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Beyond the Great Wall Experiences with ETDs and Open Access in China and South East Asia Steve O’Connor University Librarian The Hong Kong Polytechnic University With research assistance from Christina Chau Steve O’Connor ETD June 2009 1
OUTLINE n n n Focus on China and Hong Kong Diversity of provinces as a context Demographics of publishing and collecting Drivers behind digital development in China Reform Context Future Directions and observations Steve O’Connor ETD June 2009 3
Great Wall n Great Wall as a metaphor q q n Digital Control in China q q q n As a defender against the hordes Largest internet user population On again, off again e. g. Blogs, Access Power of the ISBN, or ISSN Issued by Gapp ( General Administration of Press and Publication) Great Wall as a form of arbitrage stretching through the internet Steve O’Connor ETD June 2009 5
ETD’s and Publishing n Changing publishing environments in China q q n Influence of economic agreements in opening up markets for competition Who owns Chinese publishing? Future Groupings of Chinese publishing What will ‘opening’ mean? Impact of neighbouring markets for ‘Greater China’ q Taiwan, Macau, Hong Kong Steve O’Connor ETD June 2009 6
Number of Books Published in China (By Province) 7
Number of Books Published in China (By Province) Province Number of Books Published (2007) Shanghai 16935 Jiangsu 10735 Zhejiang 6810 Beijing 4916 Qinghai 422 Ningxia 372 Tibet 371 Top 3 Bottom 3 Median 3407 Source : National Bureau of Statistics of China – China Statistical Yearbook 2008 http: //www. stats. gov. cn/en. Gli. SH/ 8
Number of Books Published in China (By Province) Number of Books Published (2007) Population (2007) Number of books published per 1 m persons Shanghai 16935 18, 580, 000 911 Jiangsu 10735 76, 250, 000 140 Zhejiang 6810 50, 600, 000 134 Province Top 3 Source : Number of books published : National Bureau of Statistics of China – China Statistical Yearbook 2008 http: //www. stats. gov. cn/en. Gli. SH/ Source : Population : National Bureau of Statistics of China. (2008). China population and employment statistics yearbook 2008. Beijing: China Statistics Press. 9
Number of Newspapers Published in China (By Province) BLUE: Bottom Grouping RED: Top Grouping 10
Number of Newspapers Published in China (By Province) Province Guangdong 23 Hainan 16 Ningxia Median 74 80 70 35 Tibet Bottom 3 85 Shanghai Jiangsu Zhejiang Beijing 100 Shandong Top 3 101 Xinjiang Number of Newspapers Published (2007) 15 55 Source : National Bureau of Statistics of China – China Statistical Yearbook 2008 http: //www. stats. gov. cn/en. Gli. SH/ 11
Number of Newspapers Published in China (By Province) Province Number of Newspapers Published (2007) Population (2007) Number of newspapers published per 1 m persons Guangdong 94, 490, 000 Xinjiang 100 20, 950, 000 Shandong Shanghai Jiangsu Zhejiang Top 3 101 85 74 80 70 93, 670, 000 18, 580, 000 76, 250, 000 50, 600, 000 Source : Population : National Bureau of Statistics of China. (2008). China population and employment statistics yearbook 2008. Beijing: China Statistics Press. 1. 06 4. 77 0. 91 3. 98 1. 04 1. 38 12
Raw number Trends? n Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang very strong in Book and Magazine publishing q n Guangdong, Xinjiang strong in Newspaper publishing but not per capita q n Yangtze River Delta. . High Population areas Pearl River Delta and Far West Ningxia and Tibet are Lowest rankings in all communications q Population an impact Steve O’Connor ETD June 2009 13
Population drivers n n Strongest official producers are in the Yantze River Delta Strongest Newspaper producers are Xinjiang and Shanghai by a good margin Clearly the intellectual production area is in the area Shanghai/Jiangsu/Zhejiang Statistics are distorted by the absence of unofficial private publishers data
New Reform n Publishing in China q q q q 579 Book Publishing Houses Unofficial estimates of private publishing houses at 10, 000 (around 50% around Beijing) 2007 Total revenues of 125. 18 billion RMB less than many European major publishers Average print run of 5, 000 Each ISBN or ISSN costs between 15, 000 and 50, 000 RMB To be re-structured into 6 or 7 Larger units Private equity to 49% By Contrast 31, 821 publishers and 2653 internet publishers in the USA
Source : National Bureau of Statistics of China http: //www. stats. gov. cn/en. Gli. SH/ Steve O’Connor ETD June 2009 16
Source : National Bureau of Statistics of China http: //www. stats. gov. cn/en. Gli. SH/ Steve O’Connor ETD June 2009 17
Publishing in China 18
Publishing in China 19
Publishing in China 20
Publishing in China 21
Publishing in China 22
