing one’s life
Biblical Beliefs
Biblical Beliefs
Review #4: JUSTIFICATION AND ADOPTION • Justification is the acquitting of one accused of a crime. • The guilty sinner is declared righteous, not made righteous. • Threefold process of justification: • The Forgiveness of Sins • The Application of Christ’s Righteousness • Conditional upon Faith in the Believer ADOPTION =The voluntary placing of a child and the taking of other parents Benefits of Adoption: § Gives Us A Godly Nature § Gives Us Equal Rights § Brings us into Fellowship with Father and other family members
Review #5 -Worship & Prayer • Worship(Def. )- “to ascribe the proper worth to God; to magnify His Worthiness. . ” • The Object of worship is the revealed God of the Bible. • Worship is developing an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit is welcome. • Churches should concentrate on the function of worship rather than the form of worship. • Requirements for Effective Praying: • Aware of our relationship with God • A right attitude and motive • Asking in faith • Asking in accordance with God’s Word (God’s will) • Asking in Jesus’ Name • Abiding in Christ and His Word • Asking under the leadership of God’s Spirit Four Hindrances to prayers: sin, unbelief, wrong motives, satan.
Review #6 -Origin And Purpose of the Church 1. The word church in the Greek is ecclesia –the called out ones 2. The birth of the church was the Day of Pentecost-Acts 2 3. The members of the church are those who are the redeemed sons of God who have heard the truth of the Gospel concerning the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and have personally trusted in Christ as Savior and Lord and have been sealed with the Holy Spirit 4. Jesus is the foundation of the church because He bought it with His Blood 5. The purpose of the church is to be witnesses of God’s way of salvation of faith in Christ to our world
Review 7 -Growth, Character, & Organization of the Church § § § The Main Message of the church is: Jesus is the Messiah prophesied in OT Jesus rose form the Dead Jesus will return The Main Method of growth was believers witnessing inn the power of the Holy Spirit § Four Distinct reasons Christianity grew: § Enthusiasm § Doctrine of Future Life § Miraculous Power § Pure Morals Three Responsibilities of Church Leaders(Pastors) Evangelizing Shepherding the Flock
Chap. 8 -Angels Review • Angels were created beings who left their first estate-II Pet. 2: 4 and Jude v. 6 • Angels are seen in the Heavenly Realm praising God. Isa. 6/Rev. 4 • Angels are ministering spirits to those who are heir of salvation-Heb. 1: 4 • The Ministry of Angels: • • • Guidance Comfort Protection Deliverance Judgment
#9 -Character, Work, Worship of Satan • Satan has great power. “god of this world. ” • Two Passages hint at Satan’s origin: Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 • The name Devil can mean: Adversary; One who opposes and slanderer…I Thes. 2: 18/ Rev. 12 • Beelzebub-literally means one who presides over corruption. . Lord of the Flies • Michael, the Archangel, cast the devil out of Heaven…. Rev. 12: 9 • Three main Characteristics of Satan: (a)Wicked (b)Powerful ©Scheming • Satan provokes persecution of the church and seeks to hinder the gospel progress. Rev. 2; 10/Acts 13: 9 -10 • Worship of Satan and any area of Satanism is expressly forbidden in scriptures. Such as Enchantments; sorcery; familiar spirits; wizards; necromancy; astrology; horoscopes; idolatry.
Evidences of Christ’s Resurrection • • • The Empty Tomb The Stone Removed The Many Eyewitnesses The Roman Guard-AWOL The Grave clothes Intact The Hostile Witnesses
Resurrection of Believers • Two Types of Resurrection: • Spiritual and Physical • The First resurrection-Spiritual-New Birth • • • Eph. 2: 4 -6 “we were dead…made us alive” Col. 2: 13 “you being dead, . . he made alive” Col. 3: 1 “if then ye were raised together. . ” John 5: 24 “passed out of death into life” II Cor. 5: 17 “old things passed away. . ” John 11: 25 “I am the resurrection and life”
General or Physical Resurrection • John 5: 28 -30 “hear his voice. . shall come forth resurrection of life…evil, unto the resurrection of damnation. ” • The early church seem to preach one resurrection…See Acts 4: 2 • Some take an obscure passage in Rev. 20: 5 -6 and build a doctrine of two or more resurrections • Paul condemns those who say the resurrection is past. • Pre-Millennialists dispensationalist say that the wicked will be judged 1000 yrs after the righteous. • Jesus does not teach this in his parables on judgment • See Matt. 13: 37 -43
Paul’s View: Resurrection and His Coming Again • The Wicked will suffer punishment and destruction- II Thes. 1: 7 -10 • The Righteous will be rewarded- II Th. 1: 7 -10 • The Last Trump will signal Christ Appearing Matt. 24: 30 -31 I Thes. 4: 16 • The Last Trump the wicked will mourn-Matt. 24: 30 • The Last Trump the righteous will be raptured. Matt. 24: 31. . I Cor. 15: 51 -52 • The Last Trump the righteous will be resurrected and given new bodies-I Cor. 15; 51 -52 • When the Trumpet sounds the Kingdom will be consummated and things will happen simultaneously. Rev. 11: 15 -18 (See William Cox-BIBLICAL STUDIES ON FINAL THINGS, p. 144)
Resurrection of Unbelievers • Some believe there is a second judgment at the end of 1000 yr reign • The wicked will be judged at the Last trump- John 5: 29 • Unbelievers are judged according to their works and if name is not in the Book of Life –they are cast into fire. ( Rev. 20: 12 -15) • They are raised to be judged and punished…no exceptions. Rev. 20: 15
Judgment of Believers • The Judgment of Believer’s sins has already taken place at the cross…Hallelujah. (Heb. 9: 27 -28) • Judgment is the settlement of a breach in the law of society. • Christians plead guilty and accept the pardon. Gal. 3: 13 “redeemed from the curse of the law II Cor. 5: 21 “He hath made Him to be sin for us Rom. 8: 1 “no condemnation to those in Christ” Acts 13: 39 “all that believe are justified from all things. . ”
Judgment of Believers • The judgment of a believers’ life is based on how they built on foundation-I Cor. 3 • • Their Methods Their Motives Their Materials Rewards are the eternal crowns of service • • • Victor’s crown- I Cor. 9: 25 -27 Martyr’s Crown-Rev. 2; 10/Mt. 5: 12 Pastor’s Crown-I Pet. 5: 2 -4 Soul-Winner’s Crown-I These. 2; 19 Crown of Righteousness-II Tim. 4: 7 -8
Judgment of Unbelievers • Judgment of the Nations-Matt. 24: 31 -46 • Israel was judged in 70 AD • Israel will not be given special second and third chances to believe • If they did not hear the warnings of Noah and Lot, neither will they hear the son of man and escape his punishment-Luke 17: 26 -31 • Peter says the earth will be judged and destroyed- II Pet. 3: 10 -15
Biblical Beliefs
Biblical Beliefs
Review #4: JUSTIFICATION AND ADOPTION • Justification is the acquitting of one accused of a crime. • The guilty sinner is declared righteous, not made righteous. • Threefold process of justification: • The Forgiveness of Sins • The Application of Christ’s Righteousness • Conditional upon Faith in the Believer ADOPTION =The voluntary placing of a child and the taking of other parents Benefits of Adoption: § Gives Us A Godly Nature § Gives Us Equal Rights § Brings us into Fellowship with Father and other family members
Review #5 -Worship & Prayer • Worship(Def. )- “to ascribe the proper worth to God; to magnify His Worthiness. . ” • The Object of worship is the revealed God of the Bible. • Worship is developing an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit is welcome. • Churches should concentrate on the function of worship rather than the form of worship. • Requirements for Effective Praying: • Aware of our relationship with God • A right attitude and motive • Asking in faith • Asking in accordance with God’s Word (God’s will) • Asking in Jesus’ Name • Abiding in Christ and His Word • Asking under the leadership of God’s Spirit Four Hindrances to prayers: sin, unbelief, wrong motives, satan.