Newspaper Publishing in China (Top 3) Province Population (1995) Han Nationality Other Nationality % of Han Nationality among Population Guangdong 70, 516, 300 70, 054, 500 461, 800 99. 35% Xinjiang 17, 056, 700 6, 781, 300 10, 275, 400 39. 76% Shandong 89, 625, 200 89, 190, 200 435, 000 99. 51% Source : 國家統計局人口統計司 (Ed. ) (1995). 中國人口統計年鑒 = China population statistics yearbook. Beijing: China Statistics Press. p. 68. 23
Tracking changes n n Orderly and disorderly change Growth in late ’ 80’s and early ‘ 90’s of media q q n n Cultural Revolution 1966 -1976 Tiananamen 1989 June 4 Even slower growth of ETDs slightly later Impact points q q q Reliability of data? Official but no access to unofficial data Other social and ethnic influences and changes Steve O’Connor ETD June 2009 24
There are Universities and there are…. n n In 2007 there were 2321 Higher Education institutions ( or, 1908 Regular HEI’s) in China Project 211 q 107 Universities n n Commenced 1995 Project 985 q 39 Universities n Commenced May 1998
Project 985 Universities No. Provinces No. of Institution 1 Beijing 8 2 Shanghai 4 3 Shanxi 3 4 Hunan 3 5 Tianjin 2 6 Hubei 2 7 Liaoning 2 8 Jiangsu 2 9 Shandong 2 10 Guangdong 2 11 Sichuan 2 12 Chongqing 1 13 Jinan 1 14 Heilongjiang 1 15 Zhejiang 1 16 Anhui 1 17 Fujian 1 18 Gansu 1 Total Nine institutions west of Guangzhou and Hong Kong 39 26
‘ 985’ Universities in China 8 Universities 4 Universities Nine institutions west of Guangzhou and Hong Kong 27
Statistics of research students in China Degrees Awarded (授予学位数) 2006 2007 33, 305 39, 592 214, 488 268, 154 247, 793 307, 746 Doctor's Degrees (博 士) Master's Degree (硕 士) Total number of Postgraduates (研究生) 28
Chinese Digital Aggregators n n n CNKI owned by Tsinghua Tonfang (Holdings) Wanfang currently owned by Ministry of Education Apabi Owned by Peking Holdings Steve O’Connor ETD June 2009 29
Theses and Dissertations in Wanfang
Doctoral Theses by Province (as based on Wanfang Data) Beijing 14231 Shanghai 13426 Jiangsu 8068 Inner Mongolia 67 Hebei 61 Xinjiang 47 median 2806
Steve O’Connor ETD June 2009 32
Theses and Dissertations of Wanfang Data 萬方數據學位論文統計(按年代) Statistics of Theses provided by Wanfang Data (By Year) 碩士全文 博士全文 Doctoral (Full-text) Master (Full-text) 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Total 20 24 5 13 7 24 30 61 37 37 19 66 65 147 287 474 1227 3218 18134 37602 43259 63777 79351 111107 142248 168233 186104 92690 948266 0 0 0 0 2 3 3 8 3 14 13 41 64 173 869 4440 8074 9071 11456 13701 16222 19187 19930 10573 7001 120848 博士後全文 Post-Doctoral (Fulltext) 碩士文摘 Master (Abstract) 博士文摘 Doctoral (Abstract) 博士後文摘 Post-Doctoral (Abstract) 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 7 17 23 50 211 360 522 558 741 774 766 618 287 83 5023 35 53 46 76 175 331 1362 10926 21884 19750 15376 14740 13953 14951 18365 22394 25163 25409 33532 40267 46879 67696 83657 115964 148874 178765 199697 122337 1242657 0 2 2 6 3 32 224 805 1211 1566 1736 1747 2107 2577 3399 4023 5523 6624 7986 8702 9779 12345 15001 17587 20311 21333 20764 10332 175727 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 8 5 8 17 29 61 157 308 372 562 592 786 828 797 639 344 163 5682 Source : Wanfang – based on e-mail message from Wanfang (dated 15 May 2009) 33
Electronic Theses and Dissertations from Wanfang Data n n 230, 495 full-text/abstracts as of March 2007 16% Doctoral & Post-Doctoral Dissertations Liu, Dingfei (Danny). Accessing Chinese Dissertations/Theses through Wanfang Data – Databases and Services. Powerpoint presentation at Forum on Chinese e-Contencts: e-books & e-Dissertations (23 rd March, 2007) Steve O’Connor ETD June 2009 (Retreved from the Web in May 2009) 34
Theses & Dissertations in CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure) (http: //www. cnki. net): Major supplier of online resources on China, including electronic books, journals, theses and dissertations as follows: n China Academic Journals Full-text Database (CAJ) 1915 onward(most are retrospectively covered) 30558559 records in total, daily update 18071 records n China Master Dissertations Full-text Database 2000 onward, 737768 records in total n China Doctor Dissertations Full-text Database 1999 onward, 98435 records in total, daily update 111 records n China Core Newspapers Full-text Database 2000 onward, 5212104 records in total, daily update 9719 records Steve O’Connor ETD June 2009 35
What is really being collected? n n Doctoral Theses collected by CNKI and Wanfang Year 2000 plus but not all universities Essentially 985 institutions, or Top 39 Universities Highly likely that CNKI will take Wanfang over in near future; negotiations now very active Steve O’Connor ETD June 2009 36