Review #6 -Origin And Purpose of the Church 1. The word church in the Greek is ecclesia –the called out ones 2. The birth of the church was the Day of Pentecost-Acts 2 3. The members of the church are those who are the redeemed sons of God who have heard the truth of the Gospel concerning the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and have personally trusted in Christ as Savior and Lord and have been sealed with the Holy Spirit 4. Jesus is the foundation of the church because He bought it with His Blood 5. The purpose of the church is to be witnesses of God’s way of salvation of faith in Christ to our world
Review 7 -Growth, Character, & Organization of the Church § § § The Main Message of the church is: Jesus is the Messiah prophesied in OT Jesus rose form the Dead Jesus will return The Main Method of growth was believers witnessing inn the power of the Holy Spirit § Four Distinct reasons Christianity grew: § Enthusiasm § Doctrine of Future Life § Miraculous Power § Pure Morals Three Responsibilities of Church Leaders(Pastors) Evangelizing Shepherding the Flock
Chap. 8 -Angels Review • Angels were created beings who left their first estate-II Pet. 2: 4 and Jude v. 6 • Angels are seen in the Heavenly Realm praising God. Isa. 6/Rev. 4 • Angels are ministering spirits to those who are heir of salvation-Heb. 1: 4 • The Ministry of Angels: • • • Guidance Comfort Protection Deliverance Judgment
#9 -Character, Work, Worship of Satan • Satan has great power. “god of this world. ” • Two Passages hint at Satan’s origin: Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 • The name Devil can mean: Adversary; One who opposes and slanderer…I Thes. 2: 18/ Rev. 12 • Beelzebub-literally means one who presides over corruption. . Lord of the Flies • Michael, the Archangel, cast the devil out of Heaven…. Rev. 12: 9 • Three main Characteristics of Satan: (a)Wicked (b)Powerful ©Scheming • Satan provokes persecution of the church and seeks to hinder the gospel progress. Rev. 2; 10/Acts 13: 9 -10 • Worship of Satan and any area of Satanism is expressly forbidden in scriptures. Such as Enchantments; sorcery; familiar spirits; wizards; necromancy; astrology; horoscopes; idolatry.
Review-Chap. #10 -Resurrection and Judgment • The resurrection of believers is based on the resurrection of Christ. I Cor. 15: 20 “Christ is risen indeed and become the first fruits of them that slept. ” • Key evidence of Christ’s resurrection: 1. The Empty Tomb 2. The Stone Removed 3. The Many Eyewitnesses 4. The Roman Guards-AWOL 5. The Grave clothes-Intact • There are two types of resurrection: 1. Spiritual-New Birth 2. Physical-Bodily • The Last Trump is a signal for many things to happen simultaneously. • The judgment of believer’s sins has already happened at the cross. • The earth will be judged and destroyed by fire.
#11 -Reward of the Righteous • KEY VERSES: • Matt. 10: 40 -42 - “He that received a prophet. . prophet’s reward. . Righteous man reward…give to drink unto one of those little ones A cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple. . he shall in no way Lose his reward. ” • Luke 19: 11 -27 – “well done thou good servant because thou hast been faithful in very little, have authority over ten cities. . ” • I Cor. 9: 24 -27 - “now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown, but we an incorruptible crown…” • II Tim. 4: 7 -8 – “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, …there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness…and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing. ” • Rev. 2: 10 – Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. ”
Glimpses of Heaven • • Jesus knew all about Heaven firsthand. Jn. 14 Paul was caught up in third heaven. II Cor. 12 John got a revelation of Heaven. THE PLACE OF HEAVEN • • “a place”- topos-place…. ”oikos”-a dwelling Jesus never taught a state of mind Heaven is a perfect cube. (1500 miles high, down and accreoss Heaven is a renewed world creation-new creatures; new song, new city, new heaven and new earth • THE PEOPLE OF HEAVEN • Angels in Heaven-Rev. 5: 11 • Saved Loved ones in Heaven-Rev. 6: 9; 20: 11 -15 • Jesus will be in Heaven-Rev. 7: 9 -12 • THE PAGENTRY OF HEAVEN • The Work of Heaven-Rev. 7: 16 • The Worship of Heaven-Rev. 4: 8 -11
THE HOLY CITY • THE MAGNITUDE • Height-Length-Breath-the same-Rev. 21: 16 -17 • Twelve gates, foundations, apostles, fruits=completeness • 144, 000=a complete number of people from all nations • THE PURITY • It is transparent purity. The Lamb is the light. • No moon, sun, stars in Heaven. • THE SANCTUARY • No Temple, but a throne of Jesus Christ • The whole city is a sanctuary. All barriers between God and man are broken down. • THE INHABITANTS • Angels; Saved Humanity; Jesus; Apostles • THE PARADISE OF GOD
BASIS OF REWARDS • Scriptures that speak of rewards: • • • I Cor. 3: 12 -15 -every man’s work shall be made manifest Ps. 58: 11 - “verily there is a reward for the righteous…” Jn. 4; 36 - “he that reapeth received wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal. . ” Eph. 6: 8 - “whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord. . ” Col. 3: 24 - “knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance; for ye serve the Lord Christ. ” • The Basis of Rewards: • The Walk of a Christian-Rev. 2: 19/Col. 1: 10 II Pet. 1: 5 -11 • The Work of a Christian- Rev. 22: 12
CROWNS AS REWARDS • The Incorruptible Crown • Those living victorious over the flesh-I Cor. 9: 25 -27 • The Crown of Life • Those who suffer persecution and martyr-Rev. 2: 10/Rom. 8: 1718/Matt. 5: 12 • The Crown of Glory • The Pastor’s Crown for faithful ministry-I Pet. 5: 2 -4 • The Crown of Rejoicing • The soul winner's crown-I Thes. 2; 19/Phil. 4: 1 • The Crown of Righteousness • Those who love His appearing-II Tim. 4: 7 -8
HEAVEN – Other thoughts • Heaven- “spirits of just man made perfect. ” • The church in Heaven is more concerned about us now than when here. • They see what God is up to. • Those in Heaven will behold Hell. • Absolute Justice prevails in heaven. So Christians will rejoice even in Hell. God’s righteousness will deal with those who have caused suffering in world and to Christians. • They are perfectly happy in Heaven. • There is no death in Heaven. There is not annihilation in hell, but an eternal life/death or suffering for those in Hell.
Biblical Beliefs
Biblical Beliefs
Review-#11 -Reward of the Righteous 1. What is the basis for God’s evaluation of rewards? See Lk. 19: 11 -27 2. Jesus taught that Heaven was a ______place. 3. John was in prison on the Isle of Patmos when he got a______ of Heaven. 4. How many crowns are mentioned in the Bible? 5. Who is given a crown of glory? 6. Who get the crown of rejoicing? 7. What are two things that God will judge the Believer’s life upon?
Participants of Punishment • All those whose names not found written in the Book of Life. (Rev. 20: 15) • There will be Satan and his angels, hypocrites, unbelievers. • Those who are the enemies of unrighteousness…the tares which appear to be wheat until harvest time. Matt. 23: 15 “ye make him two-fold more the child of hell than yourselves. ” • Those who die in their sins without believing in Christ forgiveness. No hope for those who reject the only way to be saved. (Heb. 6: 4 -6)
Purpose of Punishment • The Unbeliever is condemned now. John 3: 18 • The wicked unbeliever die in their sins and the wrath of God hangs over them. John 8: 21 • The purpose of punishment is the righteousness of God-He must be just. Rom. 2: 11 -15 and Rom. 3: 21 -26 “To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness; that he might be just. . ” • God gave man an opportunity to live forever and then offered him redemption after his fall. • Hebrews says how shall one escape if they neglect so great a salvation.
Place of Punishment • One skeptic asked “Where is Hell? ” The answer was “Anywhere outside heaven. ” • Two words for Hell: • Sheol(Heb) and Hades(Gk)=It means the place of the departed spirits. In general the condition of all departed spirits between death and the resurrection. • Gehenna(Gk)=the place in the Hinnon valley where sacrifices were offered and where continuous burning of rubbish illustrated for the Jewish unending judgment. It was spoken of by Christ and describes the place where “their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched. ”Mk. 9: 44 • It represents the same place in revelation as a “lake of fire” for punishment. Rev. 19: 20/20: 14
#12 -Punishment of the Wicked • Some act if Hell does not exist. • Others say it is not eternal, or that no humans are going there. • The same lips that spoke the Beatitudes and told of mansions in Heaven, referred to a place of “everlasting fire” and “weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth” • To Jesus the punishment of the wicked was a real thing to warn others about.
Period of Punishment • The same words “everlasting” used to speak of the reward of the righteous are used for the punishment of the wicked. • Matt. 25: 46 “. . these shall go away into everlasting punishment” • Jude 13 “wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever. ” • Rev. 14: 11 “and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever; and they had no rest day and night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever received the mark of his name. ”
Nature of Punishment • Spurgeon- “Can you bear to see a fellow-creature in pain? . But you cannot compare the pains of this life with what is to come. ” • BANISHMENT- Jesus said the wicked shall be severed from the just. (Matt. 13: 49) Jesus told rich man “there is a great gulf fixed; so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from hence. ” Lk. 16: 26 • DARNESS- “shall be cast out into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of death. ” Matt. 8: 12 Speaks of gloom • FIRE- Fire is the most destructive of all elements. Creatures can live in air, earth, cold. water, but not fire. It consumes. • REMORSE- “weeping and gnashing of teeth”(Matt. 8: 12; 13: 42) They will remember sin and a chance to receive God’s mercy and rejected it. It will be bitter pangs of remorse. They willfully neglected their salvation.