Theses & Dissertations in CADLIS n Contains 250, 000 ETD A&I, including 60, 000 pre -16 pages n Tsinghua University: in charge of implementing CALIS-ETD project 80 member universities have built their ETD systems in local n n More than 10 universities have collected over 20, 000 ETD-full-text in local system n provides retrieval of metadata and browse of pre 16 pages Steve O’Connor ETD June 2009 37
Theses & Dissertations in China Steve O’Connor ETD June 2009 38
Access to printed theses & dissertations in China n NLC (National Library of China) (http: //www. nlc. gov. cn) n Print q Deposit Library for doctoral dissertations published in China, starting from the year 1981 as based on government regulations. n q Master theses and post-doctoral reports n n q n n - Collection of Master theses from some local universities - with over ten thousand titles of master theses and post-doctoral reports More than one thousand titles of overseas Chinese dissertations, n q - 120, 000 types of doctoral dissertations in the collection. e. g. - doctoral dissertations from Taiwan, and - some overseas Chinese graduate dissertation The Center provides reading (use in the library) and photocopy service document delivery services. NLC also maintains a database on viewing dissertations q NLC Doctoral Dissertation Database n n n Provides in library viewing of first 24 pages of over 60, 000 types of dissertations No photocopying No downloading Source: Extracted from the webpage of NLC (National Library of China) (http: //www. nlc. gov. cn) Steve O’Connor ETD June 2009 39
Copyright and clearances n n Copyright for Chinese theses mostly held by authors but a small percentage by universities and even Advisor. Hong Kong is a mixed situation, some with authors and institutions holding copyright. Authors still required to give permission to make thesis available digitally on the internet IR’s quite strong Steve O’Connor ETD June 2009 40
Access to electronic theses & dissertations in Hong Kong 1 2 3 Organisation Institutional Repositories of Individual Libraries Library Homepage of Individual Libraries Pro. Quest Dissertations and Theses ü ü City University of Hong Kong (City. U) ü With full-text üFull-text restricted to The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) ü ü Full-text restricted to Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) registered users ü Full-text restricted to registered users 4 The University of Hong Kong (HKU) ü With full-text ü 5 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) ü With full-text ü 6 Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Poly. U) ü With full-text ü With Full-text ü 7 Lingnan University (LU) ü with full-text ü 8 Hong Kong Institute of E*ducation (HKIEd) ü¬ Steve O’Connor ETD June 2009 * Theses not included at this stage (will be added to IR in the future) 41
Open. DOAR: Asia - 160 IRs are represented in the category of Asia (listing on 2 pages) Country Number of Institutional Repositories 1 Afghanistan 1 2 Azerbaijan 1 3 Bangladesh 1 4 China 7 5 Georgia 1 6 India 35 7 Indonesia 2 8 Israel 2 9 Japan 76 10 Kazakhstan 1 11 Korea, Republic of 4 12 Kyrgyzstan 1 Source: From the webpage of Open. DOAR [http: //www. opendoar. org/] Steve O’Connor ETD June 2009 42
Open. DOAR: Asia - 160 IRs are represented in the category of Asia (continued) Country Nos. of Institutional Repositories 13 Malaysia 7 14 Pakistan 2 15 Philippines 1 16 Saudi Arabia 3 17 Singapore 2 18 Sri Lanka 1 19 Taiwan 7 20 Thailand 1 21 Turkey 4 Total Source: From the webpage of Open. DOAR [http: //www. opendoar. org/] Steve O’Connor ETD June 2009 160 43
Institutional Repositories of Hong Kong available via the Open. DOAR Organisations Name of Institutional Repositories Size 1 City University of Hong Kong (City. U) City. U Institutional Repository 2 The University of Hong Kong (HKU) HKU Scholars Hub 3 The University of Hong Kong (HKU) Hong Kong University Theses Online (HKUTO) 11850 items 4 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Institutional Repository (HKUST Repository) 3044 items 5 Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Poly. U) Poly. U Institutional Repository 1075 items Source: From the webpage of Open. DOAR [http: //www. opendoar. org/] Steve O’Connor ETD June 2009 1773 items 44
Beyond the Great Wall n n n IR’s in China are not strong at all; not likely to be ETD in full-text will be centralised even more in CNKI Publishing reform in China will see amalgamation of publishers Seeking reform ( and control? ) of ISBN’s and ISSN’s Digital Aggregators will grow …. and collecting across region increasing Impact on wider publishing environment promises change but …
Promises much…. “As long as officials are still appointed by the Administrator ( GAPP), policies are drafted by officials whose major concern is to avoid making political mistakes rather than radical changes, we cannot expect much” Dong Xiuyu, Veteran Publisher
謝謝大家! Xiexie Dajia 48