Review #12 -Punishment of the Wicked 1. How does Satan try to conceal the existence of Hell? 2. Who are some participants of hell? 3. What are two words that describe Hell? 4. What is the main purpose of punishment? 5. What are the four words that describe the nature of Hell? 6. What was Gehenna originally a reference to? 7. Is there remorse in Hell and why?
Final Review Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. What are four criteria for including a book into canon of scripture? Of the four views of inspiration of scripture listed below which one do evangelical Christians believe? a)Natural c)Mechanical b)Mechanical d)Plenary What does plenary mean? Why is spontaneous regeneration called “logical absurdity”? What was Satan’s first step to deceive Adam and Eve? What are three elements of saving faith? Protestants believe in double imputation(or impartation) of grace. What does it mean? What are three aspects of New Birth found in John 3? What is the ground for justification? What are three benefits of being adopted into the family of God? Worship is developing an atmosphere where the_____ is welcome. Churches should concentrate on the_____ of worship and not the _______of worship.
Final Review Questions-pt. 2 13. Name five requirements to get answered prayers: ____________________________ ______________ 14. What day was the church born? 15. The purpose of the church was that we were commissioned to be _____ of God’s plan of salvation to the world. 16. Name two of the four reasons Gibbons give in his book, THE RISE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE for the growth of the church? _____________________________ 17. Name the two officers in the church in the N. T. ? _____________________________ 18. Name four of the six ministry tasks of angels? _____________________________ 19. Name two of the archangels? 20. Satan is called Beelzebub, what does that title mean?
Final Review Questions-pt. 3 21. Name three areas Satan seeks to get a stronghold? 22. Give three fingerprints of Satan: ____________________________ 23. Name four evidence of Christ’s resurrection: _____________________________ 24. What is the resurrection chapter in the Bible? 25. Who gets the crown of rejoicing? ______________ 26. What are the two basis for rewards given in Heaven? ___________________________ 27. Heaven is where “spirits of just men are made_______” 28. Give the two names for Hell in the N. T. ? ____________________________ 29. Name three characteristics of Hell-its nature? ____________________________ 30. What has this study meant to you personally?
BIBLICAL BELIEF Dr. Ray Henry Belvedere Baptist Church 2004
REVIEW LESSONS-1&2 • CRITERIA FOR THE CANON • Apostolic Authority • Usage In The Early Church-as Sacred • Conformity to the Core of Accepted Books • Christ Centered • Internal Evidence METHODS OF INSPIRATION Natural Mechanical Partial Plenary
Review #3 -Faith and Regeneration • • Three Ingredients of Faith A)Content-The facts are accurate about Christ B)Assent-To the truthfulness of facts C)Trust-firm persuasion; reliance; trust upon Two Views about Saving Faith A)Catholic-Infusion of grace by sacraments B)Protestant-Impartation of grace by faith Nature of the New Birth: • It is a Mystery • It is a Must • It is a Miracle
Review #4: JUSTIFICATION AND ADOPTION • Justification is the acquitting of one accused of a crime. • The guilty sinner is declared righteous, not made righteous. • Threefold process of justification: • The Forgiveness of Sins • The Application of Christ’s Righteousness • Conditional upon Faith in the Believer ADOPTION =The voluntary placing of a child and the taking of other parents Benefits of Adoption: § Gives Us A Godly Nature § Gives Us Equal Rights § Brings us into Fellowship with Father and other family members
Review #5 -Worship & Prayer • Worship(Def. )- “to ascribe the proper worth to God; to magnify His Worthiness. . ” • The Object of worship is the revealed God of the Bible. • Worship is developing an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit is welcome. • Churches should concentrate on the function of worship rather than the form of worship. • Requirements for Effective Praying: • Aware of our relationship with God • A right attitude and motive • Asking in faith • Asking in accordance with God’s Word (God’s will) • Asking in Jesus’ Name • Abiding in Christ and His Word • Asking under the leadership of God’s Spirit Four Hindrances to prayers: sin, unbelief, wrong motives, satan.
Review #6 -Origin And Purpose of the Church 1. The word church in the Greek is ecclesia –the called out ones 2. The birth of the church was the Day of Pentecost-Acts 2 3. The members of the church are those who are the redeemed sons of God who have heard the truth of the Gospel concerning the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and have personally trusted in Christ as Savior and Lord and have been sealed with the Holy Spirit 4. Jesus is the foundation of the church because He bought it with His Blood 5. The purpose of the church is to be witnesses of God’s way of salvation of faith in Christ to our world
Review 7 -Growth, Character, & Organization of the Church § § § The Main Message of the church is: Jesus is the Messiah prophesied in OT Jesus rose form the Dead Jesus will return The Main Method of growth was believers witnessing inn the power of the Holy Spirit § Four Distinct reasons Christianity grew: § Enthusiasm § Doctrine of Future Life § Miraculous Power § Pure Morals Three Responsibilities of Church Leaders(Pastors) Evangelizing Shepherding the Flock
Chap. 8 -Angels Review • Angels were created beings who left their first estate-II Pet. 2: 4 and Jude v. 6 • Angels are seen in the Heavenly Realm praising God. Isa. 6/Rev. 4 • Angels are ministering spirits to those who are heir of salvation-Heb. 1: 4 • The Ministry of Angels: • • • Guidance Comfort Protection Deliverance Judgment
#9 -Character, Work, Worship of Satan • Satan has great power. “god of this world. ” • Two Passages hint at Satan’s origin: Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 • The name Devil can mean: Adversary; One who opposes and slanderer…I Thes. 2: 18/ Rev. 12 • Beelzebub-literally means one who presides over corruption. . Lord of the Flies • Michael, the Archangel, cast the devil out of Heaven…. Rev. 12: 9 • Three main Characteristics of Satan: (a)Wicked (b)Powerful ©Scheming • Satan provokes persecution of the church and seeks to hinder the gospel progress. Rev. 2; 10/Acts 13: 9 -10 • Worship of Satan and any area of Satanism is expressly forbidden in scriptures. Such as Enchantments; sorcery; familiar spirits; wizards; necromancy; astrology; horoscopes; idolatry.
Review-Chap. #10 -Resurrection and Judgment • The resurrection of believers is based on the resurrection of Christ. I Cor. 15: 20 “Christ is risen indeed and become the first fruits of them that slept. ” • Key evidence of Christ’s resurrection: 1. The Empty Tomb 2. The Stone Removed 3. The Many Eyewitnesses 4. The Roman Guards-AWOL 5. The Grave clothes-Intact • There are two types of resurrection: 1. Spiritual-New Birth 2. Physical-Bodily • The Last Trump is a signal for many things to happen simultaneously. • The judgment of believer’s sins has already happened at the cross. • The earth will be judged and destroyed by fire.
Review-#11 -Reward of the Righteous 1. What is the basis for God’s evaluation of rewards? See Lk. 19: 11 -27 2. Jesus taught that Heaven was a ______place. 3. John was in prison on the Isle of Patmos when he got a______ of Heaven. 4. How many crowns are mentioned in the Bible? 5. Who is given a crown of glory? 6. Who get the crown of rejoicing? 7. What are two things that God will judge the Believer’s life upon?
Review #12 -Punishment of the Wicked 1. How does Satan try to conceal the existence of Hell? 2. Who are some participants of hell? 3. What are two words that describe Hell? 4. What is the main purpose of punishment? 5. What are the four words that describe the nature of Hell? 6. What was Gehenna originally a reference to? 7. Is there remorse in Hell and why?
1. What is true worship? It is to ascribe the proper_______to God; to magnify His w________ of praise. 2. Did Jesus scold his disciples for worshipping Him? __T__F 3. What are three aspects of acceptable worship? -It must be in the _____ of Christ -It must be guided by the Holy________. -It must conform to the _______ of God. 4. Worship is developing an ______ where the Holy Spirit is welcome. 5. In worship form is more important than function? ___T___F 6. When worship is empty, it is always the problem of the subject rather than the ______ of worship. 7. Name three reasons why prayer is important: a)_____ desires it b)Jesus ____ us to pray and follow Him c)Spiritual ______ is needed to overcome the flesh/world. 8. Name four of the seven requirements for prayers to be answered.
The Church Organization Organism
Satan the Tempter Purpose Types of Temptation Significance of Answers Why use of Scriptures
Five Crowns • 1 Corinthians 9: 25 -27 • James 1: 2 • 1 Peter 5: 2 -4 • 1 Thessalonians 2: 19 • 2 Timothy 4: 7, 8
From Sin to Salvation Adam Original Place with God The Effects of Sin What This Means to Us Christ